Usa "prerequisite" in una frase
prerequisite frasi di esempio
1. In fact, the prerequisite for baptism would forbid it
2. He wondered if that would be a prerequisite to lessons
3. part of the curriculum and thus a prerequisite for the B
4. It was in any case barely out of prototype stage, something retrofitted by a technician friend, but approved by the standards board (the usual prerequisite to commercial production)
5. Of course, the delusions of grandeur were a necessary prerequisite for a religious cult leader, as were his followers delusions of their leader's greatness
6. “It has the prerequisite floor space, and there is little traffic on the street outside
7. The best of intentions must inevitably come full circle, reverting back to God whose Grace alone is the prerequisite for our salvation; the Beginning and the End of who we are, what we do and how we do it
8. However, there is a prerequisite for its application: “Complete implantation of the new Computational Monetary System in every country
9. for Him, but it is not a prerequisite to Him loving us
10. Uncertainty is not the antithesis of knowledge, it is its prerequisite
11. The results of the progress above were prerequisite to the Industrial Revolution, which has materially enriched all the inhabitants of Europe and is now transforming Asia
12. As Bill tells it, his first prerequisite was that the car be midsized, low-priced and of a subdued coloration, in this case black
13. Galambos emphatically iterates, “Freedom is man’s loftiest goal, and is the prerequisite for all his other permanent goals
14. We can spiritualize this or we can see it as a physical prerequisite
15. Get the point? Although spotting a trend is not necessarily a prerequisite to building
16. money at home but you never really hear about the prerequisite blood, sweat and tears
17. A prerequisite condition for peace and freedom for all countries of the world is absence of exploitation:
18. not only a passive but also an active goodness is always a prerequisite for
19. For the same reason he remained detached in his dealings with women, because freedom from responsibility was another prerequisite of this state
20. Now why would every school in the country not make this a prerequisite for their school over night
21. point out that it was in no way a prerequisite for gaining
22. I have made it a prerequisite to lift and to be on a treadmill three days a
23. broader perspective, which is a prerequisite for the next stages
24. In the palace surveillance center, the specialist watching Nancy’s every moves tensed up in his chair: while he couldn’t hear what she and Eden said, he could read on their lips, a talent that was a prerequisite for a surveillance specialist
25. Brown noted that in the time (1963) a prerequisite to becoming a Dallas police officer was to have membership in either the KKK or the John Birch Society
26. Subsistence is understood as a prerequisite to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
27. ‘It seems that perfect balance is a prerequisite for existence
28. your ability to save is a prerequisite to creating personal wealth
29. prerequisite for tenacity - and ascended from that morass with dedication and vision
30. Money is the prerequisite, and with plenty of it, you could be the ruler of the Universe
31. It moves on wheels, which, I guess, is a prerequisite since it is made from metals which are a lot heavier than air
32. soul, or the growing of chest hair which I was convinced was a prerequisite for evil
33. He was too busy day-dreaming about Autumn on his back, without their clothes (this was a prerequisite of all his daydreams), the two of them changing position from time to time
34. paid for at least two years in advance, a prerequisite of obtaining
35. The prerequisite for this
36. prerequisite of their two mega clients
37. stitution and the prerequisite, in a democracy, that it remains
38. This is a prerequisite not only for personal hap-
39. Most of these individuals have a strong interest in the crystal skulls but that is not a prerequisite to be able to participate with us
40. Softened water is the prerequisite for the next stage in the
41. Sun Tzu, the Chinese military strategist, believed that a firm understanding of the other side’s mental make-up was a prerequisite for victory: “If you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperilled in a hundred battles”
42. And for the married man, courting singles could be a hindrance, for they harp on his divorcing the wife as a prerequisite for liaison
43. all the filth in the world, tears are a prerequisite to seeing farther
44. Let's say that it is a prerequisite for what you
45. Let’s say that it is a prerequisite for what you do,
46. Each one of them is a prerequisite of the skill of traversing a certain length of the way to spiritual emancipation
47. capacity for action; they are bereft of resolve for the true action that is a prerequisite of contemplation of the worshipped God
48. understands well that action is a prerequisite of both the ways
49. “This prerequisite, however, instead of narrowing the number of racists increases it exponentially
50. “Is Pandora a heroine then?” This was Reho's principle prerequisite for interest and respect