Usa "perpetuation" in una frase
perpetuation frasi di esempio
1. The whole nation was built up by a Senate, or proconsul, that had one purpose: the perpetuation of Rome
2. The perpetuation of our breathing is not everything
3. In the continuing perpetuation
4. seeing her role in the perpetuation of the notion that something is
5. profit and for the perpetuation of the unspoken, but yet
6. part in its perpetuation, but leave it entirely in the hands of the more
7. Artemis was the most famous goddess of all Asia Minor and a perpetuation of the still earlier mother goddess of ancient Anatolian times
8. With the encouragement of big families it may guarantee growth for the religion but it also risks the perpetuation of the ignorance about God and the faith-imposed division of mankind
9. religious fanaticism are being increasingly infected by religious zeal that preys on the ignorant for perpetuation
10. the unceasing perpetuation of mythologies that attempt to keep extant
11. “We have been alerted to a gross perpetuation of movie piracy! Where are the criminals? Where are the ones who had unauthorized film screenings?”
12. Here, we expect another biological imperative to compel us to this: the perpetuation of the species
13. Family does not designate a clan of Us versus Them, but rather the smallest unit necessary for the perpetuation of a culture of love
14. with the perpetuation of distinct privileges, comerges the class of the enforcer, i
15. Yet, in the inversion of entropic logic, willing apathy creates hybrid-relational pathways in which the GlobalMind is mirrored in the Screened ciiborg and not only comformicates it, but acts through it, having it serve its maintenance, growth and perpetuation
16. If love is not the trans-culture, then the love of liberating self-creation cannot evolve to its fullest, since it will be constrained by a greater culture, which, by necessity, will be a self-cloning, homozygotic monoculture intent upon its own perpetuation, regardless the price or sacrifice
17. “Genes protecting their perpetuation
18. What is it to experience the GlobalMind not as we idealize it, but as it is trying to present itself to us, not its meta-I'mage, but its self-conception, perhaps even self-creation, generation, and perpetuation? Why meditate beyond this GlobalMind of our Eartheart? What is the purpose of transcending this unique awakening? If meditation is eliminating the ego's filter so as to bathe naked in Awareness, if we can find interface – comformicating enlightenment, not silent ignorance – then we can EMerge within the awakening consciousness of the GlobalMind, electric with the incoherent transcendence that is the mechanism of evevolutionary change leaping mutations and skipping genius-rations of creation's serendipitous accidents
19. The perpetuation of everything is trans-species; it is not instinctual to care for all, but rather universal love is willfully evolved
20. The perpetuation of individual college tuition, the antithesis of Wise Education, is just a way to keep the ordinarily or under privileged person in debt to the elite owner class
21. This is the educational emergency at the beginning of the Age of Crisis: if we don't figure out how to live as a wise culture now, IT is ready to implement a smart system that will best utilize us for IT's advancement, growth, perpetuation and fulfillment of IT's dreams and ideals
22. Economic systems uncontrolled and unregulated go feral and consume people for their own perpetuation
23. In the US of All, The StateCo is not concerned with the health of the people, but rather the perpetuation of itself
24. Thus, there was something sadly perverse when the people finally protested against their country's initiation and perpetuation of foreign hostilities with a rallying cry that unified left and right alike, "Bring our Nanny WarBucks home
25. Otherwise, you have merely insured the perpetuation of each generation not growing up as they were supposed to and as they were designed to
26. The history of civilization is an endless perpetuation of narrow, destructive self-interests of powerful, wealthy elites
27. The tool has created civilization as the only way to guarantee the preservation and perpetuation of its own use and existence
28. They are directly responsible for the more than 12,000 year-old custom and tradition of humans overpopulating themselves, and they are directly responsible for the perpetuation of this evil sick sexual lust being perpetuated by civilized humans for more than 12,000 insane years
29. that “celebrate” the perpetuation of mystery
30. The practice at least bespeaks the perpetuation of ancient belief in the survival of the souls of the dead
31. Let us rather reply that it seems easier to believe in a final triumph of right upon earth than to believe in an indefinite perpetuation of the reign of evil, or of the chaos which is termed modern Christendom
32. In Plato's dialogue these words stand for extinction of life, for that idea only, and in the strongest possible contrast to the idea of perpetuation of being
33. perpetuation would only serve to keep the miracle of psychic manipulation and its
34. Here was a man who grumbled at the present state of things, yet took no trouble to think for himself and try to alter them, and who at the first chance would vote for the perpetuation of the System which produced his misery
35. It had seemed a problem, at first: how to go off in the fall to this machine for the perpetuation of class privilege without also returning to the family for whom its earth sciences building was named
36. Mivart asks: "Is it conceivable that the young of any animal was ever saved from destruction by accidentally sucking a drop of scarcely nutritious fluid from an accidentally hypertrophied cutaneous gland of its mother? And even if one was so, what chance was there of the perpetuation of such a variation?" But the case is not here put fairly
37. In giving to the constitution that construction which sound policy requires, and a just regard to the harmony of the States and the perpetuation of their Union dictates, I cannot find any part of it authorizing the exercise of a power which, from its nature, is obnoxious, its tendency alarming, and its influence in the hands of those who manage its concerns irresistible
38. Since the establishment of the bank, the States have created banks—their people have accumulated capital, and they will not tamely witness the perpetuation of an institution whose strength can at any moment overthrow whatever State bank they may mark for destruction
39. For this, in 1811, fifty thousand dollars were paid out of the public Treasury to John Henry, for the obvious purpose of enabling the American Cabinet to calumniate their political opponents, on this very point of British influence, upon the eve of elections, occurring in Massachusetts, on the event of which the perpetuation of their own power was materially dependent