Usa "pull up stakes" in una frase
pull up stakes frasi di esempio
pull up stakes
1. “Maybe, I will just pull up stakes and visit some other friends out west somewhere
2. "I sensed this was going too slickly, but… I can think of only one thing—we play it as it lies, wait for the right conditions as long as feasible, then pull up stakes and try next year
3. that they were committed to wait at least 30 minutes before they would pull up stakes, call
4. But the point is that rural tourism is a sustainable option that focuses on what’s already here and doesn’t run the risk of putting the majority of jobs in the hands of a company that could pull up stakes and leave
5. It didn’t matter that the publicity and political wrangling were cost-ing precious time–time that allowed Ivan Lions and his three-man staff to pull up stakes and skip the state; time that allowed Roy Higgins to melt under the clutches of slick lawyers and plead the 5th
6. Within a few years, two and a half million Americans would pull up stakes and head west into an uncertain future—rootless, dispossessed, bereft of the simple comfort and dignity of having a place to call home