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    Usa "refuel" in una frase

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    1. driver to refuel you

    2. We will be landing shortly to refuel

    3. We fly to a certain airfield, refuel, and launch from there

    4. LP continued to drive on to Greymouth, where he would refuel for the journey over Arthur's Pass

    5. A whinchat, with his tufted crest, makes a pit stop to refuel; snaffling a mosquito who naively considered she was safe tucked in a new stem of bananas

    6. “I’m furthermore instructed that you want to refuel my planes by a lousy hydrant system

    7. Before students take a few minutes to refuel at the break, they spend some time reviewing Ford’s actual financial analysis, decision, and overall strategy

    8. put on their seatbelts and that we will be landing soon to refuel

    9. “Cam, refuel the plane

    10. stop and refuel just to be sure that we wouldn’t run out in the middle of nowhere

    11. Frank refuel it while I walked Bubba

    12. We have instructions to land in Egypt close to border with Libya, there we have some compatriots that should be able to refuel us and allow us to reach Rhodesia…that is the plan

    13. “Again my agent tells me that the Israelis have a plane waiting at a local airport to fly Beck and his team out of Argentina and into Mexico where the Mexicans have agreed to refuel them and fly into Texas

    14. Even with their frequent need to refuel and their limited range, the helicopters were devastatingly effective

    15. sleep and refuel and for you, its parents, to have time together,

    16. There was no way the bugs in the gap could refuel, and those inside the complex wouldn’t be able to transmit across the gap

    17. After a telephone conversation with Brigadier General Barnes in Brisbane, Sneed and Barnes decided to refuel the C-87s on arrival and send them with the wounded still on board directly to Brisbane for treatment

    18. Three minutes later, with her personal kit left in the care of a subaltern and with brief orders to refuel and check her P-38s at once, Ingrid jumped in Geiger’s jeep, which then rolled westward along the tree line

    19. Taking another series of pictures of the clearly sinking ships, Helen then gave on the radio the codeword for her planes to go to Guadalcanal to land at Henderson Field and refuel there

    20. Once all ordnance is expended, then our planes will come back to Henderson Field, rearm and refuel as quickly as possible and launch a second strike

    21. He apparently removed several fuses and when I stopped to refuel, he sprung the lid and hopped in behind the driver’s seat, with the tow rope

    22. Once stopped on their parking apron and their engines cut off, a small army of mechanics ran to them to inspect, rearm and refuel them

    23. “How do you propose to shift the cars? There will be no time to refuel them

    24. I want part of your heavy transport squadron to start hauling jet fuel to Taipei to build up a reserve there sufficient to refuel four combat squadrons

    25. ‘’That pirate ship’s armament was visible once at short range, thus I could not see how it could use regular spaceports to refuel and resupply

    26. In fact, a fuel truck was finishing right now to refuel it

    27. She was also bringing her full combat kit and weapons with her aboard her EC-142E for this mission: if things went well, she was fully resolved to use a captured enemy airfield in Southern France to land and refuel her command plane, thus saving precious hours and keeping her near where the action was, able to react quickly to any enemy response to the invasion

    28. Then I can refuel and drive you back to your dormitory

    29. Did they have the ability to refuel him in flight?

    30. It is a private place, an oasis, where you can just be you away from the world and refuel with new calmness and resolve to continue towards your

    31. I pulled up to the pumps to refuel

    32. I should be able to get a long way down the road before having to refuel

    33. “New York, to refuel, then fly to Kansas City

    34. refuel the Black Swan

    35. I invite you to take the time to stop and refuel with the Lord

    36. We dipped out of it once to refuel hydrogen from a gas giant before continuing

    37. It could be a backup engine that can refuel itself if the lumberjack runs out of fuel

    38. All the hunting planes refuel here, and the camp's nafta always runs out quickly

    39. refuel in the next city as we were not aloud to take-off with full fuel tanks in

    40. Given that we were often the only such tour bus on most stretches of highway, I thought that there was a good chance we might pull in to refuel and find a lynching party of hostile truckers lying in wait for him and the “horny buffalo”—gay prostitutes he had claimed were his passengers

    41. , his head thrown back, sucked air to refuel his laughter

    1. Furthermore, by splitting in two my squadron, I can alternate them over the objective, attacking with one while the other refuels and rearms, thus keeping the enemy under constant fire and also providing continuous fighter cover for our bombers

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