Usa "preserve" in una frase
preserve frasi di esempio
1. · Lightly steam food, rather than frying or boiling it, to preserve its vitamin and mineral content
2. He was listed as a landowner of a two thousand acre husbandry preserve just north of the main enclave of Brazilians
3. He was of the moderate faction of the Brazilians, he would preserve what he could of their heritage as any other ethnic group would
4. Do you know that you pass right by the husbandry preserve owned by another former lover of hers?"
5. Both historic buildings and food can be governed by either preserve or conserve
6. He was of the 'Culturalist' faction that desired to preserve what they could of Brazilian culture in this new world on a voluntary basis
7. Bakhmar knew it meant this was the time when those with ideas that might preserve Satan's world should present them
8. It had been tacitly decided amongst the household that two of the rooms in the Hall would become Kara’s special preserve – her bed chamber and what had been Joris’s office
9. He discovered a way to preserve fruit
10. He knew how to preserve fruits for 2000 years
11. One thing stopped him and that was; what would happen if her backup was to probe within that veron store and find herself running in there? To preserve her own life she would have to shut her other self off and claim she wasn't there
12. Time presses into itself what it would preserve
13. battle to preserve his or her stature by drawing in and maintaining members
14. especially if it is your intention to build and preserve
15. The idiot had even swallowed the line about them wanting to preserve Chas’s good name … that was a joke!
16. I’d like to think it was not, but that might be my memory trying to preserve something of the good times we had before my children were born
17. He who guards his mouth preserve
18. is in them, and you preserve them all
19. She could see that this was hard for her, Valla had such a need to preserve her pride
20. When in reality he was just trying to preserve her virginity
21. These changes are made with the greatest care to preserve the originals
22. If she was to die in this battle, she would much rather give her life knowing that in her final moments she had helped to preserve something pure and good
23. "In desperation, to preserve what it perceives as its own life
24. how to preserve the contact with children when they
25. He said "Ava agrees that your plan is the best chance we have to preserve our cities
26. Besides, she’d vowed to stay alive and preserve her
27. This lie she told herself about staying alive to preserve her loved ones memories… it was the worst form of cowardice
28. They were introduced to preserve a certain lineal succession, of which the law of primogeniture first gave the idea, and to hinder any part of the original estate from being carried out of the proposed line, either by gift, or device, or alienation; either by the folly, or by the misfortune of any of its successive owners
29. “The Eight preserve you, child
30. Jesus taught that God would not "preserve" (as is commonly taught) but
31. But they were sophistical, in supposing, that either to preserve or to augment the quantity of those metals required more the attention of government, than to preserve or to augment the quantity of any other useful
32. order to preserve the lie that he was Tenes
33. To dream that you are eating ham indicates that you need to preserve your energy
34. All you have to do is pretend – that way you’ll preserve yourselves
35. “That’s not the only fluid you preserve, I hear
36. There is something that you want to hold on to and preserve
37. And he would fight for the future he believed Mede was trying to preserve with the Concordat’s signature
38. most of his life in very common circumstances, but now that he’s rich and sitting on the council, he’s thoroughly determined to preserve the oligarchy’s rights
39. They tend not to destroy, but to preserve, what it is in most cases advantageous to preserve, the natural division and distribution of labour in the society
40. The creek bed crumbles from the rushing water, The stone lies still and preserve it station
41. However, adopting an attitude that death could come at any time can send a message to your mind to preserve its focus, and let go of trifles
42. The people feel themselves so much interested in what relates either to their subsistence in this life, or to their happiness in a life to come, that government must yield to their prejudices, and, in order to preserve the public tranquillity, establish that system which they approve of
43. must preserve the balance at all costs
44. I wanted to preserve what I could of her young beauty
45. Some moderate and gradual relaxation of the laws which give to Great Britain the exclusive trade to the colonies, till it is rendered in a great measure free, seems to be the only expedient which can, in all future times, deliver her from this danger ; which can enable her, or even force her, to withdraw some part of her capital from this overgrown employment, and to turn it, though with less profit, towards other employments; and which, by gradually diminishing one branch of her industry, and gradually increasing all the rest, can, by degrees, restore all the different branches of it to that natural, healthful, and proper proportion, which perfect liberty necessarily establishes, and which perfect liberty can alone preserve
