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    Usa "powerlessness" in una frase

    powerlessness frasi di esempio


    1. To dream that you are in a cage indicates that you are experiencing inhibitions and powerlessness in some areas of your life

    2. Nothing could be eviler than this powerlessness

    3. Someone cried? Filled with desperation and powerlessness

    4. In his summer blue eyes was the flicker of the same powerlessness she felt herself

    5. For long, she just sobbed in powerlessness and clung to father

    6. What combats powerlessness? Power

    7. Now I associate it not with my friend but with the powerlessness I felt as they dragged me to the chasm

    8. Roger’s lack of preparation to cope adequately with the complexity of his current struggles, his inability to handle correctly Josie’s behavioral patterns and Robert’s psychological and mental needs, and his powerlessness to check the downhill drift of his financial condition clouded his mind to the point that he may have missed some of Josie’s veiled overtures towards “married calm”

    9. You have recreated a situation of powerlessness, so that all the desperation

    10. itself to sterility and powerlessness

    11. bitterness of exile, the powerlessness of emptiness, the anguish of death that

    12. Of course, if you are happy in your powerlessness and poverty, then none of this matters

    13. Before the powerlessness, Leticia concentrated her attacks on my arms, which was the only part of my body that was uncovered, and like a feline began to scratch me skillfully

    14. Finally he spoke with powerlessness airs:

    15. The demon looked at me with powerlessness

    16. feeling, the feeling of cold rage, the feeling of powerlessness

    17. “Oh, how she demonstrated the powerlessness of wealth against her sense of purpose!” he said on resumption

    18. The had taken charge of their lives, where the old guard having been brought up in a world of personal powerlessness, had constantly tried to satisfy the basic human need to prevail, not realizing that it came from within

    19. On top of the Northwest tower of the Antonia fortress, Sartorius was watching with Prefect Coponius, Tribune Decius and a number of legionnaires the progress of the rioters, raging at his powerlessness to stop them

    20. This involves admitting their powerlessness over food, their belief that they

    21. Once life is approached from that angle, then the feelings of powerlessness and the suffering this manifests ceases

    22. It was only a matter of time before this growing sense of powerlessness turned into a blind, uncontrollable rage that would only be satisfied by turning against the women and dominating them

    23. The power can be seen like a bottle of coca cola, once opened the content rises out due to pressure and powerlessness

    24. If man thinks of that and makes some comparisons, he will know himself and realize his powerlessness, as he will recognize his Creator and His Grandeur

    25. Guardian, but there was a sense of powerlessness in this situation that held him in anxiety

    26. Engendering a sense of powerlessness, while training one in the prowess of problem solving by eliminating the competition that hinders your innate, god given, and right granted exceptionalism, is a Tipping Point Therapy controlled and coaxed path to produce and direct a collective, that is systematically thwarted, to will violence

    27. This is not simply a symbolic act of powerlessness against suffocating oppression, but an act of creative elimination: removing from the world things that destroy it

    28. To relive and accept the most complete powerlessness so he can acquire the power that comes from doing so (more than once he experiences the most

    29. By repeating the same type of situations over and over again perhaps we are stuck in repetition compulsion, but it could also be an attempt by the adult I to make the passage from total powerlessness before the mother to a real power, so as to destroy the devouring mother and the I’s own complicity with her (the Suitors must be destroyed and Homer speaks of this constantly throughout the whole poem, from the beginning to the end)

    30. Therefore darkness belongs not just to dark matter, it is found within the I and its purpose is to macerate the I in its powerlessness and prepare it for its encounter with the SELF

    31. This urge is very common among those who are faced with pain and powerlessness (In Italy in 2004 there were 58,000 suicides)


    33. Ulysses returns to Aeolus to ask that he give him the same gift again, but Aeolus does not hesitate to kick him out, which throws him into total despair and powerlessness

    34. But if he hadn’t had help from Hermes he would have again been in a state of total powerlessness; he was wise to listen to Hermes, but had he not done so he too would have become a swine

    35. But when before he had passed by the mountain where Scylla was hiding, he had again been thrown into a situation of complete powerlessness

    36. powerlessness because he cannot avoid being smashed against the rocks and he cannot find a place to come to shore

    37. And yet again, when Ulysses must face the violence of the Suitors, who have settled in his house and arrogantly devour his goods, Ulysses is at first in a state of powerlessness and he must withstand all the humiliations that the Suitors wish to inflict on him, without any possibility of reacting to them

    38. Just as his pain over his powerlessness was once enormous, now his joy for being able to turn his relationship with his mother around becomes just as big

    39. To be able to accept and fully experience powerlessness and center oneself on the Cosmic SELF are the two ways that Homer indicates can help us acquire the type of virile personal power that we need to overcome the devouring mother

    40. This powerlessness is similar to the kind one can feel in regards to the abuse of power witnessed in certain human interactions or couple relationships

    41. This type of powerlessness is similar to what human beings can feel when faced with an environmental catastrophe

    42. Strength is not violence, it is a power that one acquires after living for a long time and after elaborating one’s powerlessness so it can be transformed into personal power

    43. To be able to accept total powerlessness and transform it into personal power (an acceptance of powerlessness is a form of great power) is the highest form of strength that a man can reach

    44. Women can’t be beaten in the art of putting men into situations of complete powerlessness and total exasperation

    45. We must reflect on the pain of having to experience complete powerlessness before he can gain the power to gain victory over and destroy the devouring mother

    46. While in this state of powerlessness, he suddenly sees a man whose body is in good health, and whose face is overflowing with activity and vigor

    47. powerlessness is NOT what God meant for his

    48. With the invention of a new lifestyle, came authority: creating the imbalance of power and powerlessness

    49. the imbalanced dynamic of power and powerlessness, the imbalanced dynamics of authority, power, oppression, and irresponsibility were created as a norm of civilized existence

    50. Today, the imbalance of power and powerlessness, responsibility and irresponsibility, continues to exist all over the earth

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