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    Usa "reach an agreement" in una frase

    reach an agreement frasi di esempio

    reach an agreement

    1. The British were suffering from terrorist attacks perpetrated by extremist Jewish terror organizations, while the Haganah was trying to reach an agreement through diplomatic channels

    2. As she tried to reach an agreement about returning in the morning with cash, Herminia put an end to it by reaching into her pocket and pulling out three neatly folded one hundred-dollar bills

    3. “He can still be CEO, provided that you and I reach an agreement

    4. When the rulers of the Jews reach an agreement to destroy the Son of Man, and when they strike with one accord, you will see the multitude either flee in dismay or else stand by in silent amazement while these maddened and blinded rulers lead the teachers of the gospel truth to their death

    5. They were set free, however, within three months because of the fact that the government and the banana company could not reach an agreement as to who should feed them in jail

    6. Then, she would still need to reach an agreement with both the British and the Jordanian King, who share control of Palestine, before anything could be done

    7. Letter Form 115-3 When Both Parties Reach an Agreement to Resolve the Case

    8. A Letter to be used when both parties privately reach an agreement with each other to resolve the case

    9. meeting, tell him we were unable to reach an agreement, and that the war is still on

    10. And if your mother and I are able to reach an agreement,” John continued

    11. But, as the trade union official pointed out to them they had not endeavoured to see the situation from his point of view: he had to reach an agreement which he would feel able to recommend to his members

    12. We also could not reach an agreement with periodicals: they

    13. They are gesticulating and explaining and don't seem to be able to reach an agreement

    14. They met in a crowded deli not far from her office and over salads managed to reach an agreement

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