Usa "permutation" in una frase
permutation frasi di esempio
1. After half an hour trawling through Google with every possible permutation on that selection, I give up
2. permutation of letters and numbers, was out of
3. Who else possessed such an intimate knowledge of the system? If truth be told, he had become weary of the people inside; there seemed nothing else he could learn from them, when every permutation of interaction had apparently been exhausted
4. write out every permutation by hand is to use what is called the factorial, denoted by the “!” symbol
5. Chris needed no urging and after a round of coke each they got into every conceivable permutation imaginable
6. Conditions that are Actually infinite do have finite cycles that come to a finite end… but only within the Infinite Conditions themselves, only as a fleeting permutation of Actually Infinite Conditions, only in the present as an aspect of the Dynamic of Splitness
7. The bursting out of leaves in the Springtime is an infinite permutation of the original infinite bursting-out of our 3-dimensional Universe into new forms of Organic Life
8. Everything around you is a recreated permutation of the past… a past going back beyond the birth of our living Universe, all the way back to the original conditions and dynamics of formation which happened before our Universe was born
9. By using the Dynamic of Permutations of certain basic structures: the Universe is continually creating a more Dynamic Balance by the permutation of certain basic structures already in existence
10. But the Dynamic of Relative Equality: determines and governs the exact outcome of every new permutation and possibility in the Universe
11. Only to be re-created again in a different permutation which is more dynamically balanced
12. Modern Western civilization is basically a recreated modern permutation of Roman civilization
13. Roman civilization was a recreated permutation of Greek civilization
14. Greek civilization was a recreated permutation of Persian civilization
15. Persian civilization was a recreated permutation of Babylonian civilizations Babylonian civilization was a recreated permutation of Egyptian civilization
16. The present is never as an exact recreation of the past, it is a variation, a permutation of the past
17. Everything that is new is merely a permutation of something old
18. Everything that is new, is merely a mutated permutation of the old
19. As you gain experience in short-selling, you might find a particular permutation of stop-loss policies that works best for you, but whatever the case it is extremely important to always have a clear exit plan and point for any short position that is taken
20. ABC is one possible outcome or permutation
21. In this chapter, we develop improved methods for testing hypotheses by means of the bootstrap, introduce permutation testing methods, and apply these and the t-test to experiments involving one and two samples
22. 1: How was the analysis of the cell culture experiment affected by the loss of two of the cultures due to contamination? Suppose these cultures had escaped contamination and given rise to the observations 90 and 95; what would be the results of a permutation analysis applied to the new, enlarged data set consisting of the following cell counts
23. With too few observations, we would make use instead of the permutation tests described in Section 5
24. In this section, we’ll examine the use of the binomial, Student’s t, permutation methods, and the bootstrap for comparing two samples and then address the question of which is the best test to use
25. Straightforward application of the permutation methods discussed in Section 5
26. Imagine how many years it would take us to look at all possible rearrangements! What we can do today is to look at a large random sample of rearrangements—something not possible with the primitive calculators that were all that was available in the 1930s when permutation methods were first introduced
27. 20: Show that we would have got exactly the same p-value had we used the difference in means between the samples instead of the sum of the observations in the first sample as our permutation test statistic
28. Two were resampling methods—bootstrap and permutation test—that obtained their p-values by sampling repeatedly from the data at hand
29. The significance levels and confidence bounds of parametric and permutation tests are exact only if all the assumptions that underlie these tests are satisfied
30. Small differences in the variances of two populations will leave the significance levels of permutation tests used for comparing means relatively unaffected but they will no longer be exact
31. In this chapter, we derived permutation, parametric, and bootstrap tests of hypothesis for comparing two samples, and for bivariate correlation
32. Use permutation methods to test the hypothesis that the treatment does not increase survival time
33. Our permutation test consists of rejecting the hypothesis of no difference among the populations when the original value of F2 (or of F1 should we decide to use it as our test statistic) is larger than all but a small fraction, say 5%, of the possible values obtained by rearranging labels
34. The permutation tests we describe in this section are applicable only if all the zij (termed the residuals) have the same distribution at each level of i
35. But rank tests are simply permutation tests applied to the ranks of observations rather than to their original values
36. Of course, we would! In determining the significance level in this example, we must perform a two-sided test and add together the total number of tables that lie in either of the two extremes or tails of the permutation distribution
37. Perform the permutation tests and compare the results
38. Which hypothesis testing method would you use to address each of the following? Permutation, parametric, or bootstrap?a
39. Permutation methods should be used to make k-sample and multivariate comparisons
40. Permutation methods should be used to analyze contingency tables