Usa "preparatory" in una frase
preparatory frasi di esempio
1. · It is the beginning of a new phase in life rather than a stage preparatory to death
2. Despite having to toe the line, doing all the preparatory work which Billy deigns necessary, by early afternoon, Chrissie is wielding a brush and contentedly applying pale apricot paint to the walls of the front room
3. institution, either theology, or something that was merely preparatory to theology
4. Preparatory action holds infantry to cover with artillery at the front, until the shelling has produced sufficient effect for a general advance
5. The configuration of the ground seldom admits guns remaining far in rear of the advance, but there is no justifiable hope in advancing strong masses of troops against an entrenched position without preparatory artillery action, and no assault should be ordered until the artillery duel has silenced the enemy's guns and shaken the defending forces
6. ’The only thing is,’ she continued, stripping off his tie and unfastening his shirt preparatory to removing it, before paying close attention to the rest of his clothing, ’a bath is much more fun if it is shared
7. elite could send their sons preparatory to going to college, i
8. My friend went away to preparatory school when I did, but he flunked out
9. I graduated in the upper half of my class at a top eastern preparatory school, and I applied to only one university—Cornell in Ithaca, New York
10. Through the faces and minds of the gathered people, focused in the preparatory silence of ritual, she could see her beloved had arrived at last
11. We had eaten, boiled our water supplies, a fine stack of saplings and branches had been collected, and I was gathering my energy preparatory to boosting Vera up so she could secure the rope and begin hoisting building materials
12. But now a new mutation is in its preparatory phase
13. The building was an old, huge house, divided into a preparatory, a secondary and
14. After graduating from Washington Preparatory High School, Aye joined the armed forces and was stationed in Germany
15. stages of this preparatory path, and there has been much argument over the
16. this preparatory period of instruction; and when reference has been made to it
17. but to a course of general training preparatory to Initiation
18. Returning to the preparatory aspects of prayer, let us note the words of St
19. 14 As a child he accumulated a vast body of knowledge; as a youth he sorted, classified, and correlated this information; and now as a man of the realm he begins to organize these mental possessions preparatory to utilization in his subsequent teaching, ministry, and service in behalf of his fellow mortals on this world and on all other spheres of habitation throughout the entire universe of Nebadon
20. Gabriel now re-established personal communication with the Creator Son of the universe; they met directly for the first time since Michael took leave of his associates on Salvington when he went to Edentia preparatory to entering upon the Urantia bestowal
21. Indeed, the preparatory phases are often longer and require more work than the actual events that happen
22. In the spongy soil near by there was a track as if an animal had put out a foot, preparatory to emerging from the bushes, then had withdrawn it
23. 3 On Tuesday, January 18, the twenty-four were joined by the tested evangelists, about seventy-five in number, at the Zebedee house in Bethsaida preparatory to being sent forth on the third preaching tour of Galilee
24. While these earth creatures stood there in almost breathless silence, a vast host of celestial beings had swung into their places preparatory to answering the signal for action when it should be given by Gabriel, their commander
25. 1 On this Sunday morning, in Simon's beautiful garden, the Master called his twelve apostles around him and gave them their final instructions preparatory to entering Jerusalem
26. 13 While all this was in progress at the Master's camp, Judas Iscariot was in conference with the captain of the temple guards, who had assembled his men preparatory to setting out, under the leadership of the betrayer, to arrest Jesus
27. By this time the rulers had begun to assemble at the high priest's home preparatory to receiving Jesus, seeing that their bargain with the traitor called for Jesus' arrest by midnight of that day
28. 4 As they made ready to remove the body of Jesus from the tomb preparatory to according it the dignified and reverent disposal of near-instantaneous dissolution, it was assigned the secondary Urantia midwayers to roll away the stones from the entrance of the tomb
29. 3 When he had spoken, he beckoned for them to come with him, and he led them out on the Mount of Olives, where he bade them farewell preparatory to departing from Urantia
30. Middle- class black members did not embrace Drew’s vision, since most of their children studied in college preparatory classes headed for higher education
31. While studying math preparatory to other disciplines seems to make sense, that approach has some considerable drawbacks
32. idea at the quarterly meeting without doing the preparatory work was hopeless
33. During his talk at the preparatory session of Tamdrin Yangsang and
34. there wil be the preparatory rite for the
35. From his preparatory to his elementary school, he was in an exclusive school with three or four maids in the home to attend to him and his sisters
36. The separation from the plain material sun of the West has occurred only in this era, but it is a first stage and a preparatory refusal to the originator of civilization who produced it after discovering its falseness and vanities
37. You have already started your journey in the right direction by completing the first preparatory step, the foundation for all future actions
38. And then it’s on to the final preparatory step
39. Attend a few preparatory discourses where you soak in the understanding you gained in the Foundation Truth and then you are ready for the Maha Aasmani Retreat
40. Is it a real, a dream, or a figment of my own imagination? He left my room few minutes afterwards while I continued to pack my belongings preparatory for my departure for Lagos
41. preparatory exercises before returning to that one
42. Kansetsu-waza can be effectively used after the preparatory action of atemi-waza is put into play
43. Nor were those precision shooters, who were there just having their normal preparatory training
44. I had known him since we were both children at the Gezira Preparatory School
45. Rather emptiness or a silence is desired for establishing an inner state that is preparatory to receive the more advanced state of self-realization
46. Silence that denotes absence of noise is not a target in itself but it is a preparatory stage to experience the spiritual silence called Samadhi
47. As he talked to himself in some preparatory, under-the-breath whisper, I could hear Denny saying, “He’s up to his old tricks
48. While it is not necessary to put expressive work into this preparatory work, the utmost care should be taken to ensure its accuracy as far as it goes
49. The only excuse for making the elaborate preparatory drawings on
50. But the danger of making these preparatory drawings interesting is that the student fears to cover them up and lose an outline so carefully and lovingly wrought; and this always results in a poor painting