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    Usa "powerhouse" in una frase

    powerhouse frasi di esempio


    1. powerhouse inside of you to generate al the electricity you need

    2. It is the source of all that is good, and the powerhouse that keeps these worlds apart

    3. powerhouse that had won twelve state titles over the years, and boasted a 30-1

    4. The woman is a talented powerhouse waiting to be put to use in the twin worlds, Faery and Human

    5. The key to the Court’s powerhouse was fabricated in 1803 in the seminal case of Marbury v

    6. LEE MCINTYRE- A powerhouse marketer that has inspired many towards

    7. “There’s also a strong, nationalistic theme running through this drama that’s hard to pin down, but goes something like this: Japan was devastated militarily and economically at the end of the war; it was thoroughly humiliated and defeated; and it pulled itself up by the bootstraps to become a leading economic powerhouse in the span of less than 40 years

    8. Before she graduated in 1956, magna cum laude, she established herself as a national champion debater, outshining students from Brown and Yale as well as tying debaters from powerhouse Harvard

    9. Jack Benny and the Jets – comedian who predicted an upstart football team would upset a powerhouse in the late 1960s

    10. and are a powerhouse of protein and healthy

    11. France is recovering well from the damage caused by the Second World War but its economy is no powerhouse still and they have many other colonies to worry about on top of Indochina

    12. powerhouse that expertly negotiated risk

    13. will power are the powerhouse of our body, mind and soul

    14. He would occupy the position of controlling the powerhouse of

    15. You did not become owner of the largest network in the world and build it into a powerhouse over the past twenty years by letting a situation like this destroy you

    16. eye on the powerhouse in the back

    17. The old man then started walking towards the powerhouse, ignoring the ranks of

    18. Massachusetts, but facing the powerhouse of Wilton filled the student body with nervous

    19. powerhouse of the Universal Will Power, and the power is inexhaustible

    20. But it was too tempting for roosevelt to step in, and gain all the glory, and oh, by the way… become the greatest industrialized powerhouse in the world

    21. jump on their designated foes so that the players' powerhouse doesn't hog al the action

    22. His fat belly bounced as he walked down the candy aisle, first eyeing the chocolates—Marathon, Powerhouse, Snickers—then hesitating with a queer look on his bearded face over the other, stranger sweets the kids were eating this year

    23. They can’t be an internet powerhouse, surely

    24. That would be an internet powerhouse right there

    25. Our dam had no hydroelectric powerhouse, because it had been constructed with the modest intention of creating a pristine lake for recreational use and, in times of drought, a lake that could also serve as a source of water for a few major Maravilla County reservoirs downstream from it

    26. In this chapter, I help you develop a game plan for investing in these powerhouse metals

    27. Also, growth here is used as the margin of safety, not as the element essential to transform a company with miniscule revenues and negative cash flow into a world-class powerhouse

    28. We all know Exxon as the oil and gas producer and gas station owner, but they are also the world leader in synthetic motor oil and a powerhouse in the petrochemical sector

    29. Yet western Europe did recover, and pretty quickly too, to become a high-tech economic powerhouse

    30. Wave 3 is the powerhouse

    31. He would go on to grow this business through multiple recessions into a global powerhouse

    32. Her head lay upon a folded cloth, and no matter how she turned it, the humming of the immense powerhouse worked up through the cloth into her head

    33. Her eyes wandered idly about the vast interior of the powerhouse

    34. Her mind, in all its electric tensity, was flung about this way, that, down vast networks of powerhouse tributary

    35. They walked from the powerhouse quietly, saddled their horses, cinched on all of the equipment, and mounted

    36. ‘Can we come here again sometime?’ she asked, nodding back toward the powerhouse

    37. During the year 2000, Vietnamese robusta production topped 11 million bags, just 1 million bags shy of an average yield from the former powerhouse Colombia

    38. (KFT—NYSE) or Nestlé SA (NESN VX—SIX), the Swiss food powerhouse, but then you’d be buying into a food conglomerate

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