Usa "quagmire" in una frase
quagmire frasi di esempio
1. After the initial quagmire of the
2. quagmire, but appeared well drained and was drying out
3. The ground was a complete quagmire, and my journeying was from root to root, and leaping on to fallen trunks and branches
4. To what purpose may I ask? The American Government has been drawn into a quagmire of warring factions, each of questionable character, for no apparent (political) reason
5. The US-Vietnam War has often been referred to as a quagmire, something that sucks you in and you cannot get out of, drags you down farther the more you try to get out
6. No, Bush's guilt is largely a matter of pure incompetence as an administrator, not very different from the many failings he had in appointing people to administer Iraq, and indeed in prosecuting and planning the quagmire of the Iraq War
7. What had become of his cousin that he’d run his life into such a quagmire that each choice was grimmer than the last? The nets were pulled free and all three stepped back, squinting into the dazzling brilliance: five hundred eighty-seven snow-white kilos of cocaine reflected the full midday glare of Caribbean sunshine
8. The ground was a quagmire, a huge bath
9. With facts to the contrary staring them in the face, they say we’re losing, that it’s a war that cannot be won, that it’s a quagmire
10. That was not to be, however, for the end to this ravaging quagmire was lurking in the horizon with a dramatic setting and a tragic conclusion
12. Caroline's phone call left his mind lying in a deep quagmire of
13. In fact after the rainy season, just jumping on the surface turns everything into a quagmire
14. Treacle, sugar-cane, flour and suet now added treachery to the other ingredients forming a quagmire on the floor
15. I really believed their forecast that it would become a quagmire
16. He started to run but he was caught in a quagmire
17. Actions that were meant to solve the problem actually created a quagmire and matters only deteriorated
18. There is only one word for a situation in which you cannot win and you cannot withdraw: quagmire
19. The war begun in Iraq may not seem like a quagmire to some, but in some respects it is worse than Vietnam
20. why is there a quagmire in Iraq today? Also, you may recall the condemnation of Salman Rushdie by Ayatollah
21. It really didn’t mean much because the United States proceeded to fall into the trap and the result was the quagmire in Southeast Asia
22. must sometimes wonder that somewhere in that quagmire of light
23. So they bypassed the quagmire of expectations and stayed friends and basically took life day by day
24. a financial quagmire that could literally, take years to recover from
25. Overnight rains had turned this field into quagmire
26. next ball delivered would again be dispatched by Shane into the quagmire and the
27. through the quagmire that is Nigeria’s recent history; a history of untold
28. quagmire almost beyond healing has spoiled the timing
29. and spread on top of the quagmire
30. So, bereft of Allah’s ayat and Muhammad’s hadith, the muftis and the Musalmans alike have reached the dead end of the Islamic guidance, or so it seems, as they are unable to find a bend to steer them clear of the mundane quagmire
31. But if man gives free rein to his spirit and follows the primrose path, that is, living a life of nothing but ease and pleasure, so that he fails to make use of his intellectual gifts and the power of his thought, he will become entirely embroiled in the lowly life, drinking from its quagmire and guzzling from its cup of mean, carnal desires
32. How to Avoid the SEO Quagmire
33. create a sort of quagmire that mimics increased mass
34. quagmire doesn’t interfere with Newton’s idea that things in motion tend to
35. They had never arrived in weather like this before and she will have to apply all her skills to navigate what looked now not like a road or even a trail, but more like a quagmire
36. The authors of the gospels and letters surely would not have had the Son of God being humiliated, spat upon, bashed, crowned with thorns, speared and nailed to the cross, but instead, have Him rising above this quagmire of abuse in strength and might, slaying his nemesis and exhibiting powers of strength, splendour and majesty
37. So, cursing vehemently, he turned back to fight the quagmire for his stolen footwear
38. She asked the driver to take the Transverse, to avoid the quagmire around Daddy’s
39. ) GMan sent Iceman the following e-mail below to extricate him from his quagmire
40. From his office in Hong Kong and his villa in Chiang Mai, Thailand, Marc has had a front row seat to the incredible transformation of China from a communist quagmire to the growth engine that drives the whole region
41. Sometimes, however, coming from those lofty mountains which dominate the moral horizon, justice, wisdom, reason, right, formed of the pure snow of the ideal, after a long fall from rock to rock, after having reflected the sky in its transparency and increased by a hundred affluents in the majestic mien of triumph, insurrection is suddenly lost in some quagmire, as the Rhine is in a swamp
42. They give many names; among others, that of the sewerman who was swallowed up in a quagmire under the man-hole of the Rue Careme-Prenant, a certain Blaise Poutrain; this Blaise Poutrain was the brother of Nicholas Poutrain, who was the last grave-digger of the cemetery called the Charnier des Innocents, in 1785, the epoch when that cemetery expired
43. D'Escoubleau, surprised one night at his cousin's, the Duchess de Sourdis', was drowned in a quagmire of the Beautreillis sewer, in which he had taken refuge in order to escape from the Duke
44. This sort of quagmire was common at that period in the subsoil of the Champs-Elysees, difficult to handle in the hydraulic works and a bad preservative of the subterranean
45. Besides, how was he to again traverse that quagmire whence he had only extricated himself as by a miracle? And after the quagmire, was there not the police patrol, which assuredly could not be twice avoided? And then, whither was he to go? What direction should he pursue? To follow the incline would not conduct him to his goal
46. "Apropos of that quagmire, you're a hearty animal
47. One fact is to be noticed, that before reaching the exit grating, this convict, who had come a long distance in the sewer, must, necessarily, have encountered a frightful quagmire where it seems as though he might have left the body, but the sewermen would have found the assassinated man the very next day, while at work on the quagmire, and that did not suit the assassin's plans
48. He had preferred to traverse that quagmire with his burden, and his exertions must have been terrible, for it is impossible to risk one's life more completely; I don't understand how he could have come out of that alive
49. In May 1952—right before Marilyn turned twenty-six—part of the story of her mother leaked out and caused a painful public relations quagmire for her
50. "Quagmire," said Zach, and he gave a sigh and threw his hands up in the air