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    Usa "plotting" in una frase

    plotting frasi di esempio


    1. "Darryl is plotting the motions of every snowball we pass, they are all in two families, those orbiting in the galactic plane and those of the halo

    2. "You should try plotting by burst duty cycle and warp radius," she said, moving quite close to him when she did

    3. She told me I was getting nowhere because I still had only three particle traps and was plotting on the first order

    4. It was as if, having opened her mind to the dark side in her plotting and scheming, she had welcomed in the spirit of the lycanthrope, although she remained sufficiently cold-blooded not to have changed her shape

    5. “As First to Queen Naria, I hereby read the charges: For those countless boys that you corrupted; for the many innocents that you stole from, raped, and murdered; for following a man you knew to be mad and doing his bidding; for attempting to kill Lord Tarak; for plotting to murder the Queen and aiding Lord Boras in taking the throne, you are hereby sentenced to death

    6. Both men were silent – Imorbis already plotting the creation of his ‘Destroyer’, while Anon pondered a way to stop it; to keep it from becoming a greater evil than even the Dead Tree

    7. I’d miss it all: The planning, the plotting, the discussions with

    8. variables when plotting the course

    9. weeks, he had actually been plotting to assassinate President

    10. Over time, these men became organized, plotting together to bring war and destruction to the Free Lands

    11. The damage a madman could do with the Power as a result of his loss of comprehension of his environment was serious enough without the thought of those madmen becoming evil and plotting against the innocent

    12. Waiting had none of the distracting qualities of plotting an escape or trying to draw information out of Hollowcrest

    13. Maybe involving him more in the plotting and planning would engage his interest, or at least keep him focused and loyal

    14. “Powerful people are plotting to assassinate you, and your enforcer girlfriend is making a mess of the economy

    15. To be Human is to be (irrevocably) linked with the Spirit, the former plotting its own self-chartered, oftentimes self-destructive course, the latter seeking an aggressively ―passive‖ unanimity with God

    16. Some were pro fascist, even working with Hitler and taking part in the Holocaust or plotting to overthrow FDR and install fascism in the US

    17. Was Tucker plotting a military coup? The poor guy’s mind was jumping all over the place

    18. Nevertheless, the community of foreigners in Havana was riddled with agents and organizations plotting rebellion

    19. They were discovered plotting to blow up ten planes, using similar tactics to those used by Al-Qaeda on the twin towers in New York

    20. Hilderich had been busy resting most of the time at first, but he did spend some time with the machine, which naturally saw to the daily routine of maintaining the ship, checking and plotting their course, as well as trying to update Hilderich on the workings of the universe and the general state of affairs in the civilized galaxy

    21. In 644 he was chosen caliph by a board of six electors supposedly named by the second caliph, Omar (Umar), before his death…His (Othman’s) substitution in important state positions of his own favorites and kinsmen for the officials appointed by his predecessors left a rejected group with considerable power and prestige plotting against him

    22. Every time I looked around the joint, I saw two black and green apparitions in the shadows; there was no doubt they were planning and plotting something against me

    23. When Apsu heard this, His face beamed for the evil He was plotting against the gods, His children

    24. Do you suppose he is plotting another poem?"

    25. No one knew what they were plotting

    26. It is important to know that there are some who are involved in government now, who are plotting similar deeds for 46

    27. The two of them weren’t plotting to take over Itam

    28. Council members who have plotted against her were all surprised to see that the poison had no effect on her, but they were filled with guilt for plotting against her

    29. He then looked at the Council members and told them that they should feel ashamed for plotting against her

    30. The other boy was busy plotting his transfer; it would be a freakish munch-fest once his specimen arrived on Derek’s

    31. I'll never know if it was just the plotting of my parents or the hand of destiny itself that set in motion the events which would soon follow

    32. In general, there is less rush, less running, less competitive spirit, less plotting, less violence and lesser stress

    33. my brother thinks I dedicate to plotting evil things against him

    34. So we hated each other, and though we were not plotting

    35. "Yeah," Bannister said, leading him past the operations counter to the map room where a Mark 128 radio pallet was set up on half of the big plywood plotting table

    36. Bull and Pooh intended to expose Millsap’s drug operation to the Press and skip town, but he figured out what they were plotting and sent Russell to kill them before the story leaked

    37. brightness over time and plotting the changes on a graph called a light

    38. “Percy,” Grover cut in, “if you were Zeus, and you already thought your brother was plotting to overthrow you, then your brother suddenly admitted he had broken the sacred oath he took after World War II, that he’s fathered a new mortal hero who might be used as a weapon against you…

    39. Whatever he and Anubis were plotting, I could wait for him to explain it to

    40. So, I was plotting my escape and a note landed right on my face, right between my fucking eyes

    41. My cods hung loose and full, slapping reassuringly against my thighs as I trod the boards plotting, murdering and brawling over power until the final humiliation

    42. The detective that visited Ashon was sitting in his car, an old blue Ford Taurus, looking at Ashon on the corner plotting

    43. applied for the chart plotting the bigger is a time span to analyze price movements and to determine

    44. ‘Those evil, inhuman creations of godless fools conceived in sin, are everywhere organising themselves, converting the weak, plotting against civilisation, and subverting God’s plans

    45. Two, Nathan wouldn't mind if you took over but he will wait until you are comfortable enough before he starts plotting things against you like he did against your mother

    46. He did not know whether the giant was plotting new devilries or had been summoned away by that muttering voice, but he wasted no time in conjectures

    47. 'And you, poor, silly thing! Plotting to send a hairy hill chief to storm Yimsha! It was such a jest that I myself could have designed, had it occurred to me, that you should fall in his hands

    48. Go upon the housetops and shout that Ascalante is in the city plotting against the king—if you dare

    49. plotting to infiltrate the Security Division of the RCMP

    50. Apparently, Craig used to have rendez-vous with fellow activists at some such places where they would hang around plotting for hours

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