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    Usa "pretentiously" in una frase

    pretentiously frasi di esempio


    1. I’d lost control over the rapidly changing state of things though, so adhering to the age old principle of going with the flow, I shot a glancing, pretentiously mildly indifferent look at the both of them before saying even as I stepped inside:

    2. In the center of the space, a white spiral staircase pretentiously led to the second floor

    3. Philip looked across to the bar and pretentiously clicked his fingers and two young attractive women quickly scuttled across to our table and Philip gave them our coats and said

    4. It was always pointed out to visitors, it was there on Remembrance Sunday, and even the local Sea Scouts in Stranraer had named their hut, rather pretentiously, HMS Rodney

    5. ‘Isn’t it full of regards and all that?’ he said pretentiously, though characteristically

    6. It’s the middle-aged nouveau surfers I have trouble with, the guys who wander into what used to be perfectly decent dive bars and try to get the ball rolling with that pretentiously simple two-word question: “You surf?”

    7. She knew what it was all meant to represent, but it was so pretentiously false and unnatural that she first felt ashamed for the actors and then amused at them

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