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    Usa "permeable" in una frase

    permeable frasi di esempio


    1. offered social mobility? Could it be that the class structure was permeable and open to achievement? Could it be that Marxism is wrong?

    2. The brain is chemically controlled, and experience has shown that it can be made permeable to the superfluous aspects of Mind-at-Large by modifying the normal chemistry of the body

    3. and permeable than it has been historically

    4. lasting life of a star for the selectively permeable form of

    5. Once they arrived out of the permeable shield, they sat in the shade of a nearby tree beside the river and dozed off

    6. The CEDI system uses a combination of mixed resin, selectively permeable membranes, and an

    7. Each head reveals a peculiar self-character encapsulated with sex, magic to direct a permeable form of temptation

    8. It is then that we can begin to experience our existence not as isolated selves, but as permeable coagulates in the flow of communication

    9. As you move in and out of many dimensions of Being and even beyond experience itself, the boundaries between all of these dimensions become very permeable and inconsequential

    10. This activates a perpetual reconditioning of the genetic makeup that allows selectively permeable cells that make up the human body to keep producing brand new living cells that do not reproduce through regular cell division by creating an exact clone of the cell that produced it

    11. The star people could only trade the everlasting life of a star for the selectively permeable form of reproduction that the energy of the stars occupied

    12. extracellular dialysates of the brain are sampled through a membrane that is permeable

    13. Couldn't he feel how hard it was? Only the thinnest layer of flesh was permeable

    14. Double layers of even permeable cloth will help keep out rain if well angled (see Camp Craft)

    15. They are comfortable to wear, with good thermal insulation, but permeable to air and water vapour

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