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    Usa "poverty-stricken" in una frase

    poverty-stricken frasi di esempio


    1. In the past I'd condemned the tales of the old Cornish wreckers, the poverty-stricken coastal villagers who misguided freighters onto rocks in a grasp for survival, but now I understood and was playing my part in condemning the robbers on the Kaliantikos to their deaths

    2. It is as though the poverty-stricken coagulation which is the language of mortal man were broken into fragments under the formidable pressure of the Heavenly Word, or as if God, in order to express a thousand truths, had but a dozen words at his command and so was compelled to make use of allusions heavy with meaning, of ellipses, abridgements and symbolical syntheses

    3. Paul grew up in a family that was not poverty-stricken but

    4. It isn’t your fault that your parents never had to hide in the brush living on leaves and twigs through much of their youth, followed by scrounging around trying to make a living off the rough unyielding soil of a mountainside, watching their parents age decades in years and die a miserable poverty-stricken death

    5. Is a poverty-stricken day and a succession of such

    6. The 'retire at 65' mentality is for the lost and poverty-stricken - the digits on the counter - not for you

    7. The Royal Mile below the castle and adjacent areas that are now the most expensive and gentrified real-estate in the old city, were at that time riddled with ancient tenements without running water or services, inhabited by poverty-stricken families the like of which I hadn’t seen since Naples

    8. Despite this vital assistance, Tanzania became poverty-stricken

    9. made the suits look more like those of poverty-stricken prospectors and

    10. Some years ago I was very sick and poverty-stricken

    11. "You think yourself well off? Let me tell you," he solemnly assured her, "that you are positively poverty-stricken

    12. By poverty-stricken he meant her starving soul, and her uneasy, groping mind, and her heart that was well on the way to becoming a skeleton now that even Dwight had gone--all the parts of one that begin, evidently, to give trouble after fifty

    13. His claws reached out to grab the pittance of the poverty-stricken client as well as the fee of the wealthy

    14. than throughsympathy for her poverty-stricken condition

    15. Mikhail knew that now that everything did indeed happen for a reason; once he had this money he would start afresh with Marie, and finally free himself from his poverty-stricken past

    16. In austerity and poverty-stricken Greece such sights were becoming rare

    17. “Why do some human beings resort back to their savage nature when under stress or when poverty-stricken?” was a question that he asked himself many a time

    18. The chasm between us was too great, their lives too poverty-stricken, their education absent, their upbringing religious and fanatic, their milieu steeped in 98

    19. In those days, the beach had an entrance fee which kept the poverty-stricken and the riff-raff out

    20. have a burning desire to move out of the poverty-stricken terraced-

    21. mentality is for the lost and poverty-stricken - the digits on the

    22. They had lounged away in a poverty-stricken, purposeless, accidental manner, quite natural and unimpeachable

    23. The candle-end was flickering out in the battered candlestick, dimly lighting up in the poverty-stricken room the murderer and the harlot who had so strangely been reading together the eternal book

    24. The poverty-stricken Cervantes family had been all this time trying once more to raise the ransom money, and at last a sum of three hundred ducats was got together and entrusted to the Redemptorist Father Juan Gil, who was about to sail for Algiers

    25. There could be no doubt of the abnormal and poverty-stricken condition of the criminal at the time

    26. This crew paraded the town, howling and dancing, carrying flaring torches, burning the blue and red fire, and some of them singing silly or obscene songs; whilst the collectors ran about with the boxes begging for money from people who were in most cases nearly as poverty-stricken as the unemployed they were asked to assist

    27. visitors already alluded to, most of them the wives of wealthy citizens and retired tradesmen, richly dressed, ignorant, insolent, overbearing frumps, who - after filling themselves with good things in their own luxurious homes - went flouncing into the poverty-stricken dwellings of their poor `sisters' and talked to them of `religion', lectured them about sobriety and thrift, and - sometimes - gave them tickets for soup or orders for shillingsworths of groceries or coal

    28. These did not take much part in the business of the meetings; they paid their subscriptions and helped to distribute the cast- off clothing and boots to those who needed them, and occasionally obtained from the secretary an order for provisions or coal or bread for some poverty-stricken family; but the poor, toil-worn women whom they visited welcomed them more for their sisterly sympathy than for the gifts they brought

    29. What right had he to call them half-starved, poverty-stricken, poor wretches? If it came to being poverty-stricken, according to all accounts, he wasn't any too well orf hisself