46. The leading men of America, like those of all other countries, desire to preserve their own importance
47. There are others who will preserve the integrity of the continuum … but perhaps in not such a measured way
48. I had been looking for information on our family for a personal history I wanted to preserve
49. In these circumstances, and among troops who had some confidence in their own skill and dexterity in the use of their arms, it must have been a good deal less difficult to preserve some degree of regularity and order, not only in the beginning, but through the whole progress of an ancient battle, and till one of the two armies was fairly defeated
50. Each teacher, would, no doubt, have felt himself under the necessity of making the utmost exertion, and of using every art, both to preserve and to increase the number of his disciples
1. Those who are in Him will be preserved
2. A congregation without elders today can follow the teachings of the inspired New Testament, preserved for all generations, and function in an expedient fashion
3. A few have been recreated lately from preserved DNA but they are still too rare to feed quibartas
4. What is devitalized food and why are the Yogis so against it? Dead and devitalized foods include everything that has been preserved, bottled, bleached, refined, canned, pickled, or polished
5. Study all I have written in the chapter on diet and do not eat anything which has been refined or preserved
6. It is attached to the end of the leader so that the leader’s end taper is preserved
7. What is it that is not before-hand preserved? And why, when the
8. In the time while Gordon’s Lamp was away on its mission, most souls of means got preserved, and the bulk of mortal Chinese voluntarily ascended to the bases in the moon
9. It was said he preserved his soul inside a great crystal atop a black tower after he was killed
10. They’d dug up a body ten years ago, a body preserved by the peat
11. Like language itself, it is a product of objective reason and has been preserved as a guidepost for anyone 'who has eyes to see, and ears to hear
12. I have preserved you as the head of
13. Only a few driftwood-like hunks of the original log rebuild structure remained, preserved in the grip of the live growth around it, growth that was very, very old
14. She says her soul was once flesh but has been preserved in the crystal after her flesh died
15. Then the solution leapt into his mind, there was a lost basin out in the Kinsheeta! That basin must have preserved some kind of high energy technology for almost forty centuries
16. In 1309, Ralph de Born, prior of St Augustine's, Canterbury, gave a feast upon his installation-day, of which William Thorn has preserved, not only the bill of fare, but the prices of many particulars
17. "I don't think they would appreciate having the biological masses hear the news that biological life can be preserved indefinitely
18. wish that he’d kept a diary so he could have preserved
19. All elements of creation are preserved
20. mentality of that time was preserved, because
21. the original preserved in the archives of the
22. new fence, they preserved a part of the old wall
23. people had succeeded in their preserved attempts of beating the
24. preserved in the fire (what the traditionalists proclaim wil
25. the wicked wil NOT be preserved in the fire, the traditionalists
26. says they will be destroyed (not preserved) ; and that the destruction will last
27. Jesus said the human soul would be destroyed – not preserved
28. states in Matthew 10:28 that the soul will be destroyed (not preserved), He is
29. It was always the women of our line who preserved the clan
30. He never doubted that she preserved her own secrets, as they all had
31. That method, which has been preserved to this day, made sure no one in Men of Midas would go on to do something foolish that might jeopardize the organization and its ringleader
32. Please observe the motto that the fire in the stomach should be well preserved and should remain capable of digesting the food you eat
33. He said that he never realized how much valuable information had been preserved
34. so that the mischief making may be preserved
35. It is the first great revolution in the affairs of mankind of which history has preserved any distinct and circumstantial account
36. The fall of the western empire is the third great revolution in the affairs of mankind, of which ancient history has preserved any distinct or circumstantial account
37. It is only by means of a standing army, therefore, that the civilization of any country can be perpetuated, or even preserved, for any considerable time
38. These include geological properties and artefacts that we can observe, folk tales, which are in many cases considered myths only and the historical records that have been documented and preserved through the ages
39. The first question people normally ask when encountering manuscripts that are copied is: “How accurate are the copies when compared to the originals?” or “How well were these manuscripts preserved through the ages since the days of Moses?” Although these manuscripts were copied by hand, until the invention of the printing press in the 1,400’s AD, the Jewish scribes had an intricate and ritualistic system by which this was done
