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    Usa "petroleum jelly" in una frase

    petroleum jelly frasi di esempio

    petroleum jelly

    1. Wide mouthed jars coated with petroleum jelly on the top

    2. It’s found in ammonia, anesthetics, antihistamines, artificial limbs, artificial turf, antiseptics, aspirin, auto parts, awnings, balloons, ballpoint pens, bandages, beach umbrellas, boats, cameras, candles, car battery cases, carpets, caulking, combs, cortisones, cosmetics, crayons, credit cards, curtains, deodorants, detergents, dice, disposable diapers, dolls, dyes, eye glasses, electrical wiring insulation, faucet washers, fishing rods, fishing line, fishing lures, food preservatives, food packaging, garden hose, glue, hair coloring, hair curlers, hand lotion, hearing aids, heart valves, ink, insect repellant, insecticides, linoleum, lipstick, milk jugs, nail polish, oil filters, panty hose, perfume, petroleum jelly, rubber cement, rubbing alcohol, shampoo, shaving cream, shoes, toothpaste, trash bags, upholstery, vitamin capsules, water pipes and yarn

    3. To close the pores of the skin after plucking, use an astringent or soothe irritated skin by applying warm petroleum jelly

    4. The shiny petroleum jelly the nurses apply around the nostrils, the chapstick he puts on the lips, the cracking it can’t quite prevent

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