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    Usa "rate of interest" in una frase

    rate of interest frasi di esempio

    rate of interest

    1. Rate of interest specified for a fixed deposit, say in bank, is the 'nominal rate of return'

    2. Accordingly, therefore, as the usual market rate of interest varies in any country, we may be assured that the ordinary profits of stock must vary with it, must sink as it sinks, and rise as it rises

    3. continued to be the legal rate of interest till the 21st of James I

    4. They seem to have followed, and not to have gone before, the market rate of interest, or the rate at which people of good credit usually borrowed

    5. In Scotland, though the legal rate of interest is the same as in England, the market rate is rather higher

    6. The legal rate of interest in France has not during the course of the present century, been

    7. rich a country as England; and though the legal rate of interest has in France frequently been

    8. considerable exaggeration ), the great sums which they lend to private people, in countries where the rate of interest is higher than in their own, are circumstances which no doubt demonstrate the redundancy of their stock, or that it has increased beyond what they can employ with tolerable profit in the proper business of their own country; but they do not demonstrate that that business has decreased

    9. In the different colonies, both the legal and the market rate of interest run from six to eight percent

    10. In the greater part of our colonies, accordingly, both the legal and the market rate of interest have been considerably reduced during the course of the present century

    11. A defect in the law may sometimes raise the rate of interest considerably above what the condition of the country, as to wealth or poverty, would require

    12. The high rate of interest which took place in those ancient times, may, perhaps, be partly accounted for from this cause

    13. The high rate of interest among all Mahometan nations is accounted for by M

    14. The lowest ordinary rate of interest must, in the same manner, be something more than sufficient to compensate the occasional losses to which lending, even with tolerable prudence, is exposed

    15. In a country which had acquired its full complement of riches, where, in every particular branch of business, there was the greatest quantity of stock that could be employed in it, as the ordinary rate of clear profit would be very small, so the usual market rate of interest which could be afforded out of it would be so low as to render it impossible for any but the very wealthiest people to live upon the interest of their money

    16. The proportion which the usual market rate of interest ought to bear to the ordinary rate of clear profit, necessarily varies as profit rises or falls

    17. This rate of interest has gradually been reduced from eight to three per cent

    18. The rate of interest was nowhere less than ten per cent

    19. At present, the rate of interest, in the improved parts of Europe, is nowhere higher than six per cent

    20. But when the profits which can be made by the use of a capital are in this manner diminished, as it were, at both ends, the price which can be paid for the use of it, that is, the rate of interest, must necessarily be diminished with them

    21. Mr Locke, Mr Lawe, and Mr Montesquieu, as well as many other writers, seem to have imagined that the increase of the quantity of gold and silver, in consequence of the discovery of the Spanish West Indies, was the real cause of the lowering of the rate of interest through the greater part of Europe

    22. seems to have been the common rate of interest through the greater part of Europe

    23. Let us suppose, that in every particular country the value of silver has sunk precisely in the same proportion as the rate of interest; and that in those countries, for example, where interest has been reduced from ten to five per cent

    24. This supposition will not, I believe, be found anywhere agreeable to the truth ; but it is the most favourable to the opinion which we are going to examine; and, even upon this supposition, it is utterly impossible that the lowering of the value of silver could have the smallest tendency to lower the rate of interest

    25. By reducing the rate of interest, therefore, from ten to five per cent

    26. If the legal rate of interest in Great Britain, for example, was fixed so high as eight or ten per cent

    27. Where the legal rate of interest, on the contrary, is fixed but a very little above the lowest market rate, sober people are universally preferred, as borrowers, to prodigals and projectors

    28. No law can reduce the common rate of interest below the lowest ordinary market rate at the time when that law is made

    29. Notwithstanding the edict of 1766, by which the French king attempted to reduce the rate of interest from five to four per cent

    30. The ordinary market price of land, it is to be observed, depends everywhere upon the ordinary market rate of interest

    31. The market rate of interest is higher in France than in England, and the common price of land is lower

    32. By raising the rate of profit, too, the monopoly necessarily keeps up the market rate of interest higher than it otherwise would be

    33. But the price of land, in proportion to the rent which it affords, the number of years purchase which is commonly paid for it, necessarily falls as the rate of interest rises, and rises as the rate of interest falls

    34. Where the market rate of interest is four per cent

    35. Where the market rate of interest is five per cent

    36. In Holland, where the market rate of interest does not exceed three per cent

    37. As a tax upon the rent of land cannot raise rents, because the neat produce which remains, after replacing the stock of the farmer, together with his reasonable profit, cannot be greater after the tax than before it, so, for the same reason, a tax upon the interest of money could not raise the rate of interest; the quantity of stock or money in the country, like the quantity of land, being supposed to remain the same after the tax as before it

    38. When the present annual land tax was first imposed, the legal rate of interest was six per cent

    39. Since the legal rate of interest has been reduced to five per cent

    40. In a country where the market rate of interest seldom exceeds three per cent

    41. During the reign of queen Anne, the market rate of interest had fallen from six to five per cent

    42. The best rate of interest is 0% of course

    43. Pick the one with the highest rate of interest

    44. the new rate of interest or additional payment remains

    45. The moneychangers charged a very high rate of interest

    46. Malcolm thought it over for a few seconds then said, “It could have added another half a million on in interest but that depends on how long the money has been there and what rate of interest the Cayman Bank would pay

    47. Multiply that small amount by the number of loans processed by a rate of interest that could be attained for stashing the cash temporarily, and a few dollars are involved

    48. Each individual account earns a fixed rate of interest of 10% from year to year

    49. This type of loan also charges an extremely high rate of interest

    50. Since incurring debt implies a tax deduction, the new rate of interest is multiplied

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