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    Usa "recidivism" in una frase

    recidivism frasi di esempio


    1. The only cure, considering the recidivism rate, is physical, not chemical, castration

    2. What might be the relationship and why? Could it be that the farcemocracy of Stateco, which is an elaborate security apparatus fraud, wants to keep its citizens sick and unemployable because recidivism is job security for all those associated with criminal justice and private prison's profit? Plea bargaining, mandatory minimums, and three strike laws ensure that police, lawyers, guards, and legislators have a renewable crop by institutionalizing young and old with long sentences, terrible treatment, and toxic food

    3. � The recidivism rate in the United States argues against that as a reliable premise

    4. [21] The extremely high recidivism rate in prisons in the United States would stand as a testament to punishment and fear as failed in teaching much of anything aside from more violence and resentment

    5. And for those already incarcerated with mental illnesses, states should adopt a version of the Mentally Ill Offender Community Transition Program in Washington State, a collaboration between the Department of Corrections and the Department of Mental Health that made a large impact on recidivism rates

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