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    Usa "post office" in una frase

    post office frasi di esempio

    post office

    1. We have arranged for redirection, but you know how the Post Office is sometimes

    2. You know Aristethes, our post office man, well he and his son play the music all of the afternoon

    3. He strolled to the Redditch post offices and sent off his correspondence

    4. thirteen years before from the post office

    5. missed something at the post office? Heavens, he hoped not

    6. I'll send it as soon as I can get into the Post Office

    7. With this admonishment they set on down to the village where Beauty went to the Post office, clicked her fingers and a letter flew off the counter inside, squirmed through the bottom of the door and raised itself to meet her open palm

    8. Grimes as he backed his bicycle into the Post Office door

    9. When the Post Office was turned off at night it would sit there on the window and recite

    10. It would whisper until one cool night the gum hardened and fell away allowing the poster to flip flop and continue whispering to any official Post Office notice it came across

    11. A sudden torrent came from all the posters in the Post Office

    12. Apparently one of the canvassers at the election kicked it when he called at the Post Office

    13. “This is the Dart Post Office is it?” Said one

    14. the cost of sending a letter through the Post Office

    15. Hendersen needs to go to the post office

    16. He gulped down the remainder of the meal and hurried to the General Post Office

    17. And there was Lyndon Johnson, who thought he could handle Ho Chi Minh by the equivalent of offering him a local post office to run

    18. depot, and all of the post offices, but none of them knew what Station #2 was

    19. While walking to the post office in the Woodlawn section of the Bronx the other day, I was struck by the quaintness of an old, working class neighborhood where generations of blue collar men and women married, raised (large) families in unpretentious homes, worked and played, lived and died

    20. Practically they are nothing but a glorified post office to ensure corporation between different Police Forces in the world

    21. These ranged from generals upholding the law in southern states to Blacks working for the post office, one of the few secure refuges for minorities before the end of segregation

    22. Republicans also sent the Post Office into bankruptcy, forcing the funding of their pensions for 80 years, to try to break postal unions

    23. “A wanted bulletin, somewhere along the way, on the post office wall

    24. Calling him across to their car, the two men asked him if he knew where the local post office was

    25. After eating, Colling found a Deutsches Post office where he was able to use a phone booth

    26. Close to four-thirty, he retraced his steps to the Deutsches Post office

    27. Colling asked the Post Office clerk if he could telegraph some funds to an address in Wisconsin, U

    28. Jalesow was obviously bored and impatient with the process, but Colling noticed when they reached a town where a gold and white sign with the word Poczta announced the place boasted a post office, Jalesow said he had to make a telephone call

    29. Colling strolled down the street so that when Jalesow emerged from the post office he could not see him

    30. Colling waited until Jalesow moved off in another direction, obviously searching for him, then he went into the post office

    31. Jalesow parked the truck in front of the post office and indicated he had to make his usual telephone call

    32. Inside the front cover of the notepad was the telephone number Colling had been shown by the post office clerk

    33. He went first to the post office where he requested a line to Warsaw

    34. Hermann asked at a post office where he might find accommodations for the night, and they were directed to what was apparently the town’s only hotel, a small, run-down place on the outskirts that looked as if it had been converted from a private residence

    35. Services as well as its Post Office is alleged to have improperly steered UN contracts to several Indian

    36. The people there at the post office boxes were somewhat amused but they always accommodated her

    37. I have to go to the post office

    38. The post office maybe? I wish that my step dad were here since he works at one

    39. Banks and post offices all have slower days than others, too

    40. Our Post Office rebuilds were better than the original because the OEM seats for the little white trucks (LLVs-long life vehicles) were loaded with design flaws which resulted in driver back injuries

    41. The Post Office stands as a building of distinction and character

    42. After perhaps one year at Thomas Road Apartments, Dixie and I moved to Tempe, five blocks due west of the old Post Office, and 12 blocks from Sun Devil Stadium

    43. "This limits post office drop-offs and reduces the time and money spent on stamps and licking envelopes," says Bocherer

    44. something to the post office or to brush my teeth gets a hiccup

    45. “Park had made detailed plans to install me in far better quarters, and soon the entire broadcast operation took up residency next door in what had been the Ithaca Post Office in the nineteenth century

    46. Can you please tell me where the post office is, if there is one in this village? As for the blanket, I nearly froze my butt off last night and I plan to stay warm tonight, as we’re most probably going to continue with the search - if the woman is still missing by then

    47. “Yes, the post office is the last building before the bridge

    48. Every post office has copies of the wanted posters

    49. He led us to the post office

    50. That’s what a post office is for

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