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    Usa "primeval forest" in una frase

    primeval forest frasi di esempio

    primeval forest

    1. It sits on the gorgeous Adriatic Sea and is home to one of two remaining primeval forests in Europe

    2. These were the primeval forests where trees grew, lived thousands of years and died when it was their time

    3. with Mutt at his heels, and found himself in a primeval forest of huge sequoias,

    4. Albert Schweitzer, author of On the Edge of the Primeval Forest, the Decay and Restoration of Civilisation and Civilisation and Ethics has this to say on the matter: ‘Ethics are nothing but reverence for life

    5. land leading into the heavy primeval forest that was

    6. over some of the toughest mountain terrain, including two river crossings, hacking our way through primeval forest

    7. Ancient primeval forests pocketed the dips and hollows of the mountains and valleys, while vast stretches of open grassland stretched out like a patchwork quilt over the rolling terrain of the valley bottoms

    8. What terrible agonies and privations some of them, the tramps for instance, had endured! Could they care so much for a ray of sunshine, for the primeval forest, the cold spring hidden away in some unseen spot, which the tramp had marked three years before, and longed to see again, as he might to see his sweetheart, dreaming of the green grass round it and the bird singing in the bush? As he went on he saw still more inexplicable examples

    9. But his greatest trials were in the churchyard, which had the appearance of a primeval forest, with a kind of small ecclesiastical wash-house on one side, and a turnpike gate on the other

    10. It straggled onward into the mystery of the primeval forest

    11. What terrible agonies and privations some of them, the tramps for instance, had endured! Could they care so much for a ray of sunshine, for the primeval forest, the cold spring hidden away in some unseen spot, which the tramp had marked three years before, and longed to see again, as he might to see

    12. He resembled one of those lizards you see on the edge of a primeval forest, glinting his eyes around, terribly apprehensive, sniffing the air, touching the wind with probing claws, lashing his tail in little twitches, doom in all directions, no hope, only nervous response, ready to spin, rustle, run

    13. Tarzan of the Apes lived on in his wild, jungle existence with little change for several years, only that he grew stronger and wiser, and learned from his books more and more of the strange worlds which lay somewhere outside his primeval forest

    14. Tarzan let him up, and in a few minutes all were back at their vocations, as though naught had occurred to mar the tranquility of their primeval forest haunts

    15. Gradually he became accustomed to the strange noises and the odd ways of civilization, so that presently none might know that two short months before, this handsome Frenchman in immaculate white ducks, who laughed and chatted with the gayest of them, had been swinging naked through primeval forests to pounce upon some unwary victim, which, raw, was to fill his savage belly

    16. endured! Could they care so much for a ray of sunshine, for the primeval forest, the cold spring hidden away in some unseen spot, which the tramp had marked three years before, and longed to see again, as he might to see his sweetheart, dreaming of the green grass round it and the bird singing in the bush? As he went on he saw still more inexplicable examples

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