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    Usa "puma" in una frase

    puma frasi di esempio


    1. Also find condor, puma, primate, serpent and one in every five of the world’s butterflies

    2. Unlike the Rhodesians the South African Air Force (SAAF) had Super Frelon and Puma helicopters to use as troop carrying platforms so they could insert a lot more troops at the first wave with very rapid reinforcements if needed

    3. The books containing entries for ‘mountain lion,’ and ‘cougar,’ said, ‘see Puma or Leopard,’ so now he checked the entry for leopard

    4. According to legend the city had the rough form of a puma with Sacsahuaman in the north as its head and this narrow area where the two rivers join as its tail

    5. Simon took off after them, moving like a puma in the jungle

    6. A potter mentioned a hunter who was wooing his sister, a man by the name of Bo-elon, who spent most of his time in the mountains to the west, hunting the puma

    7. I then told him what we needed, a stronghold for the people, his face lit up and he said he knew of just the place, while following a mountain lion’s tracks he came upon it’s lair, or so he thought, on entering the cave he found no lion, so he ventured to the back of the cave, hoping for a puma pelt, what he found was that the cave was in fact an ancient watercourse that had gouged a tunnel completely through the mountain, coming out of the tunnel into the sunlight he found himself in a huge valley, two or three miles long, with a huge lake fed by fresh sparkling mountain water

    8. He was probably in his late twenties, maybe early thirties, and the way he carried himself, not to mention the sports bag with the leaping Puma on the side, suggested he was pretty fit

    9. The batman directed the large M1-172, 19 seat Puma, to land and roll forward under the canopy and signalled to stop the engines

    10. Even though there are some puma attacks every year, they are rare, and hardly ever prove fatal

    11. And if a puma did decide to attack us now, we would empty the entire magazine of the turkey-chaser revolver into it, and then start to fight it with our bare hands

    12. the sun eating the moon; the puma and the ant; and mana

    13. It was then that the thought occured to her that there had been a puma attack only a few days ago

    14. No need to dwell on the legendary beauty of the cornerpieces, the acme of art, wherein one can distinctly discern each of the four evangelists in turn presenting to each of the four masters his evangelical symbol, a bogoak sceptre, a North American puma (a far nobler king of beasts than the British article, be it said in passing), a Kerry calf and a golden eagle from Carrantuohill

    15. "Some people call it a black puma, but really it is not a puma at all

    16. Once a dark, clumsy tapir stared at us from a gap in the bushes, and then lumbered away through the forest; once, too, the yellow, sinuous form of a great puma whisked amid the brushwood, and its green, baleful eyes glared hatred at us over its tawny shoulder

    17. Damon Cross exited the far door of his dorm and set off on a paved path across the quad, carrying a Puma duffel bag and an orange backpack

    18. I was makin' up a litter in the monkey house for a young puma which is ill

    19. In the cat tribe, most of the species when adult are striped or spotted in lines; and stripes or spots can be plainly distinguished in the whelp of the lion and the puma

    20. At the outset I may explain that strictly it was not a panther that figures in this story, but that is the name—or more commonly "painter"—given to the puma, or cougar, of North America

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    catamount cougar felis concolor mountain lion painter panther puma