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    Usa "presentable" in una frase

    presentable frasi di esempio


    1. With that she manhandled Johnny upstairs to one of the more presentable

    2. I washed dutifully because I wanted always to be presentable

    3. children had to be presentable

    4. “Mabel had just gone when this lad came up he seemed quite presentable and was in uniform he asked me if I had just seen someone off

    5. I went upstairs to insure that I looked presentable

    6. I wandered into the bathroom, spent some time trying to make myself presentable, then ran back to my newly

    7. carrying my plastic trash bag full of clothes with me, but otherwise I looked presentable

    8. I went to the bathroom, made myself as presentable as I could and

    9. I stood up, brushed myself off and tried to look presentable

    10. (Of course, the latter is arguably a sign of a decaying culture that has lost all sense of proportion) Dress, whether pricey or modest or falling somewhere in between, was always presentable and neat

    11. The working classes, including the poor, took pride in parading in their ―Sunday Best‖ and made sure that the clothes their children wore to school, however worn or frayed, were clean and properly ironed; that is to say, presentable

    12. I suppose it never occurred to Theodore that we were less than presentable, but when, just as I expected, Khan George arrived to lead us all in triumph, he was appalled at our disarray

    13. My clothes were too big for him, of course, but he was still much more presentable when he returned

    14. She washed and dressed quickly, choosing the cleanest and most presentable of her

    15. “He is simply more in need of a barber than anyone else I have ever seen! Nemia has agreed to perform that service for him, which I am sure will leave him in a far more presentable state

    16. ” Torin leaves for his apartment where he frantically searches for a presentable outfit other than the normal jeans and timberlands he always wears

    17. All of this was a heavy drain on the bottom line, but the plant was slowly becoming more presentable, even if most of the upgrading was cosmetic

    18. Whereas Hilsith cast a preservation spell on Dalia and Bezedil about three minutes after they fell, and then reset their bones and tissues so that they’d be presentable in open caskets

    19. "In truth, Sir, I have a jumble of ideas that are not fully thought out much less in a presentable form

    20. over-reacting, but she was the first presentable woman he had met

    21. Dominic stood up, put his suit on, and ran his hands through his hair as he looked in the mirror, making sure he looked presentable

    22. I knew it wasn’t going to be the Old Vic or Stratford on Avon; but had hoped it would at least be a presentable little touring company

    23. Natural shoulder-length dark blond hair and a minimum of makeup turned him into a presentable, if not beautiful young woman

    24. Making ourselves as presentable as possible and gluing radiant smiles to our washed but unshaven faces, we walked north

    25. authority of this backwater junk heap and it‘s up to us to make them look presentable

    26. At least his long coat is warm and presentable

    27. If he heard of such a case he‘d rescue him, have him repaired and checked for bugs and diseases, bring him to Desolé‘s to recover his sanity and looks, then when he was presentable and stopped bursting into tears every five minutes, he‘d find work for him

    28. of furniture, some of it quite presentable, and the house is a little cluttered

    29. For reasons unknown to him his feet turned to jelly and he found himself suddenly fixing his hair in the mirror and wondering if the clothes he was wearing were presentable

    30. They had forgotten how to keep themselves presentable, had lost all the will to button up their stained jackets and clean their dusty shoes

    31. Mary hoped that Lazarus was to be raised from the dead, but Martha, while to some extent sharing her sister's faith, was more exercised by the fear that Lazarus would not be presentable, in his appearance, to Jesus, the apostles, and their friends

    32. Finally, when my grandfather pronounced me fit and presentable, I was herded into the cage he called a ‘lift’ and it descended by means of a chain and windlass that raised and lowered it

    33. Women see nice guys as someone who has a stable background, desirable, presentable, trustworthy, helpful, discreet, and friendly

    34. To write in that manner, your resume style should send out a message that you are reliable, presentable, and of course, professional

    35. He had been woken from a fitful sleep at five o’clock and ordered to clean himself up and make himself presentable

    36. He dabbed some of Musafir's, “scent of seduction” aftershave, Applied some gel to his floppy hair and combed it back, he wanted to look presentable, yet cool

    37. He is wearing cheap clothes with a few coffee stains on one of the sleeves, but overall seems quite presentable

    38. “Yesterday I had a meeting with the head honchos so I had to be presentable

    39. She left him in the room, but she succeeded in getting them to leave the padlock off, clean it every day, throw the chamberpots away except for one, and to keep José Arcadio Segundo as clean and presentable as his great--grandfather had been during his long captivity under the chestnut tree

    40. I'm pretty sure that handbag of hers is a miniature pharmacy with all kinds of tricks to get some drunk or frazzled starlet presentable after a hissy fit

    41. “With a month away he would have left the place a bit more presentable

    42. Out of uniform and into more feminine attire Clegg’s nurse looked more than presentable to the opposite sex

    43. presentable), threw some sustenance in the passenger seat, and headed south

    44. Read it! PPs are presentable, they know full well the

    45. I shouldn’t say this, but she got all giddy and started to do her hair and make-up asking me all the time if she looked pretty and presentable

    46. Just give the nurses a few minutes to make him a bit more presentable

    47. They wouldn’t be presentable to Jade, either

    48. A handsome presentable young man who was carrying a coffin and a maiden

    49. There is a piece of divinity in all of us for creating a revised picture presentable, to a person having pride so he can start a fresh life

    50. In a few deft movements she had rearranged the string into a presentable form

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    Sinonimi per "presentable"

    presentable appropriate well-mannered attractive polite eligible decent dressed suitable satisfactory passable fit acceptable tolerable