Usa "precognitive" in una frase
precognitive frasi di esempio
1. Siddhartha Gautama spoke about literally developing awareness in terms of fractions of a second, to awaken people to the fleeting glimpses of an open, precognitive spaciousness that keeps occurring before things get interpreted in a particular perspective
2. The bhavanga is not a true vacuum because precognitive conceptual structuring of awareness still persists
3. The information received in precognitive dreams (clairvoyant dreams relating to an event or a state not yet experienced) is often said to be ultimately derived from the Akashic records
4. McCarthy, from the Heartmath institute, discovered that the heart can perceive the emotional future of things in a precognitive capacity i
5. Assumed dead, Ishtar had managed to escape just in time since Kali-Ma blessed her with keen precognitive instincts
6. Particularly if Whitefeather had any kind of precognitive ability