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    Usa "play on" in una frase

    play on frasi di esempio

    play on

    1. [Was this question designed to play on my short-term memory weakness?]

    2. Ackers studied the holographic display on the wall

    3. PCP includes the proper selection of the types of grasses for your area and the lawns use (are you going to play on it, walk on it a lot, or just enjoy its beauty)? Having a healthy lawn without harsh chemicals is really very easy to do

    4. Whose business is it if I choose to read or play on the computer until 4 AM and sleep until noon? I will dance with myself to those wonderful tunes of the 60 &70's, and if I, at the same time, wish to weep over a lost love

    5. The display on the reader confirms the transaction and a printer on a desk behind the receptionist churns out two copies of his invoice

    6. There’s a display on one wall of the work they’ve done which will stay there for parents to see when they pick their kids up later today

    7. The town folk made a point of inspecting the display once all was said and done; some even making rubbings for scrapbooks back home

    8. After the fireworks display on the fourth, Jimmy and Kit interfaced, all the computers located in different houses with the big house

    9. that Pick Bryant at short had no play on it

    10. Neither Roman nor Johnny had a play on it and the runner was safe at first

    11. Alternatively, the headboard may be a play on words and indicates that you are mentally bored or uninterested in something

    12. America had its best athletes in play on the

    13. There were too many memories being dragged to the surface, and I wasn't able to prepare myself for the tricks my own mind could play on me

    14. Then bits of body and gore would fall back down onto the sand lying there like meat in some kind of hellish butchers shop display on the beach

    15. ‘Do you have a feed of it?’ But as he said those words the display on the box disappeared as if a power cable had been pulled

    16. He couldn't see the display on Ronnie's

    17. Before him he saw lines of code, projected as a simple HUD display on a glass screen above the control panel

    18. For some golfers the ideal outing would be going to a major course and getting to play on it, knowing professional golfers had played over this same course

    19. When the kittens were old enough to scramble down our front steps to play on the sidewalk and test the grass, Mitzi hovered around them like a nervous mother letting her children cross the street for the first time

    20. Roulette was straightforward like blackjack, but more colorful and exciting, plus you could play on your feet and players were less serious

    21. There was a pervasive scent of cigar in the air, and the room was dominated by a huge sort of display on one side and of course, the only other man in the room, who I was right to presume, was Von Papen himself

    22. The graphic display on viewers’ sets indicated that the lap had been completed at an average speed of two-hundred-eighty-seven-point-three-three-three-seven miles per hour in a time of one minute and forty-three-point-nine-nine-eight-five seconds

    23. - So, do play on without worry, Ebira said and winked

    24. How the Moslems could play on that conflict isn’t certain, but if 666 represents the antichrist in some manner, then the conflict might represent a subtle kind of deception that might have attracted the Gnostics

    25. In a wild animal life film Vic would play one of those wild dogs, or jackals or hyenas waiting for the pride to glut itself on the kill

    26. the Bourgeoisie (the job makers), this same play on class conflict goes on in American today

    27. Say, it was a rotten trick to play on the poor old soul

    28. Thanks to Christian for this brilliant play on words

    29. that play on a woman’s emotions regarding her sexuality

    30. child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice' den

    31. The movie scene of Chloe being dead when he would go back home couldn't help but play on repeat each day

    32. I used to play on my phone and surf the net when I was certain no one was watching

    33. Lord Robert let the fading warmth of the sun play on his neck and bare head, and he sighed low

    34. The flight screen is setup similar to the flight simulator games he used to play on the computer

    35. 4 Then he gathered companies on companies to play on them; and when they played, it pleased well the children of Cain, who inflamed themselves with sin among themselves, and burnt as with fire; while Satan inflamed their hearts, one with another, and increased lust among them

    36. Q: Like a play on the stage?

    37. the witnessing consciousness begins to play on the person and

    38. She looked around and noticed a display on the counter

    39. teresting, is seen only as a play on the screen of the mind, with

    40. I hit play on the last played track “I love this song

    41. For reasons still unknown to me, those two male virgins selected me to play on their Midway Maulers football and softball teams

    42. In a world that defines the individual as autonomous and free to act so long as his acts do not interfere with the freedom of others, governments should play only a subsidiary role and should not be

    43. 4 Then he gathered companies on companies to play on them; and when they played it pleased well the children of Cain who inflamed themselves with sin among themselves and burnt as with fire; while Satan inflamed their hearts one with another and increased lust among them

    44. away in a drawer, as though he couldn’t bear to see them on display on the living

    45. placing her desktop display on the T

    46. currently the source of many interesting television shows that play on do it yourself channels on television

    47. Nuke warned Candace that Rapsar would play on her sympathy and attempt to steal her affections away from him

    48. We're both beginning to let a situation that we can't do anything much about play on

    49. That is our vision of the planet also, but there are certain steps that need to be taken in order to heal what is actually the base cause of the greed, the lack, the fear and these systems that have been put into play on this planet at this time…

    50. So that the “Newbies” and the “Guru’s” can play on the same playing field

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