40. The followers of Luther, together with what is called the church of England, preserved more or less of the episcopal government, established subordination among the clergy, gave the sovereign the disposal of all the bishoprics, and other consistorial benefices within his dominions, and thereby rendered him the real head of the church; and without depriving the bishop of the right of collating to the smaller benefices within his diocese, they, even to those benefices, not only admitted, but favoured the right of presentation, both in the sovereign and in all other lay patrons
41. As long as the people of each parish preserved the right of electing their own pastors, they acted almost always under the influence of the clergy, and generally of the most factious and fanatical of the order
42. B: -- supernaturally preserved through the ages, ensuring that not one letter in both the Old and New Testaments was omitted, added or moved
43. For Information Set A, we may have current evidence or well preserved historic accounts through which we can validate the statement
44. We can with 100% certainty state, based on the numerous times that Noah’s Flood and its effects are mentioned in the Bible, that it was not just a localised flood, but a global catastrophe that wiped out all living creatures, except those that were preserved in the ark with Noah and his family
45. It would also provide an explanation for the fact that polystratic fossils are found in more than one layer of strata or type of sediment and that fossilisation preserved even soft tissue and fragile detail in the many samples that have been discovered
46. Given these facts, what attitude should we adopt with respect to what is written in the Bible? Should we not pay careful attention to the message it conveys? If we know and can scientifically prove with 100% certainty that the Bible is the only Book on Earth that demonstrates that a supernatural Being was responsible for its construction in its entirety; that every letter in the original languages, in which this Book was written, was placed in their individual positions with intense purpose and that this Book has been preserved through the ages without changing, omitting or adding one letter, does this not give us enough reason to at least read it and try to understand what is our Creator’s purpose for us?
47. How was the Old Testament Preserved?, Biblestudy
48. Jack in his turn was wondering about this older man, who was closer to Shelagh's age, but not as well preserved, who Rosemary had mentioned couldn't come to the party, and now here he was
49. It was still uncertain whether the taint would actually kill a man, or whether he would remain mad for as long as the Power preserved his body
50. Hayley had been mortal until now, and although the Ael Tarael said she had some ability to learn to wield terael, the small amount she could draw would not have preserved her for much longer than her natural lifetime
1. flame harmless, preserves the hair on our head - “and the smell of fire
2. Still, they had a different feel for life than he did, something more like the indigenous tribes in the preserves
3. God preserves these nations because He is a redeemer
4. How do you know who will survive? God preserves only those who are clean in heart
5. Pickles, preserves, sweets and over-salted foods should be avoided, as should anything containing artificial ingredients
6. And life preserves substance
7. 8He keeps the paths of judgment, and preserves the way of his saints
8. excellency of knowledge is that wisdom preserves the life of him who has it
9. It will be found, I believe, in every sort of trade, that the man who works so moderately, as to be able to work constantly, not only preserves his health the longest, but, in the course of the year, executes the greatest quantity of work
10. Experience, however, would seem to shew, that the human body frequently preserves, to all appearance at least, the most perfect state of health under a vast variety of different regimens; even under some which are generally believed to be very far from being perfectly wholesome
11. But the reverence of the people naturally preserves the established forms and ceremonies of religion long after the circumstances which first introduced and rendered them reasonable, are no more
12. Beyond the Beltway, Baltimore Avenue turned into a highway that led past shopping centers and apartment complexes, then swiftly gave way to cornfields and nature preserves
13. Hmmm, a scientist intuits a “structure that preserves coherence” which requires a “superposition” to understand, concerning a “theory we don’t yet have?” Science also seems to assume that there are “laws” that have always been there, and all they need do is discover what they are
14. The search for a different interpretation, or understanding of an alternate acceptable behavior pattern that will overcome their reservations, can take many forms but inevitably meets with opposition from those whose authority governs and preserves the traditional dogma, or understanding
15. With that, it avoids the mass production and it preserves the environment
16. Besides, it executes each activity through the unique task and it preserves the acquired knowledge, besides allowing its free access for aggrandizement of any human being
17. It benefits all, it preserves the vested rights and it attends the necessities in quality and sufficiency of resources in a definitive way, without excluding absolutely anybody (seniors, children, adults, people with physical deficiencies, sick persons and others)
18. It is a virtually integrated complex information network that preserves the knowledge and it allows its free access
