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    Usa "poser" in una frase

    poser frasi di esempio


    1. “What a poser” said Fred

    2. But he needn't have spent too much time on that poser, for by the time he had returned, just after George and Harry, a new voice was counseling and offer succor to Belle and to George

    3. It became clear, before their meal was delivered, that Harry not only had found the test 'clear and concise' but had responded to each poser with clarity

    4. is selected as the best response in the opinion of the question poser then it will be

    5. Did she just tell me I was a poser?

    6. Looking up, I saw Hailey and Emma standing at the other end of the hall staring at me and whispering to each other that I was poser and fake

    7. I walked over to them carefully and asked, "What exactly is it that makes me a poser?"

    8. Can real love, supposing there happens to be another chap in the case, exist between married folk? Poser

    9. Trey was a poser, so far as Ben could tell

    10. But it proved a nasty poser for Gollum

    11. All the same it was a poser for poor Bilbo, who never had anything to do with the water if he could help it

    12. He may be a drunk, a poser, and a coward, but you cannot fault that boy’s survival instincts

    13. This was a poser to me

    14. I should humbly call it a poser, sir

    15. That was a poser

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    poser sticker stumper toughie model poseur enigma bewilderment labyrinth riddle problem question conundrum