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    Usa "prosecuted" in una frase

    prosecuted frasi di esempio


    1. Some fifty years ago, in my country, male homosexuals were prosecuted, and after having been declared guilty of crime, were fined and sentenced to jail

    2. Oddly though, during the same period, I never heard of women and priests being prosecuted for the same offense

    3. His soldiers have been killed and prosecuted many times, and yet he refused to buy protection from Dillard time and again

    4. I also noticed Captain Berryman there the Officer who had prosecuted me and who was there obviously to get his jollies

    5. her success arose from the ruthlessness for which she prosecuted her missions—a ruthlessness that

    6. transgressions oftentimes involved adolescent boys (girls, with few exceptions, are seldom mentioned) between the ages of nine and fourteen when most were likely to serve as altar boys? I wouldn‘t expect accurate reporting from the media and other members of the liberal community unlikely to risk a political fallout over the question of ―gay‖ (that sacred cow) priests although most people on the other hand would generally agree that Pedophilia is abominable and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law

    7. Not only is it illegal to commit war crimes, an officer or sergeant who fails to stop human rights violations can and should be prosecuted for failing to stop such crimes

    8. By international law, no head of state can be prosecuted for war crimes while they are still in office

    9. Leading war criminals from Argentina, Chad, Chile, Congo, Guatemala, Iraq, Liberia, Peru, Rwanda, Serbia, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sudan, and Uganda have all been prosecuted

    10. It includes both those who committed war crimes, whether or not the law would have prosecuted them at the time

    11. I agree that such inappropriate behavior should be quickly censored and prosecuted before further harm is done

    12. While I agree that her crime does not rise to the level of Enron, Worldcom and Adelphia, whose executive officers, in my opinion, should be swiftly prosecuted and given extensive jail sentences, Ms

    13. Since this was not US soil, torture there could not be prosecuted under US laws

    14. He was never prosecuted on the charge and he eventually moved from New York to North Carolina and changed his name and his life

    15. These vandals are prosecuted and sentenced far out of proportion to their crimes, while actual terrorists on the right wing are at times not even seriously investigated until after the fact

    16. The first was to tell Frau Bergheim that her boys were being prosecuted by the Occupation Authority for possession of firearms and acts against public order

    17. Consequently, the Army continued to do what it could; trying to find a way to return their charges to their countries of origin; while also trying to sort out from among the Germans, those who would be prosecuted for war crimes, and those who would simply be released

    18. prosecuted nor was any attempt made to have the bonuses returned

    19. How far have we come today that one can now be prosecuted and

    20. It was only after years of investigation that the perpetrators of the Two Elk Lodge arson were found, prosecuted, and sentenced

    21. ” She said, “I wouldn’t want you to be prosecuted for assault

    22. Was anyone ever prosecuted for this bogus Canadian passport scam that

    23. parties will be prosecuted

    24. Bob was prosecuted towards the end of February 1972 in USDC on Third Avenue

    25. menced or prosecuted against one of the United States by

    26. prosecuted, tortured, and put to death because

    27. prosecuted the Border Agents, the man they were chasing (drug

    28. REALISTICALLY they can be exposed and prosecuted for what

    29. If the telling of a lie causes harm, then it can be prosecuted as the appropriate crime

    30. For example, if I know that a floor is unsafe, and I tell someone that it’s sound, and they then fall through it, I should be prosecuted for assault, not for lying

    31. I really think you could have prosecuted him, you might have got some money

    32. If you are in the mood to offer friendly greetings occasionally, that would be nice, but if anyone calls to one of us repetitively, or as a matter of course, they may be answered rather rudely, and if it still continues, they will be prosecuted in the courts of their nation for harassment

    33. Unlawful actions in business can be and are prosecuted, but each example of corporate wrongdoing can be matched by tens of thousands of examples of businesses’

    34. She is prosecuted and demands are issued for an arbitrary and fictitious sum totalling twenty times the amount she siphoned off

    35. I believe they have already realized that the wrong person was prosecuted but want to make absolutely certain that they haven't missed anything

    36. ‘I hope you realise you are being let off lightly, Ms Nimffo? We are giving you a chance to start again and reform your ways instead of being prosecuted and spending years in a women’s prison where tonight’s little dalliance would be nothing compared to what some of those hardened women can dream up

    37. The methamphetamine lab was destroyed and there was insufficient evidence for the parents to be prosecuted

    38. She would have been prosecuted for infidelity if anyone would have known

    39. `Because Diane is dead and she can't be prosecuted when she is already dead

    40. In principle, Jesus decided that his lifework should be organized and prosecuted in accordance with natural law and in harmony with the existing social organization

    41. As a general rule, they never prosecuted their regular activities on Wednesday

    42. “Trespassers are prosecuted,” she said locking her thighs

    43. accused of raping his wife could be prosecuted in Oregon under the same laws as any

    44. “You can be prosecuted for giving false information and wasting police time

    45. Since the picket mother ship had a brig and Marines to guard it, Rachel transferred Denny to them along with a copy of the relevant ships’ logs so he could be prosecuted

    46. The killers were neither found nor prosecuted

    47. No one was prosecuted in any of these killings even though the victims included many inept top ranking police officials placed in the jobs, not for their skills, but for their willingness to persecute opponents to the “Born Again”

    48. In Scotland, rape can only be prosecuted in the High Court

    49. These religious activists have thus committed no criminal or illegal act and were in fact not prosecuted for them

    50. The members of the Jewish police who committed atrocities and violence on behalf of the Germans will be prosecuted and punished by us

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