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    Usa "refunded" in una frase

    refunded frasi di esempio


    1. He might even get some of his passage refunded, not that he needed to, not that he had paid it

    2. their plane tickets, which couldn’t be refunded, but they had nowhere else to go once they got

    3. Corey can have his questions back joyfully refunded

    4. money will not be refunded

    5. In the worse case, if a consultant did not produce after a few weeks, he would be canned and the agency just refunded whatever billing they had received

    6. have any sales commission refunded

    7. The Muslim Arabs refunded the bloody events to the Jews

    8. If the item sells, these fees are refunded

    9. and of course refunded him the money

    10. But if you are getting more than the tax you owe, the excess would not be refunded

    11. But the remaining $1,000 would not be refunded

    12. This aspect of the new law is already in effect, and the nation's health insurance companies have already refunded over $1 billion to their customers

    13. If interest rates are low enough, and the credit of Southern Railway high enough, the issue could be refunded at the same 3% interest rate into a longer maturity

    14. The expectation in all these cases was that the bank loans would be refunded by permanent financing; but in many instances such refinancing proved impossible, and receivership resulted

    15. An improvement in conditions will, of course, permit such bank loans to be refunded, but logic requires us to recognize that the improvement is prospective whereas the bank loans themselves are very real and very menacing

    16. Although much of that money will eventually be refunded by the IRS, most shareholders are unlikely to stick around to benefit from the refunds

    17. At this point, about 85 percent of people will get their fees refunded

    18. What ends up mattering the most to what you can spend and save in your life is how much tax you have to pay rather than how much is withheld through the year or refunded in the end

    19. It is warranted to give satisfaction, or purchase money will be refunded

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