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    Usa "proctor" in una frase

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    1. The proctor checked his watch, wrote the start and end times on the cover, then slid the envelope away from him as if wanting to distance himself from it

    2. , & Proctor, W

    3. Confessor and Proctor, give joy to your Church,

    4. Proctor is high profile

    5. Proctor is sitting at a computer as usual, he rolls his chair away from the desk and beckons you to sit, Sophie is gone through a magic door

    6. Bob Proctor Says ‘The Law of Attraction is Incomplete!’

    7. Proctor said that many people are an extra in their own story

    8. Proctor, in contrast to many fundamentalist schools that remained segregated

    9. 85 By the time Proctor accepted this scholarship, Melton and Crozer Seminary supported evolution and taught liberal theology, both of which Proctor soon championed

    10. Samuel Proctor, were born in Norfolk

    11. Proctor wrote in his autobiography that he was raised in Norfolk’s Huntersville neighborhood

    12. 1 His grandfather pastored a church in Titustown, and his grandparents lived in its parsonage nearby; so, I assume that Proctor might have crossed paths with Drew during their childhoods

    13. Drew and Proctor took opposite theological roads from the same starting point

    14. By contrasting the doctrinal choices of Drew and Proctor, I expose the demobilizing consequences of choosing to believe white liberals’ attacks on the Bible

    15. As young men, both Drew and Proctor encountered fundamentalists who believed and taught that the Bible is the authoritative and trustworthy Word of God

    16. Yet, I ask for grace and the chance to explain the tragic consequences that eventually came about when Proctor and others championed, with good intentions, the road where white liberal doctrine rejected the Bible’s authority

    17. National prominence came to Samuel Proctor as he took the road that followed white liberal deception

    18. When Samuel Proctor promoted white liberal theology, he chose a path that wed him with whites who promoted these abortion atrocities

    19. In this chapter, I explain more of these tragic consequences that came about when Proctor chose this white liberal theological path that rejected the Bible’s authority and true mission

    20. Sparks Melton, the liberal white pastor in Norfolk who I introduced in Chapter 10, showed kindness that impressed Proctor during his childhood

    21. Melton later obtained a full tuition scholarship for Proctor to attend Crozer Seminary that was notorious for attacking the Bible with white evolution and liberal doctrine

    22. Proctor became one of the most influential African-American champions of white liberal theology

    23. Proctor helped King accept white liberals’ teaching about evolution using Niebuhr and Fosdick’s wrong presuppositions about the Bible

    24. In addition, Proctor mentored James Cone who later in the 1960s used Black Power and liberation theology from South America to promote Black Theology

    25. Proctor also mentored Jeremiah Wright, who is well known as President Obama’s former pastor who champions liberation theology based upon liberal doctrine

    26. Samuel Proctor influenced many future African-American leaders as president or professor at several seminaries

    27. Many African-American theologians cite Proctor in their writings

    28. As James Drew had accomplished in Norfolk, Proctor integrated a previously segregated school by enrolling his children

    29. In his autobiography, Proctor expressed gratitude to Sparks Melton, the liberal white pastor who arranged a full scholarship to a liberal white seminary

    30. Proctor shared how liberal whites spoke at Virginia Union University during his college days there

    31. Proctor said that liberal church leaders associated with that seminary were more enlightened than the many black pastors who revolted him as “given to gaudy dress, unbridled egotism, and self-aggrandizement; they exploited women willing to do anything to be close to the ‘pastor

    32. 30 As I said, Proctor is credited with helping King accept white liberal teaching to make that change from truth that was believed in black churches

    33. Proctor failed to write that since his seminary days, the Lord has been creating a movement of strong black evangelical leaders who reject white liberal theology

    34. I am quite familiar with the Norfolk street where Samuel Proctor grew up in Huntersville

    35. 31 Unfortunately, Samuel Proctor and the black leaders following his liberal doctrine failed to heed this warning

    36. Proctor accomplished both

    37. In the neighborhood where Proctor grew up, children grow up hurting without their fathers, watch their mothers shack up with other men, live in poverty, become sexually active, degrade girls, and memorize sexually explicit songs with the N, B, and F-words

    38. Proctor had this same biblical, personal moral compass, but the white liberals’ church and government systems that he championed among African Americans surrendered it to white liberalism

    39. In his autobiography, therefore, Proctor provided evidence that he aspired to achieve the higher, second stratum that he called the “heirs of the missions schools

    40. By taking Melton’s seminar scholarship opportunity, Proctor heightened his status and earned the respect of influential white and black people

    41. Washington accommodating whites’ segregation, Proctor became an accommodationist to his white benefactors’ liberal doctrine

    42. Instead of enabling Jim Crow laws like Washington, Proctor enabled white liberal churches’ racist, segregationist structures to continue unabated

    43. Samuel Proctor, for whom the seminary at Virginia Union University is named, was a strong proponent of liberal theology and rejected the Bible’s authority

    44. Will spent some time in the world of big business, working for the Colonel – Kentucky Fried Chicken – and Proctor and Gamble before returning to the soil at Growing Power, which has been around since the early 1990s

    45. Bob Proctor – The Secret

    46. Neely, who in turn sold it to Collector’s Edge, and they sold it to Keith Proctor

    47. As Bob Proctor states, “Enjoy life, because life is

    48. Bob Proctor talks about it in his seminars

    49. As Bob Proctor once told me, “Although everything is

    50. friend Bob Proctor, at one of his famous Science of Getting Rich seminars

    1. Serjeants, attorneys, and proctors at law, who, in the first poll-tax, were assessed at three shillings in the pound of their supposed income, were afterwards assessed as gentlemen

    2. There were two proctors: a white male and a black female

    3. How few laymen know anything about Church work in their own diocese! How few care one jot for Convocation! How few could tell you, if their lives depended on it, who are the proctors of their diocese! How few understand the meaning of the great doctrinal controversies by which their Church is almost rent asunder! How few exhibit as much personal interest or anxiety about them, as a Roman spectator would have exhibited about the fight of a couple of gladiators in the arena of the Coliseum! How few could tell you anything more than this, "that there is some squabble among the parsons; and they don't pretend to understand it!"�This is a melancholy picture; but I fear it is a sadly correct one

    4. [Editor's comment: Interestingly, proctors of non-mathematical sciences use analogues of the latter approach, but rarely without a degree of stubborn ignorance; often claiming that the method they use is the one and true 'real' scientific method

    5. "There's several; but it's the Proctors, mainly

    6. He interviewed the college authorities, the proctors, the Vice-Chancellor; he induced Mgr Bell to call on the Dean of Christ Church; he arranged for Lady Marchmain to talk to the Chancellor himself; and, as a result of all this, the three of us were gated for the rest of the term

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