Usa "pouring" in una frase
pouring frasi di esempio
1. She turns to Theo, who’s pouring a drink behind the bar
2. Start Cart will have your customers pouring strategic information into your head in no time
3. As Nancy stopped to watch, water started pouring down like heavy rain from the ceiling
4. Johnny froze in the act of pouring the milk onto his cereal
5. He was able to stop pouring just before the milk spilled out of the bowl
6. But as the knife slid across Fox's throat, Haques was surpised to see not blood pouring from Fox's throat but a nest of mosquitoes
7. ’ I replied, pouring the water into the mugs and dunking the teabags
8. John is capturing water in a bowl and pouring it into a container as Dave watches the sky, tries to keep the small boat
9. "I saw it on a vid screen down at Dolib's," that was the closest reliable pouring keg to his yard
10. Johnny did as he was told, pouring out a couple of stiff whiskeys that filled the
11. ’ I replied, pouring the boiling water into the mugs
12. ’ Stephen announced, relief pouring down the telephone line in waves
13. Ahmed and Ricci giggle drunkenly as Mohammed walks over, starts pouring
14. He stands, glass stopper in hand, staring into space for several moments before pouring the amber liquid into his glass
15. He turns up on time and the weather is being kind to us – it has been pretty foul for the last day or so, pouring with rain and blowing a gale, but today, the clouds have cleared and the sun has come out
16. So, while Betty and I drag the boxes of decorations out of the cupboard where they live during the rest of the year, the men bring in the barrel used for the tree which is kept in Fred’s shed for some reason I cannot fathom, and the tree itself which has been lying in my drive for the last two days resulting in me having to park in the car park but that was a minor inconvenience, though I didn’t think so when I left my mobile in the car and only discovered it an hour later by which time the rain was pouring down
17. I give her a hug and send her off into the hall where Nick is pouring sherry
18. ’ Renald said, pouring tea into the cups and causing Kara to wonder just how much Berndt had told him about why she was here
19. ’ Iain said, picking up the teapot and pouring
20. ‘How was Issa when you got there?’ Kara asked, reaching for the pot of coffee Friede had placed within reach and pouring some into her cup
21. “You know Kate, I’ve been thinking about those beasts,” Steve began as he was pouring honey on his second plate of biscuits; “maybe I could rig up some kind of a warning device
22. cave where a small trickle of water came pouring down from the
23. We have received a portion as a down payment, if you will, but there is a pouring out of that Spirit to come at the end of the age that will eclipse what we see and understand now
24. But this kind of pouring out of the Spirit will not be contained to the Church
25. We carouse with the captain and those crew members not on duty for a couple of hours before Drens, pouring the last of the wine into his glass, tells us to get off to bed
26. Gondin took it and began pouring from his jug
27. I shiver, and not because the air is cold, but more from the chill feeling pouring off the fields
28. The rain is pouring down in that unrelenting, I can keep this up all day sort of way that it tends to in Wales … at least from my recollections of the place
29. Berndt produces some oil and herbs and, although I daresay our meal would be considered pretty basic by virtually anyone, it tastes delicious after a morning riding through the pouring rain
30. I follow Karen into the room where Alastair is pouring drinks and suddenly the farcical element of the situation hits me … hysterical laughter bubbling up
31. We stopped to drink water and Alexis was already taking his boots off and pouring sand and pebbles out, cursing and sweating in the dust
32. "As long as the taps are still pouring?" Ava asked
33. ’ Relief pouring off me, I smile at Gary
34. Great-aunt Edith paused for a moment to let Annie take in what she was saying, pouring herself another cup of thick black coffee from the cafetiere
35. Just start at whatever feeling is in that moment pouring through your body
36. At this point Ava was ready to say ‘keep pouring honey’ and drink all they would give her
37. Naria rose and grabbing a goblet asked Rayne if she would care for some Tesh, as she was pouring herself some
38. The mild jolt of electricity pouring through his body
39. Yellelle was still naked and pouring water over herself, trying not to get it on her hair
40. She must have had the tea things all ready, because she is back within a matter of minutes and we go through the very English social game of pouring the tea and passing the biscuits
41. Pouring tides of the timeless sea brings forth what should have
42. 34And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on
43. she was saying, pouring herself another cup of thick black coffee
44. In between pouring pints and dealing with the steadily increasing trickle of voyeurs and masochists, he tries to get Bex into conversation
45. The boy begins by pouring water into the bowl and he has to stand slightly awkwardly to use the microphone while performing his trick at the camping table, but he soon starts to gain confidence
46. ’ I said, carefully pouring the sugar into the stiff egg whites and turning the mixer on very low to mix it in
47. When they got to the gloomy hallways at the bottom of the institution, he could see she wasn’t eager to go back into the rain that was still pouring onto the streets
48. Refusing all offers of help from her, he fusses around the kitchen, getting out plates, pouring red wine … ordinary activities which restore her balance, wiping away the memory of Chas reaching out for her, his hands clawlike in their eagerness to grasp her flesh
49. Alex whispers the name of his sister once, and, ignoring the imprecations pouring out of the blue van, he glides the car smoothly up to the roundabout and across the old bridge that leads into the heart of Barnstaple
50. pouring the beer in