    30. This explanation satisfied the lady - a poverty-stricken widow making a precarious living by taking in lodgers - who was the more easily deceived because she regarded Misery as a very holy man, having seen him preaching in the street on many occasions

    31. On the contrary, this festival was the occasion of much cursing and blaspheming on the part of those whose penniless, poverty-stricken condition it helped to aggravate by enforcing unprofitable idleness which they lacked the means to enjoy

    32. Outside the hail in which the meeting was being held a large crowd of poverty-stricken Liberal working men, many of them wearing broken boots and other men's cast-off clothing, was waiting to hear the report of the slave-drivers' deputation, and as soon as Sweater had consented to be nominated, Didlum rushed and opened the window overlooking the street and shouted the good news down to the crowd, which joined in the cheering

    33. A host of richly dressed canvassers descended upon Windley in carriages and motor cars, and begged for votes from the poverty-stricken working men who lived there

    34. A short prayer from Bosher closed the meeting, and now the reason for the presence of the two poverty-stricken-looking shabbily dressed disciples was made manifest, for while the better dressed and therefore more respectable Brothers were shaking hands with and grinning at each other or hovering round the two clergymen and Mr Sweater, these two poor wretches carried away the harmonium and the lantern, together with the hymn books and what remained of the tracts

    35. The Inspector-General of State Hospitals (whose maintenance is a charge upon the Gould Concession), Official Adviser on Sanitation to the Municipality, Chief Medical Officer of the San Tome Consolidated Mines (whose territory, containing gold, silver, copper, lead, cobalt, extends for miles along the foot-hills of the Cordillera), had felt poverty-stricken, miserable, and starved during the prolonged, second visit the Goulds paid to Europe and the United States of America

    36. Otherwise, he would never have made so little Fontaines, the poverty-stricken Munroe boys, the Jonesboro and Fayetteville beaux ridiculous a statement

    37. “So you can flaunt it before your poverty-stricken friends and say ’see what I caught!’ comfort themselves by whispering that it’s really vulgar to wear such large stones

    38. South Korea blossomed into a vibrant capitalist economy; North Korea remained an enclosed, poverty-stricken, and secretive Stalinist state under Kim Il Sung and later under his son, Kim Jong Il

    39. As for the mother, her appearance was sad and poverty-stricken

    40. The whole of this poverty-stricken interior bore traces of having been overturned

    41. Marius was poor, and his chamber was poverty-stricken, but as his poverty was noble, his garret was neat

    42. Beneath the gilding of heaven I perceive a poverty-stricken universe

    43. One there beheld in a pell-mell full of despair, the rafters of roofs, bits of garret windows with their figured paper, window sashes with their glass planted there in the ruins awaiting the cannon, wrecks of chimneys, cupboards, tables, benches, howling topsyturveydom, and those thousand poverty-stricken things, the very refuse of the mendicant, which contain at the same time fury and nothingness

    44. The poverty-stricken prostitutes from nearby villages followed in the path of the expeditions, improvised tents in the gullies along the shore, brought music and liquor with them, and caroused across the river from the stranded vessel

    45. "Yes; trade indeed! The trading class in my country is wretchedly ill-off; just poverty-stricken

    46. The things I saw were wild, savage, poverty-stricken; but they were free

    47. Well, not long since everyone was talking and reading about that terrible murder of six people on the part of a—young fellow, and of the extraordinary speech of the counsel for the defence, who observed that in the poverty-stricken condition of the criminal it must have come naturally into his head to kill these six people

    48. The other visitors were all standing on the near side of the partition, and were mostly, too, of the peasant class, except one elderly and poverty-stricken lady, one landowner, and a stout merchant, who had come from the district town, a man with a big beard, dressed in the Russian style, though he was known to be worth a hundred thousand

    49. Indeed, ask any man of our time privately, whether he considers it laudable or even worthy of a man of our time to busy himself with collecting taxes from the masses, who frequently are poverty-stricken, receiving for this work a salary which is entirely out of proportion with his labour, this money to be used for the construction of cannon, torpedoes, and implements for murdering men, with whom we wish to be at peace, and who wish to be at peace with us; or for a salary to devote all his life to the construction of these implements of murder; or to prepare himself and others to commit murder

    50. It is not alone in Russia, but in France, England, Germany, and America as well, that we find the wealthy landed proprietor, who, in return for having allowed the men who live on his estate and who supply him with the products of the soil, extorts from these men, who are often poverty-stricken, all that he possibly can

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    Sinonimi per "poverty-stricken"

    destitute insolvent distressed broke underprivileged impecunious impoverished