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    Usa "regardless of" in una frase

    regardless of frasi di esempio

    regardless of

    1. regardless of whether you are in the ministry or not

    2. that, Jesus loves us regardless of the mess we come to

    3. I love you, therefore you should sleep around a bit until you’re quite, quite sure whilst I get on with all this work for you, regardless of the outcome

    4. come and have fellowship with us regardless of how we

    5. regardless of what your body tells you about it

    6. Man, regardless of his learning in the knowledge from this world, cannot improve on

    7. ‘Don’t know … regardless of what Karal said, my uncle seems to have had a fair bit of dosh … I’d hate for anyone to think I’m just after his money

    8. Regardless of what it is that you choose to share via video, it is a great way to connect with your followers and show they you truly care about them

    9. Regardless of al the benefits vitamin C provides, one should note that it is important not to get stuck on just one antioxidant alone

    10. regardless of the tongue

    11. You are a sentient race with a thriving society regardless of ‘how’ you came to be

    12. someone else, regardless of whether they are

    13. It takes about three quarters of an hour to drive from Naples to Sorrento and was it an education … I daresay I shall become accustomed to driving over here but believe me it is crazy! The basic rule of the road seems to be ‘go for it’ and they obey this one regardless of commonsense, consideration for other drivers or even practicality

    14. regardless of what organ they originated from

    15. around us, regardless of the chosen building material,

    16. trapped emotions regardless of whether that person is

    17. Einstein, Dave, Einstein! Regardless of how it feels, it is still only 4 x 24 hours & will pass

    18. Regardless of whose fault it was that we disagreed, she always made a point of being the first to break the ice

    19. Tomorrow he would move on, regardless of his physical condition

    20. And our children's children shall be given the choice as well---regardless of their gender

    21. After all, families only need one copy of the newsletter regardless of how many children they have and, just by doing this, we save a considerable amount of paper

    22. Regardless of how I tried, he wouldn’t say any more

    23. is as good as closed, regardless of what de Plassan and

    24. Will let me tell you, I think a lot of them were the devil's servants and not God's servants as they were evil, rotten people regardless of whether they were black clothes with a collar and call themselves a priest or nun

    25. – regardless of the circumstances – but, in Venice, they

    26. He knew, their end was coming sooner than later, regardless of the Eater

    27. Regardless of how he left us, the Destroyer saved us from the Plague

    28. “God’s first will for your life is to love, regardless of where you are

    29. Regardless of who he was, or where he came from, there wasn't a prostitute, thief or chopa dealer in the entire city who didn't hand him a cut of their earnings -- including Alec and Nathalia

    30. concerned, you’re a good man – regardless of what you

    31. where all men met on equal footing, regardless of their

    32. formed? Regardless of which its core would be,

    33. Regardless of how bad things may have been in your past, you

    34. life, regardless of wealth

    35. She continued to give ten percent of her salary, regardless of

    36. Regardless of where

    37. regardless of the source of that prospect, you know they have an interest in

    38. Regardless of whether the man was guilty of the specific charges, it did not lessen the tragedy

    39. Regardless of what he told you in there, I believe he would and will help you out the best that he can

    40. Regardless of how the real world comes into being, the world as I experience it is my creation

    41. We do this using the tools we have, regardless of whether they are up to the task

    42. If you have not learned to be happy regardless of what you do or do not achieve, you have not yet learned to tap the Source of lasting happiness

    43. a mutual force regardless of their location in time and space

    44. He seems to be arguing for an ability to be happy that does not rely on good things happening to us, but instead on man’s innate ability to be happy regardless of the circumstances

    45. Be mindful of the fragrances or odors, regardless of how subtle, which come to you

    46. If you can learn to emotionally accept the way things are, regardless of how they are, you can allow yourself to be happy

    47. In truth, regardless of our occupations each of us plays two prime roles

    48. Reunification with others (regardless of religion, race or nationality) and also Mother Nature (i

    49. He revealed that anyone who recited it, regardless of his faith, could reap the many benefits which included raising one’s level of compassion, wisdom and longevity

    50. Ironically, it is something that all of us would have to deal with when our time comes, regardless of our apprehensions

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    Sinonimi per "regardless of"

    despite notwithstanding in spite of