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    Usa "probity" in una frase

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    1. of his fortune, probity and prudence

    2. When the people of any particular country have such confidence in the fortune, probity and prudence of a particular banker, as to believe that he is always ready to pay upon demand such of his promissory notes as are likely to be at any time presented to him, those notes come to have the same currency as gold and silver money, from the confidence that such money can at any time be had for them

    3. If he opposes them, on the contrary, and still more, if he has authority enough to be able to thwart them, neither the most acknowledged probity, nor the highest rank, nor the greatest public services, can protect him from the most infamous abuse and detraction, from personal insults, nor sometimes from real danger, arising from the insolent outrage of furious and disappointed monopolists

    4. They even endeavoured to hinder, as much as possible, any middle man of any kind from coming in between the grower and the consumer; and this was the meaning of the many restraints which they imposed upon the trade of those whom they called kidders, or carriers of corn ; a trade which nobody was allowed to exercise without a licence, ascertaining his qualifications as a man of probity and fair dealing

    5. was a man of probity, of great industry, and knowledge of detail ; of great experience and acuteness in the examination of public accounts; and of abilities, in short, every way fitted for introducing method and good order into the collection and expendture of the public revenue

    6. The credit of individuals ought certainly never to depend upon so very slender a security, as the probity and religion of the inferior officers of revenue

    7. Scotland used to be famous as a centre of finance and known for its fairness, prudence and probity

    8. He knew that he must be looking toward the means of survival and probity, but he had needed her reminder to galvanize him into action

    9. And when he had pulled her bodily by her hair up onto the raft, and the nakedness, so close, so—beautiful! The vision again overpowered his sense of probity

    10. Lust is the animal that devours respect! the voice of probity protested but with a volume diminished as if by a greater distance than before, but his arm suddenly came loose

    11. contempt; And probity destroyed; And beauty shall become ugliness

    12. in 2004 and during the investigation -- dubbed Project Probity -- he and

    13. 35 And honor shall be turned into shame; And strength humiliated into contempt; And probity destroyed; And beauty shall become ugliness

    14. The Fourth Pillar said that in his inauguration speech, he had told his future government: ‘We must hold ourselves to the highest standards of service, probity and integrity’

    15. The evolution of cultural probity and social acceptance generates new ways of thinking, new ways of acting

    16. artistic ecosystems, including the probity of the artistic processes, will be clearer to most

    17. "When I think that there's a dress at threepence-halfpenny a yard, and warranted fast colours! And yet they actually swallow it! Of course you understand one doesn't tell them what it really is!" He hoped by this confession of dishonesty to others to quite convince her of his probity to her

    18. "I will not," continued he, after a moment's silence, "conceal from you, that while your probity and exactitude up to this moment are universally acknowledged, yet the report is current in Marseilles that you are not able to meet your

    19. them, his reputation for probity passed into a proverb

    20. Her husband, who, when he married her, had no other patrimony than his noble probity, his first-rate ability, and his spotless reputation, wished to possess as much as his wife

    21. "Yet," replied Beauchamp haughtily, "there are occasions when probity commands"—

    22. The buccaneer on the wave might relinquish his calling, and become at once, if he chose, a man of probity and piety on land; nor, even in the full career of his reckless life, was he regarded as a personage with whom it was disreputable to traffic, or casually associate

    23. It may be, that standing now clear and free of the world, I had less incitement to be so grippy, and so was thought of me, I very well know; but in sobriety and truth I conscientiously affirm, and herein record, that I had lived to partake of the purer spirit which the great mutations of the age had conjured into public affairs, and I saw that there was a necessity to carry into all dealings with the concerns of the community, the same probity which helps a man to prosperity in the sequestered traffic of private life

    24. Administrador had acted as if the immense and powerful prosperity of the mine had been founded on methods of probity, on the sense of usefulness

    25. Scarlett bore his remarks with silent dignity and, as time relentlessly and delivered, with secret groans, such an excellent quality of lumber to prove her probity that he was soon bankrupt

    26. course you understand one doesn't tell them what it really is!" He hoped by this confession of dishonesty to others to quite convince her of his probity to her

    27. It is true also that rampant speculation (called “investment”) in bank and insurance-company stocks leads to the ill-advised launching of new enterprises, to the unwise expansion of old ones and to a general relaxation of established standards of conservatism and even of probity

    28. On the contrary, the officers of our large corporations constitute a group of men above the average in probity as well as in ability

    29. Father Madeleine required of the men good will, of the women pure morals, and of all, probity

    30. He observed that society unpardoningly excludes two classes of men,—those who attack it and those who guard it; he had no choice except between these two classes; at the same time, he was conscious of an indescribable foundation of rigidity, regularity, and probity, complicated with an inexpressible hatred for the race of bohemians whence he was sprung

    31. Javert is an estimable man, who does honor by his rigorous and strict probity to inferior but important functions

    32. Probity, sincerity, candor, conviction, the sense of duty, are things which may become hideous when wrongly directed; but which, even when hideous, remain grand: their majesty, the majesty peculiar to the human conscience, clings to them in the midst of horror; they are virtues which have one vice,—error

    33. It is a magnificent thing to put on record, and one which shines forth in the splendid probity of our popular revolutions, that a certain incorruptibility results from the idea which exists in the air of Paris, as salt exists in the water of the ocean

    34. praised for his probity

    35. It is this peril, possibly imminent towards the close of the eighteenth century, which the French Revolution, that immense act of probity, cut short

    36. The man of probity sacrifices himself, and out of his very love for this crowd, he combats it

    37. When one has passed one's time in enduring upon earth the spectacle of the great airs which reasons of state, the oath, political sagacity, human justice, professional probity, the austerities of situation, incorruptible robes all assume, it solaces one to enter a sewer and to behold the mire which befits it

    38. Up to that moment he had lived with that blind faith which gloomy probity engenders

    39. This faith had quitted him, this probity had deserted him

    40. That which was passing in Javert was the Fampoux of a rectilinear conscience, the derailment of a soul, the crushing of a probity which had been irresistibly launched in a straight line and was breaking against God

    41. That is an act of probity

    42. The deposit honestly restored, the probity of the confession—these were good

    43. But man of sense and probity

    44. And so we see the merchant (who often goes further and commits acts of direct dishonesty, selling adulterated goods, using false weights and measures, and trading in products injurious to health, such as alcohol and opium) boldly regarding himself and being regarded by others, so long as he does not directly deceive his colleagues in business, as a pattern of probity and virtue

    45. If we look back, and attentively view the occurrences which took place, when the law incorporating the present bank of the United States was enacted, we shall find our reasoning supported and confirmed by many important circumstances; we shall then perceive, that the act of incorporation was opposed on constitutional ground, by men who were and continue to be esteemed for their talents, political skill, judicial knowledge, probity and patriotism; and it has been admitted, that the arguments formerly urged are unanswerable

    46. They will learn probity and goodness, and it will not be ferruled into them either

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