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    Usa "political machine" in una frase

    political machine frasi di esempio

    political machine

    1. Truman was originally a small town hat maker elevated by one of the most corrupt, ruthless, and violent political machines in US history

    2. This town is run by a big political machine

    3. Such mobs were often the hired thugs for political machines used to control elections and neighborhoods

    4. Van Buren spent most of his life as a pure political climber, working his way up the ladder building a political machine, then joining the Jackson administration, going from Secretary of State to Vice President and finally candidate for President

    5. So they convinced Roosevelt to drop Wallace and replace him with Harry Truman, a nobody from a corrupt political machine

    6. Kim Il-sung’s organized political machine had “the formidable knack for creating associations with the allure of democracy and openness to the general public

    7. Colony Service is an important link to the Federation political machine

    8. looking for ways to combat the political machine that was at-

    9. More than that, I had come to the conclusion, that Islam was more a political machine than a

    10. Each issue and candidate must be evaluated independently on their own merit, without the mask of political machinery

    11. Teaching all the senators and congressmen that if you are not corrupt: you will not get any power, and you will not get any money: and the political machine will unite against you to blackball you and pull you out of office

    12. As such, a company that gets itself caught in the political machine can expect to be horribly mangled

    13. The two men personally had little love for each other, but as each controlled a part of the political machine, they were obliged to work together in order to produce results

    14. The question of constitutionality depends upon facts, dehors the instrument, of which we must be informed before we decide, and which could not be ascertained before the attempt was made to give motion and energy to this political machinery

    15. This is a part of the political machine, and its appointees are selected because they have done good service as ward politicians

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