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    Usa "populous" in una frase

    populous frasi di esempio


    1. China has been long one of the richest, that is, one of the most fertile, best cultivated, most industrious, and most populous, countries in the world

    2. Barren timber for building is of great value in a populous and well-cultivated country, and the land which produces it affords a considerable rent

    3. The famines which they are said to have occasioned almost wherever they went, in countries, too, which at the same time are represented as very populous and well cultivated, sufficiently demonstrate that the story of this populousness and high cultivation is in a great measure fabulous

    4. Such countries are accordingly much more populous

    5. But though the misfortunes of Italy, in the end of the fifteenth and beginning of the sixteenth centuries, greatly diminished the commerce and manufactures of the cities of Lombardy and Tuscany, those countries still continue to be among the most populous and best cultivated in Europe

    6. But Flanders still continues to be one of the richest, best cultivated, and most populous provinces of Europe

    7. In proportion to the extent of the country which they in some measure possess, the Spanish colonies are considered as less populous and thriving than those of almost any other European nation

    8. Quito, which had been but a miserable hamlet of Indians, is represented by the same author as in his time equally populous

    9. In spite of the cruel destruction of the natives which followed the conquest, these two great empires are probably more populous now than they ever were before; and the people are surely very different; for we must acknowledge, I apprehend, that the Spanish creoles are in many respects superior to the ancient Indians

    10. But that the monopoly of the trade of populous and thriving colonies is not alone sufficient to establish, or even to maintain, manufactures in any country, the examples of Spain and Portugal sufficiently demonstrate

    11. But those nations were by no means so weak and defenceless as the miserable and helpless Americans ; and in proportion to the natural fertility of the countries which they inhabited, they were, besides, much more populous

    12. Though both were extremely populous, yet, in years of moderate plenty, they were both able to export great quantities of grain to their neighbours

    13. ‘By now people will know something strange is happening, the broadcasters will be speculating; they will be telling the populous where it is occurring, and so the people are running towards the zero-point zone

    14. In consequence of those two apparently very simple and easy alterations, the duties of customs and excise might probably produce a revenue as great, in proportion to the consumption of the most thinly inhabited province, as they do at present, in proportion to that of the most populous

    15. In one sense this was the ugliest aspect of war, a time when the brutal reality of it is driven home to a populous who’d only watched in their media-fed comfort; the point when diplomacy had become an idealist’s daydream, and every strategic option used up

    16. populous No, that was situated among the rivers, that had the waters round about it, whose rampart was the sea, and her wall was

    17. As reported in the July 25, 1977 issue of Business Week, His country music radio station in Yankton, South Dakota, for example, might seem too small for the owner of seven costly TV stations to bother with, but it reaches five populous farm states with radio’s strongest daytime signal

    18. “While my nation is our largest, all of us, every single sovereign nation of us, right down to tiny Pinatupa with only fifty-seven citizens, are offended! None of us were officially informed about this great meeting, despite the fact that the leaders of our most populous nations received the warning of the elves yesterday, along with the rest of you! I was the first of us to learn of this meeting less than an hour ago, and it was as third-hand information at that! This despite the fact that every other nation of every race outside the Dark Continent were invited!

    19. If he had not had trusted friendships with the most influential monarchs of the dwarves and giants, the nations of those continents would not have been invited either, despite their being powerful and populous

    20. They are generally talented but poorly adjusted minor wizards adrift in the midst of vast and populous empires, where the majority of the citizenry are humans with no appreciable magic ability

    21. “Yes, for theirs is the only one of the more populous races to be united under one leader

    22. Moshe again stood before the newly frightened populous hearing the sounds of “I told you so!”

    23. Tula, whose efforts in this art of the investigation of the foreign adversity seemed to bloom of a vocation inherited from her ancestors, adhered to her person from the moment of her birth, and in this way, without very much determination or emulation, she appropriated of the human melodramas to promulgate them in all its extension, such as a decree, for the populous streets of town

    24. In past ages the goblins and stone trolls were also more populous

    25. Back at the coast we looked for a safe house in the washed-out beachside suburbs because they were now the least populous

    26. In this world state the small nations will be as powerful as the great, even as the small state of Rhode Island has its two senators in the American Congress just the same as the populous state of New York or the large state of Texas

    27. Not able to keep a job, the wiry Cajun had taken to fishing, trapping, poaching—whatever—hauling fish, gator meat, frog legs, turtle meat, ‗possum, ‗coon and an occasional wild cow or hog carcass to Miami for quick sale in the populous Little Cuba section

    28. There will be much done in terms of the rights of the people and the ability to raise one’s voice above the level being maintained by an orderly populous

    29. proposing it through tithing a populous held captive in the fear

    30. populous held captive in the fear of being damned eternally

    31. Because the trilobite was relatively large, populous and its shell fossilized well it’s probably the most well known animal from the time of the Cambrian

    32. The most populous country in Africa and the largest in area of the West African states, Nigeria was an early twentieth century colony that became an independent nation in 1960

    33. The most populous nation's mix of seemingly incompatible private and public ownership systems gives cause to reflect on the different schemes of production and distribution of goods and services

    34. conditions of the most populous nations should serve as a stern warning to reduce population in America and every other country where any semblance of intelligence may reside

    35. ‘’One mile high? Over 83,000 persons? But, that would make it the most populous place in the whole of Francia

    36. populous face full of unwieldy pimples sprouting in the

    37. Simple minds with ancient souls – memories far from the ordinary populous and

    38. One blip after another showed up on the map, grouped by regions in the more populous areas and sporadically in the less populous regions

    39. And it was not long before Muhammad’s Arabic socio-religious mix, facilitated by the Brahman follies and abetted by the Rajput foibles, made the land of the Hindus the most populous Muslim part of the planet

    40. And lest the favored lot of the powers that be should miss to savor the creamy cake of the world’s most populous democracy, there are the councils of ministers, chairmen politicians for assorted boards and umpteen bodies

    41. The world is a city smoky, poor and populous

    42. They’re still in a relatively populous region; farmlands line the road on their left

    43. One of the regions became a lifeless desert where once it had been a lush, green valley surrounded by mountains and populous gardens, due to the thievery, killing and other crime that now prevailed throughout the area

    44. “Sir, with all due respect, China will become the least populous country from the most populous one…”

    45. He did take stock in the fact that Hans was a professional, and frightened or not, he would never hit the general populous if he were infected

    46. Of the more populous countries, India does not have

    47. Although each Anzarin city ran itself separately from the others, Tyr was the most populous, most wealthy, and most powerful, by far

    48. Grimes knew that once Kim came to Vietnam they couldn’t hide her amongst the general populous as her father would eventually locate her

    49. the mindless many forming the greater thoughtless populous on earth

    50. This idea, being culture and not science is also the biggest lot of hogwash ever invented by man to scare the mindless many forming the greater thoughtless populous on earth

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