19. 6 He preserves not the life of the wicked, but gives right to the poor
20. 23 O love the Lord, all you his saints, for the Lord preserves the faithful, and plentifully rewards the proud doer
21. 10 You who love the Lord, hate evil: he preserves the souls of his saints; he delivers them out of the hand of the wicked
22. 6 The Lord preserves the simple; I was brought low, and he helped me
23. 20 The Lord preserves all those who love him, but all the wicked will he destroy
24. 9 The Lord preserves the strangers; he relieves the fatherless and widow, but the way of the wicked he turns upside down
25. who walk uprightly; He keeps the paths of judgment and preserves the way of his saints; then you shall understand righteousness and
26. word, which preserves them that put their trust in you
27. preserves the history of area residents who
28. 14 It allows not to cut down the cultivated herbage of an enemy, but preserves it from the destroyers, and
29. the religion which according to God preserves to eternal life
30. He preserves very good memories of those sacred celebrations in that place of his birth
31. 79 And Joseph answered her and said, note the God of the whole Earth is able to deliver me from all that you can do to me, for he opens the eyes of the blind, and loosens those who are bound, and preserves all strangers who are unacquainted with the land
32. I Am That preserves his dialogues with the followers who came from
33. 79 And Joseph answered her and said note the God of the whole Earth is able to deliver me from all that you can do to me for he opens the eyes of the blind and loosens those who are bound and preserves all strangers who are unacquainted with the land
34. 14 It allows not to cut down the cultivated herbage of an enemy but preserves it from the destroyers and collects their fallen ruins; 15 And reason appears to be master of the more violent passions as love of empire and empty boasting and slander
35. 1 O reasoning of the sons Lord over the passions and religion more desirable to a mother than progeny! 2 The mother when two things were set before here religion and the safety of her seven sons for a time on the conditional promise of a tyrant 3 rather elected the religion which according to God preserves to eternal life
36. 32 Remember Lot's wife! 33 Whoever seeks to save his life loses it but whoever loses his life preserves it
37. There’re always far too many and although Maggie makes gallons of preserves each year, a lot go to waste or are given to the village children
38. Life-Saving Service Heritage Association preserves the heritage of the USLSS, USLHS and the USCG
39. Anyone who preserves repressed or denied hatred that has not
40. “You who love the Lord, hate evil! He preserves the souls of His saints; He delivers them out of the hand of the wicked
41. Violent methods try to destroy the opponent physically, psychologically, and spiritually whereas non-violence preserves the dignity of all
42. Top glass with whipped cream and a dollop of strawberry preserves
43. Guardian Wall which preserves the world from further and far greater misery
44. “It preserves them as if they were only picked yesterday
45. She hiked alone often in the forest preserves around the city, and whenever a man approached or passed her, especially if he was running, she felt nervous
46. Similar to zoos and National Parks, wildlife preserves afford parents a grand opportunity to teach their children about ecosystems and how animals interact with their natural habitats
47. That the soul which preserves a genuine devotion to my presence in the Eucharist will not be condemned or die without the sacraments of the church
48. preserves in order to help protect this beautiful animal
49. Canned hunting preserves are springing up in the United
50. There are hundreds of preserves in Texas alone
1. · Dharma is the means of preserving one’s self
2. The geosynchronous had to be kept on an optical link, the ions were still raging out there and the twenty third century practice of shielding the working parts of the starship inside a few dozen feet of metallic asteroid paid off handsomely in preserving their working electronics
3. I am preserving some of the culture, but I am smart enough to understand where we are
4. they are interested only in preserving and use the
5. Upon the power which the greater part of the leading men, the natural aristocracy of every country, have of preserving or defending their respective importance, depends the stability and duration of every system of free government
6. Unless this or some other method is fallen upon, and there seems to be none more ubvious than this, of preserving the importance and of gratifying the ambition of the leading men of America, it is not very probable that they will ever voluntarily submit to us; and we ought to consider, that the blood which must be shed in forcing them to do so, is, every drop of it, the blood either of those who are, or of those whom we wish to have for our fellow citizens
7. He knew her staunchness on this was influenced by her native American heritage; the importance of preserving the natural environment was the core of the Cree belief system
8. In those small republics, therefore, the magistrate very soon found it necessary, for the sake of preserving the public peace, to assume to himself the right of presenting to all vacant benefices
