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    1. Can be used with Pest Pistol or the Duster Mizer

    2. Abdullah sits beside them with his pistol drawn

    3. Russ shakes his head, glances over at Abdullah, who is cleaning his ear with the barrel of his pistol

    4. He takes out his pistol slowly, puts the barrel against Khalid’s temple, pushes the hair out of Khalid’s eyes

    5. He cocks the pistol, turns his attention to John

    6. He reddens with embarrassment, sheepishly hands over the pistol

    7. Theo jumped to his feet and in one flowing action he had his pistol pressed to Travis's forehead, between the eyebrows, he held the back of his head with the other hand

    8. "Lies!" He shouted, pinned Travis’s head down by the back of his neck and turned his pistol to Betsy

    9. The road was just a country lane and as we got out of the car Jermaine pulled out a pistol and stuck it first up my left nostril and then into the back of my neck

    10. " Jermaine gave me a whip of his pistol

    11. He was still in good health when he died at the hand of an Aristocrat out practicing with his pistol

    12. Though a pistol cannot kill in the afterlife, the pain is still as bad and all the members of the Council of Faith and Doctrine were quick to draw theirs, Moamar quicker than any

    13. The same pistol that I had seen this morning was now pressed against my temple

    14. The man leant back in his chair and made it obvious that he had an automatic pistol stuck in his belt

    15. He returned to his seat and took the automatic pistol from his belt

    16. The pistol whipped across my nose, breaking the skin and splattering us both in gobbets of my blood

    17. Although he was not an exceptional swordsman, (her preference), his record indicated that he was a crack shot with a laser pistol

    18. “Yes, and before I go report to the captain, I want you guys to get started on a fifth order condensate detection pistol

    19. The butt of the pistol cracks against the back of the man's head and the job is done

    20. He knows that the man in front of him wants to run away as far and as fast as he can, but he also knows that the man is in shock, is physically incapable of moving, facing as he is the sharp end of a nine millimetre pistol

    21. No child on this planet ever lived in as much fear of the pistol as she did as a little girl

    22. Alex puts the pistol back into his waistband, picks up the drink and the bottle and walks back into the bed sitting room

    23. pistol with both hands in the approved manner, and squeezed the

    24. He dropped the flare pistol and sprinted for the ladder,

    25. He pulls out a pistol and levels it, waist high, aiming in the general direction of the stalled doctor and his lover

    26. Helen stares straight ahead, fixated by the muzzle of the pistol in Ken's hand, but the doctor sees her dip her head slightly

    27. His inner conscience is getting agitated, yelling at Billy that he should take his hand off the butt of the pistol in his pocket, but Billy shuts the last open window to his soul

    28. The pistol slips a millimetre, dragging against his skin

    29. Johnson’s hand was unwavering as held the pistol with a firm grip

    30. Johnson loaded the odd pistol that lay in his lap with something that looked like a

    31. Johnson stuck the pistol

    32. under his feet; holding his dart pistol with both hands, he constantly checked the

    33. With a pistol in each hand,

    34. stuck his pistol to her temple

    35. He left the armor, battle gear and weapons where they were, except for the pistol that he tucked into his belt

    36. There was a sedative pistol in his hand, cocked and loaded

    37. Alan darted back thru the door as the pistol came up

    38. The old pistol red-hot

    39. He hands her ear protection, then the pistol

    40. Two of the three went to care for their wounded brother, while the other one slowly made his way to Edrimer, a pistol gripped in his hand

    41. " The man placed a black pistol in Edrimer's bound hands and moved behind him

    42. The black pistol he had been given was emitting a smoke trail, and the man of Lady Dread now had a bullet hole in his head, and a river of blood pouring from it all over his body

    43. "I'm sorry, Edward," Derlick said, drawing his pistol and aiming it at Edward

    44. In it were several things that he had received from Serian on the day that he was recruited: a set of white Elastics, a pistol, two loaded magazines, and a spare SmartWrist

    45. With his face covered, and his hands and feet protected from any leaving of evidence, he drew his pistol and walked out from behind the wall

    46. Arkaneh raised his hands in the air, with a pistol held in his right hand

    47. “Swansea!” Professor Mendes blustered, and to my startled ears it sounded like a pistol crack

    48. ” Dena called over her shoulder twirling his pistol around her finger like it was a child's pop-gun

    49. While Fletcher was checking the cryo chambers, Chris took the opportunity to return to the bridge and retrieve the other pistol and one of the four flare launchers from the small locker at the rear of the bridge

    50. So we settled on the following course of action: I stood next to the loaded cannon holding a loaded pistol

    1. They draw pistols from shoulder harnesses, point them toward Russ and John

    2. "We would have to take away their pistols," Bin-Martis said

    3. "That of itself will not make the pistols disappear from their belts," Vincef said

