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    Usa "quart" in una frase

    quart frasi di esempio


    1. Try 1 capful per quart

    2. in 1 quart water

    3. Bronner Peppermint Soap5 per quart water

    4. She actually mixed them, adding a pint of vodka to each quart of yaag

    5. In a 2 quart saucepan over medium heat, combine the sugar, corn syrup, water, butter, cornstarch and salt

    6. “And I heard a voice in the midst…saying, ‘A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine’” (Rev

    7. I stopped and he bought a quart of Bud

    8. He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college and drinks a quart of whiskey every evening

    9. John Falk had me pegged, at our last exam 3L, he brought me a quart of Seagram’s that he had left over in his apartment (probably from his first year) and gave it to me because he knew it would be used

    10. "You might be tempted to drink from a nice clean-looking pond or stream—well, don't! I bet there's not a quart of water anywhere here uncontaminated with E coli and God knows what else, and you can't tell by looking at it

    11. Dimarico now poured the dregs in the man's cup, and as the reeve willingly drained it, LeeAnn came forth with a quart of bourbon

    12. Alistair’s calls from his cell phone were much more mundane and involved family talk with the missus and the occasional reminders from her to pick up a pizza on the way home or stop for groceries at the Safeway, remembering the quart of Neapolitan ice cream along with whip cream and a couple of cucumbers for the salad

    13. in for a loaf of bread but might need a quart of milk too

    14. Inside the car was found a quart bottle of tequila that was just about empty

    15. I split it into four parts and only make a quart at a time

    16. I had to send the usual stuff back and the proof of purchase could be either from the case or from the individual quart containers

    17. However, if you use that thinking in buying a quart of milk, the baby may cry more than you can stand and you may have to pour beer over your Cheerios

    18. Quickly, he grabbed a quart of purified spring water then walked up to the foreign cashier

    19. surprised he dropped his quart mug of beer

    20. Dairy Queen has been producing popular ice cream cakes for many years and there are plenty of varieties to suit anyone's tastes and birthday needs! And just remember: if you buy an ice cream cake then there's no need at all to buy a separate pint or quart of ice cream because it'll already be combined with the cake!

    21. Yes, the gallon of pickles might actually cost more than four quart jars

    22. Mix 1 cup flour and 2 cups borax in a quart jar

    23. You start with a wide-mouthed quart jar and layer the ingredients for a recipe

    24. � You start with a wide-mouthed quart jar and layer the ingredients for a recipe

    25. One of the older Chinese remedies is to boil 1 quart of water, then add 1 cup of honeysuckle flowers

    26. He took them over to the sideboard, where a quart size,

    27. Combine rice and water in a 3 quart saucepan

    28. quart and a glass and he was set to celebrate his

    29. with a box of donuts in his lap and a quart of milk by his side

    30. "When we begin to see steam issuing from the mouth of it due to the quart of water I have poured into the can, I will remove it from the hot coals using my thick work gloves so that I do not sear my fingers

    31. Only this time there was a quart glass jar like the ones that people would use to store canned goods in

    32. man! A fatal dose of alcohol ranges from 1 pint to 1 quart of

    33. This being accomplished, he felt anxious to make trial himself, on the spot, of the virtue of this precious balsam, as he considered it, and so he drank near a quart of what could not be put into the flask and remained in the pigskin in which it had been boiled; but scarcely had he done drinking when he began to vomit in such a way that nothing was left in his stomach, and with the pangs and spasms of vomiting he broke into a profuse sweat, on account of which he bade them cover him up and leave him alone

    34. Joseph seemed sitting in a sort of elysium alone, beside a roaring fire; a quart of ale on the table near him, bristling with large pieces of toasted oat-cake; and his black, short pipe in his mouth

    35. Have another quart of goosegrease before it gets too cold

    36. In old age she takes up with gospellers (one stayed with her at New Place and drank a quart of sack the town council paid for but in which bed he slept it skills not to ask) and heard she had a soul

    37. They hankered after a little pleasure, a little excitement, a little fun, and they found that it was possible to buy something like those in quart pots at the pub

    38. Having requested a quart of buttermilk this was brought and evidently afforded relief

    39. There was one Tory poster that represented the interior of a public house; in front of the bar, with a quart pot in his hand, a clay pipe in his mouth, and a load of tools on his back, stood a degraded-looking brute who represented the Tory ideal of what an Englishman should be; the letterpress on the poster said it was a man! This is the ideal of manhood that they hold up to the majority of their fellow countrymen, but privately - amongst themselves - the Tory aristocrats regard such `men' with far less respect than they do the lower animals

    40. Justine averted her eyes from quart jars of assorted eyeballs

    41. The kitchen was tiny, with a half-size cabinet that held only a box of off-brand breakfast cereal, and a half-size refrigerator that held only a quart of off-brand milk, and two candy bars

    42. Tom came out of the house wrapping a quart bottle in a towel, followed by Daisy and Jordan wearing small tight hats of metallic cloth and carrying light capes over their

    43. Four kids, ages two through six, were found locked in a room on the South Side with a couple of tuna sandwiches and a quart of milk

    44. At last Gandalf pushed away his plate and jug — he had eaten two whole loaves (with masses of butter and honey and clotted cream) and drunk at least a quart of mead and he took out his pipe

    45. But O when you reach the Open Sea—what a Change is there! One Quart of Water a Day for toiling Men—and some grow so thirsty that they drink up their whole Ration when ’tis serv’d and live the next twenty-four Hours in a Hell of Thirst

    46. Area residents frequented the place for small, everyday needs—a newspaper or magazine or a quart of milk

    47. Old man Gilpatrick doused him with a half quart of cow-soap, that bubbled and frothed and stank sweetly, and every once in a while Shorty Phillips hit Odd with jigger of eau de cologne

    48. Then he touched a bottle of milk all over and poured out half a quart into a glass, listening to it

    49. ” “Yes, sir!” So, do you know what I did, Doctor? I bought a quart of French chocolate ice cream and spooned it into the car radio transmitter

    50. He drank some hot coffee, ate three sandwiches and had a quart of beer

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