9. I would also note that the same people who support affirmative action programs at the University of Michigan would in all likelihood have no compunctions about preserving the right of, for example, Howard University, to maintain an entirely black student body
10. “Now we can live for hundreds of years with teron preserving our flesh
11. It was all about preserving one's own existence, when anyone who knew about the time machine could not in any sane way be focused on anything else
12. We got them all out and away whilst at the same time preserving the crime scene
13. After 1917, much of the US was somewhat inclined to invade overseas if humanitarian reasons or preserving order was the rationale
14. She began to understand why he was so passionate about preserving the forest
15. The costs for preserving the Sacramento Delta smelt are estimated at $12 billion
16. But this would have come out of the mists of very ancient times when storytelling would have been about the only way of preserving memories of a people’s forebears
17. Therefore, they have the interest of its success to indicate this model to the other countries because it solves the problems, besides preserving the environment
18. "Her sister-in-law told me that when the doctor told her at last that he could do nothing for her and she would never rise from that bed again, Myra said quite cheerfully, 'Well, if that is so, I'm thankful the preserving is all done, and I will not have to face the fall house-cleaning
19. dedicated to preserving the legacy of the
20. Put the marrow into the preserving pan, sprinkle well with some of the sugar, and stand for 12 hours
21. Roger translated this sonnet into English, preserving the main literary characteristics of the classical sonnet, including its rhyme
22. Preserving it depends upon the integrity of our institutions, which are charged with specific functions to serve the interests of the body politic
23. on the necessity of preserving God"s green Earth
24. Clinton spin troopers who appreciate her key role in preserving the presidency
25. But slowly, the advantage of a uniform Code that gave all citizens equal status before the law, while at the same time preserving the supremacy of the state, became too tempting for statists to resist
26. says to me that they are all more interested in preserving their own
27. I had devoted my life to preserving Saint Cuthbert's holy remains and studying the exquisite painted pages of his Gospel
28. 8 Let your children be partakers of the discipline of Christ; let them learn how much humility avails before God; what power a pure love has with God; how his fear is honourable and great preserving all who with a pure mind walk in holiness before him
29. Galambos also pointed out that only in the United States is it possible to associate conservatism with Capitalism because “Nowhere else is there anything worth preserving in terms of a capitalist heritage
30. In addition to his love of writing and story telling, he is the Executive Director of a non-profit society dedicated to preserving the Paniolo (cowboy) heritage of Hawai'i
31. Instead of ending their lives, his spell was reversed and ended up preserving them, in another version that I read he was merely casting a spell to reveal the truth in their words, but in either version the magic ended up entombing their children and burying them deep within several rock faces for an eternity and at the cost of her own life
32. Bennie Street fixed itself as a heritage calling ground preserving the iconic legacy stretching centuries
33. interested in preserving the status quo than change, while he’ll use
34. To revise is the alter features while preserving functions
35. In some cases of ignorance though, it seems there is an active ignoring of reality for the purpose of denying responsibility and preserving illusions
36. “Why? Why, Mary? Because! What about preserving
37. The wrinkled sheets kept on covering some furniture and the pieces that were discovered kept on preserving its population of dust and ground
38. We advise that you utilize the services of an internal or external master facilitator to keep modeling on track and avoid the disruption caused by personal agendas and politics, while preserving efficiency of the modeling task at hand
39. the human race, there was little more worth preserving than love
40. It was the only thing preserving an ounce of his
41. influences, divine consolations, signs and revelations are, of course, available, but they are given to the worthy, to those capable of preserving them, to the humble
42. Besides, this war is about preserving the union or forming
43. preserving the union were to entail slavery, then that’s what
44. There are quite a few grassroots organizations that are dedicated to preserving the planet
45. This is a group of worldwide organizations that is dedicated to preserving the water in the oceans, rivers and lakes
46. Besides the physical work, they also made other discoveries such as the habits of garden pests, what crops grow best besides others, winter storage, canning and preserving
47. Along with preserving the potency and efficacy of the substance, specific types
48. There are still many people worth preserving in it, including your children
49. They are dollars used by the business machine to produce other income while preserving the original investment of the 3
50. The lust for upward mobility needs to be satisfied while preserving an American human standard of living for all workers