Usa "reflective" in una frase
reflective frasi di esempio
1. The walls and ceiling are solid panes of reflective glass
2. “There’s one further thing,” Granny said, after a reflective pause,
3. reflective yellow firelight as he handed it to Yassap,
4. “You dragged me to the city didn’t you? But look, they have one of those reflective floors over there in the next room
6. something with a reflective surface and we'll see if she's
7. Alternatively, dreaming that you are an elephant may be reflective of your conservative views
8. Are you all right?’ But he noticed something not quite right with the man; it was clear even through the reflective surface of the bubble helmet, he was unconscious
9. ' She was reflective for a moment then gave a little laugh
10. It was reflective, genuine and only disturbed by the
11. back and reflective on that day
12. In just a few years the worst effects of global warming had been sent into a rapid reverse now that the excess CO2 had been scrubbed from the atmosphere, and reflective cloud mass artificially enhanced
13. He hated those reflective visors
14. Intuitive Facet O Reflective Facet OO Destructive Facet OO Knacks for this story: Brain
15. It is axiomatic that every individual who properly enjoys life, gives (reflective) pause to all that is meaningful and of certain value; held motionless by uncertain forms that have yet to take shape however aroused by such notions that (necessarily) compel he or she to probe deeper into their essential nature notwithstanding how they (may) oftentimes exceed the capacious limits of that individual‘s (private) understanding that nevertheless continues to intrigue inquiring minds cognizant of intuitive impressions part real / part imaginary yet real in the real sense of being One in All; (however separated) whose underlying presence, however, conveys a (higher) spiritual or moral standing…that the young, conditioned by the expectancies of youth united with the old seeking redemption for unfulfilled promises or missed opportunities; each converging toward the same starting/ending point, the one embarking on life and the other approaching its end, in some manner, however, occasioning a (new) beginning, a jubilee, an extension of life which becomes younger (while growing older), brought together, youth/age, childlike in all its manly/womanly innocence while the middle years patiently bide their appointed time
16. All the councilors sat there troubled, silent and reflective
17. They walked slowly as they spoke; she leaned against him, his arm rested lightly about her, and his toes kicking at the film of reflective water, creating sparkling showers
18. It seemed to have a certain depth, and a curious reflective quality about it
19. They were a uniform white material, almost porcelain-like and glossy with a smooth reflective quality
20. Then God intervened through Moses and took them “out of the land” toward “a land that I will show you” reflective of Abraham’s Exodus toward “parts south” from Ur and Harran
21. These range from basic instinctive and learned reactions…all the way up to self-conscious thinking and reflection…In the middle are the processes of deliberative and reflective thinking…which mediate between the conflicting goals of the top and bottom levels
22. A reflective decal on the trunk read Caution, Bruce’s
23. These chambers are lined with heat reflective ceramic bricks, specially designed to resist the high temperatures achieved during the cremation process
24. reflective extension to this
25. Inside of the double horns is a clear protective area where dozens of small, black, reflective eyes sit
26. Former Berkeley professor of linguistics John McWhorter perceives that an American society that relies on the spoken rather than the written word is a society that “marginalizes extended, reflective argument
27. Bellona’s body changes into a more reflective chrome tone
28. Towards the right is a huge lake that is completely reflective and calm
29. The lake is very reflective to the perfectly still clouds above
30. The huge orange eyes turn to them and dissolve into the reflective lake
31. ‘Does this alien appearance suit you better to look at Jaden?’ The reflective alien says in a deep male voice and then quickly continues, ‘I’m glad you like it here so far and have adjusted so well
32. He walks up to his ship on the same cloud and goes into the translucent reflective entrance
33. transform, shimmering with a reflective translucence
34. Thus, then, this sequel to Odyssey to Opportunity pays attention to perspectives of a more judicious and reflective reality
35. Gabriel resembled his mother but his personality had been more like his fathers, reflective and quiet
36. They desired that a gigantic, impenetrable reflective plate be formed over them
37. I surmise that the crater is roughly hemispherical and is composed of a material that is reflective of the power that you alone are able to use
38. The question is whether that reflective quality is purely a product of the chemical constituents of the glass, or whether it’s crystalline structure or fine scale surface texture also plays a part
39. We will ask you to take each piece, along with an unaltered piece for comparison purposes, beyond the edge of the crater and it’s reflection, and to try to ascertain any differences in their reflective qualities
40. Of course, in such an isolated location Grakonexikaldoron and Povon could not help but be aware of every unshielded thought within sixty kilometers as they observed the work on the reflective fragment
41. And Mark, your power is so prodigious that you must have a care for your nine draconian guests in the crater, as well as the potential fragility of the reflective obsidian there
42. “If in fact the unique surface texture and crystalline structure are not key to the reflective quality of the stone,” the blue draconian astronomer commented in a throbbing, somewhat sardonic growl, “then the altered piece should not only equal the reflectivity of the unaltered piece, but significantly surpass it, for not only is the sphericity of its shape now perfect, which will allow the many pieces to focus together on a single point, it’s surface texture is now perfectly smooth, which should vastly reduce scattering of the reflection
43. After a short reflective lapse in conversation, Moshe remarked
44. reflective moods, and quietly left the table to slip out the
45. Talia switched their Shields to reflective and reported that his Truthstone had cooled considerably
46. As the next attackers appeared, most were above them in every direction, and she had another inspiration, and shaped their reflective Shield into a tall and thin spike, pointed above and below
47. Of course, in such an isolated location Grakonexikaldoron and Povon could not help but be aware of every unshielded thought within a dozen leagues as they observed the work on the reflective fragment
48. The curse that went forth and destroyed the wood and stone was reflective of the killing of the first goat, and now the other goat, the woman with the ephah, is carried away into the wilderness…
49. One, that it certainly wasn’t reflective of the masses,
50. There was even an ancient ampitheater that had once housed hundreds of listeners as a philosopher poured out his reflective ideas and mental concepts to the masses