Usa "quid pro quo" in una frase
quid pro quo frasi di esempio
quid pro quo
1. Quid pro quo
2. That is to say, authority is often conferred as a quid pro quo in exchange for (public) favors
3. Ford's pardoning of Nixon for his crimes during the Watergate Scandal, defended by Ford as best for the country, were seen by many as a quid pro quo, a payoff, with the pardon being exchanged for being appointed Vice President and then becoming President
4. What a quid pro quo that is
5. But there was a quid pro quo
6. Quid pro quo, and all that
7. ‘My good doctor, to say that all religions are great is a quid pro quo,’ said Raja Rao excitedly
8. Maybe the saving grace was the insertions for wife-swapping that seemed genuine for they were all about give and take; but then, wasn’t he rendered a hors de combat for he lacked the means for a quid pro quo? What about Vimala, he thought as he recalled that evening when he was led into a lounge of a mansion where he found a score of whores in awkward postures, and as he turned his back on the gaudy dames in disgust, one lissome lass in a Turkish towel walked in
9. The two-nation theory by which the ancient land of Aryavarta was partitioned was an illusion of the Indian Musalmans that was not subscribed by the Hindus of India, and had they wanted a country for them only, wouldn’t they have ceded some more land to Pakistanis, if that were needed, as a quid pro quo for ridding the Islamist presence from their Indian midst
10. That only seemed fair…Quid pro quo
11. William's quid pro quo, in that, for his helping me
12. “Why would you deny it if I told her?” When he says nothing, I say, “Quid pro quo, Ryodan
13. 10 It should be recognized as a principle, however, that the waiving of any important right by the bondholders entitles them to some quid pro quo from the stockholders—in the form either of a contribution of cash to the enterprise or of a transfer of some part of their claim on future earnings to the bondholders
14. No substantial quid pro quo was offered for these concessions
15. Quid pro quo was better than nothing, I guess
16. Quid pro quos would have occurred
17. Gillenormand had not accepted the quid pro quo
18. By treaty we may obtain what the lawyers call a quid pro quo