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    Usa "powder keg" in una frase

    powder keg frasi di esempio

    powder keg

    1. There are trays of cutlery in plain view here, knives and forks, a veritable powder keg

    2. ing fire in a gunpowder keg? Catcalls and whistles welcomed Harry as he moved

    3. It was a powder keg, ready to blow, and I was being sent in to find the proverbial ‘needle in a

    4. Brown has decided to light the fuse on a powder keg that has been

    5. And Rohan? What had possessed him to go along with a plan involving maids? Granted, removing Chambers seemed easier than removing nine powder kegs, and with Chambers gone they could empty the kegs at their leisure, one bucket at a time

    6. The entire plan depended on Chambers believing that the powder kegs had been set off

    7. Hampton Court looked asleep until Rohan emerged from the root cellar trap door rolling the last powder keg

    8. Did Marshall know they’d destroyed the powder kegs? Had the kidnapping been random? It couldn’t have been directed by the inert and unconscious Chambers

    9. Any one of these political powder kegs could have set off a European War but they didn’t

    10. If Russia had not mobilized nothing would have happened except a small regional war in the Balkans would have been fought and won and the Austrian Empire would have been stabilized long enough for Franz Joseph to become Emperor and begin his massive reorganizing and progressive policies which would have turned the Austrian Empire into a proud collection of multi-ethnic nations with their own Parliaments and their own self-respect and their own political autonomy, and the powder keg of racial-ethnic-religious hostilities would have died out in one short generation: less than 25 years

    11. Where he could keep an eye out for obstacles in the water or any more of those powder kegs the Dohlarans had floated down the river to greet them

    12. The ten rafts—plank platforms laid across floating barrels—had each been loaded with half a ton of gunpowder, painted black, and smeared with pitch, both to make them harder to see and to protect the powder kegs from rain and riverwater, and they’d drifted with the current like darker, solider chunks of the night

    13. A Powder Keg: Events Leading to the Great War

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