Usa "pornographic" in una frase
pornographic frasi di esempio
1. Item: Homosexuality, all too often in pornographic form, is taught to and encouraged as a proper lifestyle for grade school children
2. ) Item, a local District Attorney tells a parent that state laws that prohibit the display of pornographic materials to minors do not apply to schools
3. He could also use your drunken state to take pornographic pictures of you to sext to others or to post up on the internet
4. After informing her that Josie would stay with her family, Agatha started insulting him, calling him all kinds of names, so rude, so gross and so pornographic they are not fit to print
5. Once, a field office manager invited a female employee to meet with him behind closed doors to show her pornographic material
6. Some of the ―ladies‖ enclosed pornographic pictures which Michael definitely did not need to see under his circumstances
7. He'll probably have extensive pornographic materials in his home or his computer
8. Pornographic publications and movies are replete with images of
9. We are preparing a series of pornographic materials that look like the normal stuff you see everywhere, but are high quality lessons in the proper ways a man should treat a woman
10. -Viewing of pornographic material (does not have to be
11. She told me that she would not object to nude scenes, as long as they are not gratuitous or pornographic in nature
12. ‘’Are you telling me that other young girls in this region also disappeared in the past, and that you found their faces in pornographic films?’’
13. Those are circumstantial evidence only and this man could pretend that he only finds the girls and that someone else produces the pornographic films
14. The first one concerns the sales and trafficking through state borders of pornographic material, meaning films and magazines
15. ‘’A new, previously unknown pornographic film production studio based here in Los Angeles, has started flooding other states, including on the East Coast, with copies of pornographic films and magazines, some of them involving clearly illegal acts, like sodomy and what many now call ‘snuff’ material
16. Apparently, his message was linked to a popular pornographic website that Mr
17. This is what they found: if a person had little or no exposure, when they saw some pornographic images, there was not a very big response in their brain; however, if they were watching a lot of pornography, whole areas of the brain started to become alive and stimulated - and these are exactly the same areas that become stimulated by someone who’s involved in drugs, or some kind of chemical dependency
18. Which image more pornographic: the hormone ginormous, gravity succumbing, ground dragging breasts of the Allmerican Butterballing, prizewinning, thanksgiving dinner, or a Triple Crown winning stallion barebacking a blonde with supersized McBoobs? This is the black hole gravity of an insatiable sexual starvation: violent porn in the bed-nasium and fist-fucking, syringe-semination in the bestial barn-scrapers
19. These are the scenes the news self-censors, finding them more pornographic than the advertised excessive consumption that profits from them
20. So, I ask you again, what is more pornographic, your thirteen year old Cuntry Club daughter texting her breasts to her gender ambiguous gym coach, or the child labor of missing limbs and lost lives in every product, the villages and nations ruined to a migration of extinction by the land grabs, research labs, and corporate conquests extinguishing all that stands between it and profit, the occupation of your boredom, and the preoccupation of your meritorious privilege? You tell me which is more pornographic?” EvEx concluded and hir images faded
21. So, ladies, the question to you is which is more pornographic, celebratory excretions, pedophilic entrapment, or mutilating labor?”
22. This is pornographic puritanism: turn your angelic daughter into a mini Miss Allmerica and then execute anyone who falls prey to your eroticization of innocence
23. “Sensationalistic news is a series of pornographic short stories of fear, threat, stalk, insatiable lust and conquest
24. Mixed in were pornographic photos of Natalie
25. Humans still do not want to face the nasty truth about themselves: we are a pornographic species that fucks too much
26. There were a number of explicitly pornographic paintings and strange pictures depicting conflict and violence
27. The result is an imbalanced sense and awareness of touch that is pornographic; that is the basic reason the human species have been overpopulating themselves ever since they stood up
28. made her do things which if described would render this story pornographic but even
29. They were forced to carve homosexual pornographic statues of naked Greek youths and young men for their homosexual patrons and the homosexual public to enjoy
30. The first two-dimensional photos ever spread in public: were pure pornographic filth
31. Some can block pornographic sites, while others monitor and record your children's activity on the internet
32. Some people claimed that he possessed pornographic pictures of children, presumably copies of which had been brought to court
33. Here in the pornographic palace, he was a long way from his minister father’s house in Indiana
34. ” Five, including Moznette, had lived in the pornographic palace with Louie and Phil
35. Of the sixteen rowdy young officers who had shared the pornographic palace on Oahu, only four—Louie, Phil, Jesse Stay, and Joe Deasy—were still alive
36. So that until they reached the final port, a trip of six days, the passengers acquired the habits of prisoners, including the pernicious contemplation of a packet of pornographic Dutch postcards that circulated from hand to hand without anyone’s knowing where it came from, although no veteran of the river was unaware that this was only a tiny sampling of the Captain’s legendary collection
37. It functioned as a watchdog agency against vice and led successful censorship campaigns against books it deemed obscene or pornographic
38. These are usually pornographic details evoking sexual desire, or details of suffering and death evoking feelings of horror, as, for instance, when describing a murder, to give a detailed medical account of the lacerated tissues, of the swellings, of the smell, quantity, and appearance of the blood