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    Usa "perky" in una frase

    perky frasi di esempio


    1. Opposite the fireplace was a tap with a perky sweet little yellow that flowed cool from damp kegs

    2. She stood behind him as he read, her head much closer to his level now, her perky chest poking the back of his neck

    3. She’s a perky little old lady with intelligent eyes

    4. Sally the Sleepy showed up about a half hour late, finding Patty the Perky patiently sitting at a table by a window taking in the lush vegetation that surrounded the front and two sides of the rather rustic but exclusive dining place

    5. So now what? Was he really going to go out and shut off her lights too? He could picture her still, naked, over there by the window, soft brown all over like coffee with double cream, perky up-facing titties, a perfect tear-drop ass, that smile of hers, and fiery hot with emotions that made his dick pulsate

    6. They looked perky though, and appeared to have enjoyed their little outing

    7. Sylvia was on her fourth drink and really feeling its effects when, without announcement, a perky American woman sat beside her and introduced herself as Beth Tierney

    8. Guiding loops of cable that slowly descended from the crane, she had a perky manner he warmed to, and a likeable smile when she jauntily waved ‘all clear’

    9. Her breasts were not tiny but also not large, perky and well rounded, perfect orbs with small areola and hard small nipples

    10. listening with perky ears as he tried out his ideas on me, acting as his guinea pig and

    11. “That’s a good point, but you still owe me one for the scare back there!” he laughed, and in a moment of spontaneous, mischievous temptation, he slid his hands up her torso, under the top row of gauze strips, to cup her small but perky and beautifully shaped breasts with his fingers

    12. Yes, the centers of her nipples got tight and hard, sort of perky

    13. "So if they don't think he has anything to do with the murders, we all clear," Weeks said a little perky

    14. Xavier had taken off her nightgown and was looking at her round and perky breasts

    15. Perky Mary Hart was in the middle of offering up all the latest

    16. Myra was entirely too perky for anyone’s mood

    17. “What’s up?” she said in her perky voice

    18. He couldn't help but to look at her perky breasts another time before noticing that her face was showing the age of 18 or 19

    19. with surprise that his cock was stiff and perky

    20. towards her perky breasts as the heavy kissing continued

    21. I imagined her to be especially perky today and that alone excited me enough to pick up the pace

    22. heavy side, but still an attractive woman with a perky rose-colored

    23. Are you wanting to register?” Even though her voice was still perky, her face grew sour

    24. Before Dave could respond, in walked a perky, healthy-looking young lady in white

    25. The pleasant and almost too perky young lady at the desk said that a Christian monk from the mainland, Pennsylvania she thought, was some sort of natural doctor

    26. waitress dress, complete with perky hat, white nurse's

    27. I couldn’t help but notice that it made Sue’s breasts even more perky

    28. “I never thought of that,” Kate said in a now more perky

    29. At the same time, in a perky manner, Sue hummed in a negative,

    30. her lips together again and in a perky manner, shook her head a little in the

    31. It wasn’t a bad thing to be engulfed by these wonders but they weren’t their perky selves and it started to make me uncomfortable

    32. sidewalk where it bounced off of a freestanding dustbin with a perky “pling!”

    33. I wasn't expecting her to be flying around on a broom with a pointy hat, but I wasn't expecting a perky fitness instructor, either

    34. “Oh, hi, Carol,” she said in a perky tone that was entirely incongruous with her manner

    35. "Ten more minutes!" the annoyingly perky teacher called out

    36. Hoping her butt looked cute and perky in her a-little-too-tight jeans, she stepped up to the edge of the carpet and gave it her all

    37. Cami was just as glad—being that perky always made her face tired

    38. „Naturally I agreed,' she said perky as a playful pup, „and I discovered that although orb

    39. She was now thirty, he calculated, but she was as slim and perky as she had been at twenty

    40. Colleen said all this with the perky ruthlessness of a teenager who knew she had decades before such humiliations touched her

    41. 'But this one is taller than some and fairer than most, and he has a cleft in his chin: perky chap with a bright eye

    42. George giddily traced the outline of her bra as he opened the door to his suite at the Clift; he was imagining her perky tits jiggling in front of him, and those mooning eyes staring into his

    43. She was a dark-haired anchorperson type, perky as a chipmunk

    44. They were just typical “cheesecake” fare—Marilyn striking an uncomfortable-looking pose with her arms extended over and behind her head, her perfect breasts perky and round, her back arched seductively, and her bent legs and hip discreetly covering her nether regions

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