    4. No one said anything about having a tech delete the pistols from their personal item list in software, that would be too simple

    5. I sat at the table surrounded by guards, all of whom were armed with M-16 carbines and pistols, eating cake and drinking hot, sweet, milky tea

    6. All thru it the crew sat and watched, the men of the council all had their pistols out and kept an especially sharp eye out for whispering among the rank and file

    7. We heard footsteps behind us, and turning so that we could see what was happening, we saw four men armed with pistols walk up and stand behind us

    8. Together we lay side by side defending the roads of Athens and firing our pistols at the Nazis

    9. with pistols, seeking cover behind their overturned motorbikes

    10. They all had pistols with them, courtesy of the

    11. The silver pistols glimmered in the sunlight as

    12. Carl raised both of his pistols and returned the gesture,

    13. load his pistols, feathers fell to the ground around him, like snow in winter

    14. Mainly 22 target pistols although there was also the odd 38 in evidence

    15. If they were meant to do him harm they had to be at least the size of the darts the android's pistols fired

    16. But then if they had probes like those available to them they wouldn't have been using those pistols

    17. They were carrying pistols in their hands

    18. The flare launcher might come in useful, but the pistols he wanted to keep from the other members of the crew

    19. I then went into the captain’s cabin where I searched for, and found, two pistols, some shot, and a funnel of gunpowder

    20. I took furniture, trunks, the cargo dolly, pistols, sabers, gunpowder, lead shot, money, pocket watches (of which I found five), clothes, hammocks, bedding, soap, books

    21. It was clear, as was almost always the case after a hurricane, and, with two loaded pistols, extra shot and powder, and a spyglass I was out the door

    22. From the cabins we took a nice windowed bookcase, a beautifully crafted wood dresser, a large sturdy trunk, a world globe, game boards, books, clothes, shoes, pistols and sabers, towels, blankets, pillows, soaps, lanterns, lantern oil, matches, a clock, pocket watches, writing paper, pens, ink, and wine skins

    23. There was a plentiful supply of gunpowder on board, but, other than testing the pistols and cannons, I hadn’t fired a shot in three years, so we brought only one small keg of powder ashore

    24. Hopefully, nobody else even knew about the existence of the two pistols

    25. Alex glanced at the pistols and walked empty handed to the front doors where Hans stood

    26. Standing in the trench later on waiting for the off we were dressed just in shirts trousers and boots and carrying only our rifles with spare clips of ammo in our pockets three of the patrol were carrying jam tin bombs and both Lieutenant Smith and Sergeant Wallace were carrying pistols

    27. The Military Police with their blancoed webbing and clean uniforms and their pistols in holsters attached to their webbing belts were trying to sort out the mess of people

    28. They had masts, sails, oars, a compass, lanterns, and a hatchet and small chest for pistols and cutlasses

    29. Marksmen like me carried rifles while some of the men had pistols and bombs and a few were carrying home made coshes with which to subdue the prisoners with

    30. ” We set off from the right hand side of the trench running as soon as we hit ‘No man’s Land’ we had nothing with us but the Majors and Colonels pistols so we were really travelling light I had left my rifle with Bert and told him to look after it

    31. This ship carried a supply of guns, pistols,

    32. When we’d completed our training they issued us pistols

    33. I took it to the box, opened it up, and found a dozen pistols with the numbers removed through what appeared to be filing or rasping

    34. If her hands had not been bound behind her, she might have tried for one of the swords or pistols hanging from their belts, but she had no hope of reaching them

    35. Our pistols were carried in holsters on the hip of choice, which caused tactical problems when driving or sitting in a police vehicle

    36. The training started with pistols, which made less noise

    37. We were taught to shoot pistols in the Weaver Stand, which is the best for the mean streets

    38. It was an eye opener for me to watch the old timers fire their pistols like a revolver, standing side on with one hand behind their backs as if they were competing at the Olympic Games or something

    39. I also knew that the terrorist's Tokarev pistols have penetration power which I have never seen before and twice of that of even a

    40. Pistols, though, are something different

    41. They bristled with swords, muskets, and pistols

    42. There were shooting ranges for rifles & pistols as well as mortars and air-strikes

    43. Yes, all had service pistols but most saw it as a last weapon and it was seldom used in riots

    44. One lad had a MAG (light machine gun), and all had grenades and service pistols

    45. I gaped, the scream caught in my throat, but the other bikers came on, pulling pistols from their leather jackets as they closed in on the SUVs

    46. Their other hands, she noted, held the butt ends of holstered pistols

    47. Two of them had had pistols, which they took with them, but the third left his rifle and what ammunition he had left

    48. and Max pulled their pistols

    49. will take more than a few pistols or shot guns in our home to defend

    50. ” Sven summoned two glimmering pistols into his hands

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