Usa "quackery" in una frase
quackery frasi di esempio
1. Quackery abounds on the Internet
2. Thus the man’s deception and guile were soon unmasked and he bowed his head in shame, especially when the crowd mocked him after his quackery had been exposed
3. He could think of nothing except for the great profit he would make that day, for he knew that it would usually take many months to collect such a sum through his quackery
4. Our Master Moses (pth) was sent at the time when magic prospered, so he was given miracles that overcame and frustrated their jugglery, quackery and imaginary actions
5. This can occur even if the so-called wonder is mere quackery and mocks the mind of those who do not look into Al’lah’s Holy Book and become enlightened by their faith
6. Concerning our master Moses (pth), he was sent to people at the time when magic and magicians were plentiful, so God the Almighty supported him with a miracle that frustrated their charlatanism, quackery and deceptive actions
7. “I will make a great profit on this day”, he thought to himself, for he knew that he would usually need many months to collect such a sum through his quackery
8. So it was that when the magician came to that place to practice his quackery and sorcery, he was surprised to see our merciful scholar, and thus his evil and falsity were immediately defeated in the face of the truth
9. And here is an incident which uncovers the quackery of those who claim to have access to imaginary supernatural powers, and the stupidity and silliness of those who believe them and are tricked by them
10. What? Have a scientific study that scientifically proves most of modern western surgery is worse than doing nothing at all? You mean all those billions and trillions of dollars are spent on pure quackery? You mean the sacred religious belief that hospitals can help you instead of harm you is bullshit? The entire religious culture of hospitals and the worship of doctors and surgeons as veritable god-like authority figures would be destroyed… Now we can’t have that can we? Make people be responsible for their own health? Unthinkable
11. "It is all part and parcel of the same system of quackery and nonsense, for which I regret to say that the writer is notorious
12. Renfrew, the colonel's widow, was not only unexceptionable in point of breeding, but also interesting on the ground of her complaint, which puzzled the doctors, and seemed clearly a case wherein the fulness of professional knowledge might need the supplement of quackery
13. Also, the high standard held up to the public mind by the College of which which gave its peculiar sanction to the expensive and highly rarefied medical instruction obtained by graduates of Oxford and Cambridge, did not hinder quackery from having an excellent time of it; for since
14. But how are we to cause these rights to be respected? By putting in force the non-importation law? Suppose the British should not believe themselves excessively injured by this measure; that, in fact, it operated to their advantage, and we are suffered to bring on premature decay and old age, by this political quackery
15. This is the gilded pill, in which lurks a most deadly venom, and which if we swallow, I fear all the political quackery of the nation cannot save us
16. This interesting class of experiments ought to be resumed, not with the spirit of quackery, or of extravagant expectation, but with the sobriety of philosophical research; and it is more than probable that the nitrous oxyde which is now little more than a subject of merriment and wonder, if properly diluted and discreetly applied, would be productive of valuable effects
17. Wounded by the spear of war, what but downright political quackery could prescribe those "restrictive" nostrums, to restore the nation to health and vigor? Are the old chimerical notions of starving the enemy, yet floating in the brains of gentlemen? In despite of experience, do they yet believe that our blessed country alone can produce food for the world? Are the countries of the Baltic and Caspian Seas no longer cultivated? Has the Nile ceased to fructify the fields of Egypt? Have Sicily and the Barbary coasts returned to a barren state of nature? Has France herself agreed to bury her surplus breadstuffs in the earth? Or has England lost that ascendency on the ocean, and forgot all those commercial arts, by which she was wont to procure supplies from all those countries? Seven years of restrictions have in vain been tried