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    Usa "ray of light" in una frase

    ray of light frasi di esempio

    ray of light

    1. The thought, was lost again to this world, as the brilliant orange ball, exploded across the pink and lavender sky, sending a fan shaped ray of light streaming in all directions

    2. A tiny blur of fur leapt through a ray of light cast from a gap in the ceiling, darting through the light only to disappear beneath a fallen beam

    3. Katrina averted her green eyed gaze, choosing instead to watch a blizzard of dust particles sparkle as they drifted into the ray of light, knowing it wouldn't be long before her presence was felt

    4. Sebastian turned his flashlight so that the ray of light fell between his legs and to the rear

    5. It seemed to be made out of a dull gray, not a single ray of light reflected off its surface

    6. Like a warm ray of Light, he appeared and whispered without words

    7. The ray of light from the outside began to shrink until it was eradicated with a bang and I was surrounded by darkness

    8. Down, in the Abyss, Elena’s eyes shined brighter than a ray of light

    9. The next morning a brilliant ray of light over the top of the mountain illuminated every shadow and every vibrant color

    10. At the risk of sounding like a Hallmark card, I think love is like a ray of sunlight, traveling for all eternity through space, deeper and deeper into infinity; like that ray of light, it never ceases to exist

    11. Bellack quickly placed his left hand back onto the surface of the huge crystal and extended his right finger towards the intruder, a constant green ray of light instantly flared out from his finger hitting the warrior

    12. He passed under the hydra at their first intersection, over at the next, pressing for more speed, more power, flying in a blurring circuit, a ray of blue water racing the red dragon, a ray of light

    13. can see that from that time onward, a new ray of light was sent forth towards

    14. This does not make a widespread prayer more likely to come to pass than that which is only spoken or intended upon by a single person, but if each being is a ray of light there will be one giant and much grater visible beam when they are all focused on the same point (same intention)

    15. The officer had it opened and flashed the beam of the lantern over it, and Aureli-ano Segundo and Santa Sofía de la Piedad saw the Arab eyes of José Arcadio Segundo at the moment when the ray of light passed over his face and they understood that it was the end of one anxiety and the beginning of another which would find relief only in resignation

    16. A little later, still naked, they lay down side by side on a flat rock and sunned themselves in a ray of light breaking through a small gap in the rainforest canopy

    17. Fortunately, however, a ray of light, springing from human intelligence, illuminates the sombre scene; and as the result, some millions of black men may prove more fortunate than those Europe and America have thrown away

    18. Everyone was happy to realize that even the lives which they had been made to believe to be cursed and dark, had finally found a ray of light

    19. The ray of light cut through the thin metal sheet like a hot knife through butter, and Stick was so astonished that he immediately released the trigger

    20. Each city had their own special array of lights running up and down the main thoroughfares

    21. The young man in gray thrust his spear and in the fog was a ray of light as

    22. It seemed like the ray of light from the sunrise that blinded his eyes and also lit his heart

    23. The hatch above opened up and a ray of light shone through

    24. A ray of light shone down and when he

    25. followed this ray of light, it was shone on Mei Yinxue’s face

    26. In the intense cold of the night, there was a ray of light from the cottage

    27. An array of lights flashed across the control panel

    28. In a word Priscilla's mind was in a state of upheaval, and the only ray of light she saw anywhere--and never was ray more watery--was that Tussie, for the moment at least, was content

    29. Carton said it as though at last a ray of light had struck in on an otherwise black situation, and that was indeed the case

    30. We mustn’t divide the general Spectrum of these Energies that structure our LLUU-VVU (or GOOLGAMAA-A) into different types — they are one whole aggregate of Aspects of certain Qualities, which (as a Ray of Light) creates, when it manifests in each structure of Worlds, that which you observe during the diffraction effect of the solar radiation, — a rainbow that, like Forms, can have an infinite number of variations depending on the angle of vision at which you look at it

    31. Even if it never hit a star…it would still not travel in an absolutely straight line… because as Science now knows: the Space of our Universe is curved, and any ray of light going from one end of the Universe to the other curves, simply because the Space it travels through is curved

    32. Even if it never hit a star, it would still not travel in an absolutely straight line, because as Science now knows the Universe is curved and so is Space, and any ray of light going from one end of the Universe to the other curves simply because the Space it travels through is curved

    33. That would be one small ray of light here

    34. ‘That would explain the ray of light I saw

    35. ‘I feel this is the place, we shall see a ray of light as she enters

    36. finger pointed in the distance a small ray of light started to filter through the

    37. Almost instantly a ray of light curled off the sword in his hand and twisted off through the air into the temple

    38. The ray of light split into four smaller tendrils, which arced out to each surround a pillar which formed a square of space in the center of the main temple hall

    39. Don't go, he vocalized the thought with concern, only to watch it shine away as a single ray of light

    40. It may be the same something that belongs in the emptiness of the eyes of the woman I remember, that cold, diligent ray of light which longs to warm things but cannot

    41. It is too barren of reason to dispense a ray of light whatsoever

    42. Serpent, Dragon, Kundalini, Ray of Light, Rope of Angel,s Antahkarana, Bridge, linking the Spirit with the Soul, Arkan of Spirit, Sutrama, the Thread of Life, The thread of Fohat, the Thread of the Firstborn – it's all the definitions for the same Spirit, but in a particular way, considered in relation to individual elementary particle

    43. A broad ray of light fell into the garret, and showed the workman with an unfinished shoe upon his lap, pausing in his labour

    44. With ray of light, steady, ineffable, vouchsafed of Thee,

    45. Leandra withdrawn from sight, Anselmo's eyes grew blind, or at any rate found nothing to look at that gave them any pleasure, and mine were in darkness without a ray of light to direct them to anything enjoyable while Leandra was away

    46. A feeble ray of light

    47. Then a ray of light entered

    48. At the sound of the key turning in the lock, and the creaking of the hinges, Dantes, who was crouched in a corner of the dungeon, whence he could see the ray of light that came through a narrow iron grating above, raised his head

    49. "Look at this ray of light which enters by my window," said the abbe, "and then observe the lines traced on the wall

    50. In the ray of light which entered by the narrow window of his cell, he held open in his left hand, of which alone, it will be recollected, he retained the use, a sheet of paper, which, from being constantly rolled into a small compass, had the form of a cylinder, and was not easily kept open

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