Usa "pubescence" in una frase
pubescence frasi di esempio
1. Steele notes the decay in family life during the pubescence and adolescence of the younger generation
2. first ‘attack’ came about when I was entering pubescence
3. haven’t yet survived the storms of our pubescence
4. and girls in their pubescence) isolated themselves and by means of fast-
5. that in their pubescence age were laid by the so-cal ed shamanic il -
6. For instance, whether or not there is an open passage from the nostrils to the mouth, the only character, according to Owen, which absolutely distinguishes fishes and reptiles—the inflection of the angle of the lower jaw in Marsupials—the manner in which the wings of insects are folded—mere colour in certain Algae—mere pubescence on parts of the flower in grasses—the nature of the dermal covering, as hair or feathers, in the Vertebrata
7. There is some difference indeed between many of these, maritime plants being generally covered by a pubescence, of which most land plants are destitute