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    Usa "puff out" in una frase

    puff out frasi di esempio

    puff out

    1. that morning puff out of her, and she went slowly back

    2. puff out dust and debris

    3. Banks seemed to puff out his chest, as if to force everyone to look at

    4. The change to a higher altitude had caused most of the balloons to puff out to half again as big as when I left the ground

    5. Instruct patient to close their lips tightly and puff out their cheeks without letting air escape from their lips

    6. Melvin, who’s only job was to keep men from touching the girls from the road show decided he wanted to puff out his chest and act like a big shot in front of these women and defend their livelihood

    7. Puff out your cheeks and circle with your head and neck, first clockwise and then counter-clockwise

    8. a shark puff out on the water

    9. Was it me or did he actually puff out his chest a little before he leaned back down and handed it back?

    10. She laughed, knocked the puff out of his hand, and ran on to the stage; but she found him awaiting her exit, deaf to cues and stage directions, in a kind of tragic calm

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    Sinonimi per "puff out"

    swell stick out distend bulge bloat balloon jut