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    Usa "quant" in una frase

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    1. They are the math geniuses of the quant

    2. Short for "quantitative equity," a quant fund is a hedge fund that relies on complex and sophisticated mathematical algorithms to search for anomalies and non-obvious patterns in the

    3. There will also be many analytics solutions that will marry text and quant in and philosophy who

    4. And in fashion Mary Quant came up with the mini skirt and hot pants that set a new sexy trend in female clothing styles

    5. ‘Every girl wants an IIT brother, big help in quant subjects,’ the first student

    6. This is what autotrading, or as others say, quant trading or algorithmic trading, is

    7. Even starting with simple rules as outlined here (and from a new trader on our desk in his PlayBook) is a start in your quant career

    8. He just stepped out of my office after briefing me on the eight new algorithmic strategies he was studying with our quant support staff

    9. Our discretionary traders are bionic with state-of-the-art proprietary scanning software and quant support that ensures they are alerted to all of their favorite custom setups

    10. No one had ever heard of a venture capital fund, a private equity fund, an index fund, a quant fund, or an emerging market fund

    11. You could call Petainen a self-taught quant

    12. As a quant, he selects his investments based on statistical models that screen for various measurable attributes in companies and stocks

    13. ” In other words, these quant models screen for stocks that will beat the market

    14. Speculators and traders focus on short-term activities, technical indicators and/or quant strategies

    15. When the turn in fortunes came in the summer of 2007, crowded positions and synchronous liquidations caused a “quant meltdown”, which seemed mysterious at first but which really just reflected the extent to which quant managers had engaged in herd behavior by all following similar value indicators

    16. The diagnosis was that quantitative strategies—especially those following a value tilt—had become overcrowded and subject to systematic de-leveraging risk among quant traders

    17. There was less agreement on the appropriate response—whether to stick with proven approaches, whether to refine and “time” them, or whether to replace them with more proprietary quant approaches (less crowded but less proven)

    18. Value strategies continued to suffer in 2008, and when the value style recovered in 2009 few quant managers benefited fully

    19. Virtually all equity quant managers go beyond value and try to take advantage of a diverse set of return sources in their stock selection and portfolio construction algorithms [3]

    20. That these dangers were not specific to quant investing became abundantly clear during the following year

    21. He was posing in begging his former readers so earnestly to forget him; quant à moi, I am not so conceited, and I rest my hopes on the youth of your inexperienced heart

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