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    Usa "procreative" in una frase

    procreative frasi di esempio


    1. They were keepers of the female procreative slaves,

    2. This at once could have brought an end to the qunamic schisms within the organism that would have helped the plunams recoup themselves to resume poaching the weaker lot that too would have been multiplied through procreative means

    3. In spite of the new procreative multiplication, the plunams would have been still pressured for their survival for the demand for prey would have not matched with the supply of the same

    4. And the subconscious of the procreative process, symbolized by gives and takes, would have shaped his initial conduct

    5. enduring commitment, and a limitation of sexuality to procreative

    6. Would fifty congregational prayers in a twenty-four hour cycle leave any time ‘here’ for a Musalman to sire his progeny to carry the faith forward! Even if he were to scrape through on the procreative front, where was the time left for him for some gainful occupation needed for tending his family! Maybe, Muhammad missed the point as, any way, he was providing for the Musalmans with all that loot and ransom that the Quran ordained him to share with them

    7. The moist words were given to mankind, they comprise audible sounds regarded as one of the ways in which the procreative powers of the male are expressed, on a par with his semen

    8. Those of you who want to think a bull whale or bull elephant “keeps a harem” of females for his own pleasure and procreative purposes

    9. Controlled breeding was always the only answer, but we humans were so damned stubborn about our precious procreative ‘rights’ that we lost sight of the big picture

    10. Virtualnisms, or uOrganisms, interact with humans via temes, the genetic memes of virtual organisms, which comformicate the TNA, creating the informable gamester into a procreative vehicle for the virtualnism's incarnation

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    Sinonimi per "procreative"

    generative procreative reproductive