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    Usa "personally" in una frase

    personally frasi di esempio


    1. Don't take it personally but that's the problem with all the Yingolian crystals

    2. The wizards of the Kassikan have been thru this, personally, since before people on Earth could write, you can't sustain a society that uses energy at a greater rate than that supplied by the sun

    3. She wondered how much of it he was personally missing, it might be several, maybe pounds

    4. Those of us who have some fund to spare and do not have the energy to personally help the needy can route their financial through these NGOs

    5. He had a lot of experience with the press and knew many of the correspondents personally, but he had rarely given press conferences

    6. Personally doostEr was more comfortable with the Brazilians he had met than some who lived out here on the sear plains

    7. the hospital where I personally knew the doctors

    8. He was the one who hell knew personally

    9. The first time Glenelle really became personally uncomfortable about it was when Ava told her sister on the ground that Glenelle was with her now and they all realized that Ava on the ground knew her almost as well as this Angelic Ava who was her best friend

    10. ! A few days later, Aphrodite will inform me Billy is interested in lucid dreaming a lot, and Alexander has been teaching him in private! What a serious person for the guru to teach personally! Is Bill supposed to be balanced enough for this? ?

    11. not willing to object the matter passed and resentment followed (I have personally known of that happening)

    12. During the meal she talked him into taking her up to henarDee to tell Kulai personally

    13. I personally operate best with that word as

    14. I don’t personally believe that the Antichrist is Satan in the flesh, but I do see the parallel that others are drawing

    15. I personally think that he was just looking for a legitimate excuse for Gilla to throw her arms round him … but that could be me being sceptical, I suppose!

    16. I had been warned that there would be a large number of people at the ceremony, but even that did not prepare me for the crowds which are gathered outside the Gotteshouse and the amount of attention I personally attract

    17. A large black dragon with 20 of his cohorts personally sought out and attacked Jackson and Sarah

    18. He wasn't familiar with their terminology, especially since he personally thought it was pseudo-science

    19. That stops me dead in my tracks, Alastair has never, but never, told me how my performance affects him – technically, yes, personally, never

    20. personally chosen the bats,' Ish said with as much heart as Omi's dad said his

    21. He excused himself from the group and personally saw to it that a robust fire was prepared, and the softest bedding was laid on their bed

    22. Over the past few months, I have actually personally been hacked

    23. I only send offers that I have personally tested myself and I feel they

    24. I might not have personally had that conversation with you, but I thought everyone who knew about me, knew that also

    25. She knew some of the artists he collected, one of them personally

    26. “Anyone who didn’t read the campus news would never know unless it was someone they knew personally

    27. She could not believe that the Kassikan itself, especially the founders that she knew personally, could have deliberately overdosed Tdeshi to proceed with the transfer

    28. She knew no one was technically above suspicion, but was he telling her personally that she was not above suspicion? “Althart knows these things about himself and he will not want to discuss it with you

    29. “I know a founder personally, I know he would have done no such thing

    30. All that meant was that it was someone with personal access to one of the committeemen, and everyone on that crew could easily gain personal access to a member of that committee, many of them knew a member personally

    31. They both surrendered to the solemn charge laid upon them, and each personally, privately, vowed to maintain her equilibrium and promise of service

    32. On that afternoon, Titania and Hipolyta with Jameson sat around the big table in the great room with their elders and listened as George read aloud a copy of the notice delivered personally by the Council Secretary to all store owners in the village

    33. “I am very pleased, in fact personally honored, to confer this village School's first diplomas upon Jameson Aloysius Connor, Hipolyta Belle Livingson, and Titania Belle Livingson with top honors

    34. Titania made sure that he knew they were missing him, and about how Jameson was being personally trained by the head chef

    35. Spelman personally by wire, offering his parents' lodges in Tahoe as a retreat to himself and Kaitlyn as they regained their footing

    36. Britainic for New York and then set off by train to San Francisco---part of the conditions for Harold's extensive honeymoon holiday from the offices was to deliver certain matters personally into the hands of his counterpart there, only then to enjoy the sights and settling in Tahoe for an extended stay

    37. “I have met with each of your professors personally, and have received their every assurance that while you still have a few weeks and final examinations to undergo, it will not be to the detriment of this College to allow you the right of processing with the Leavers during this Commemoration's ceremonies

    38. "But then I saw the marks, the ones I, if not personally placed there – allowed to happen" he struggled with each word

    39. Personally I think you have too much substance to be happy as a sex entertainer

    40. He was personally under the supervision of a Mr

    41. It hadn't occurred to him that his plans would, of necessity, be presented by him personally

    42. “I am personally very impressed with these submissions, quite frankly you've made my job far simpler indeed

    43. On the other hand she would miss him, professionally and personally, for the duration of his absence

    44. It is unfortunate that I have to speak to you personally, I hope you will listen carefully to what I have to say

    45. He told me that Congressman Denny Smith personally called Immigration and the State Department and that you should have your visa by August 15

    46. I said personally I love military people but I since I live 35 miles away from Lackland Air Force Base, I didn't think it would be convenient for a young soldier to live in my house

    47. I assure you I am personally acquainted with astronomers who are very capable of making these measurements

    48. For her grumpy mentor, this amounted to a virtual armory which she personally had to rip from his hands – and he had been complaining about it ever since

    49. This could be the company budget for a year, he'd never personally rubbed five coppers together since he bought his house, much less a hundred

    50. Personally Klowa was glad she came to him, she was a delight to watch and listen to

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    Sinonimi per "personally"

    personally in person individually particularly characteristically specially specifically