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    Usa "rejuvenated" in una frase

    rejuvenated frasi di esempio


    1. He was soon rejuvenated through their company and the restorative succor passively provided by the Sierras, and her crown jewel, the great Tahoe

    2. It rejuvenated her sense of life, she loved mornings, and sunrises, they represented life in its beginning to her

    3. and rejuvenated early the next morning

    4. rejuvenated with food, rest, and encouraging words, and

    5. To see or drink from water fountain indicates that you are feeling emotionally refreshed and rejuvenated

    6. wasn't strictly necessary since the computer was already programmed to lower its now rejuvenated shield for the sixteen picoseconds required – or rather estimated – to expose Scott to the temporal eradication wave

    7. He found that doing God’s work here, in this land that he could only describe as Pagan, was a fulfilling task that rejuvenated his mind and soul

    8. Even from such a distance, she caught his reassurance and support and instantly felt rejuvenated

    9. I hopped to it, suddenly rejuvenated, and we spent an hour splashing and playing in the tub, then dried off and spent the rest of the evening in bed, watching MTV and finally

    10. The sun had swung overhead and descended towards the west when its weakened rays found Truman and Beth lying flat on their backs, side by side on the lawn, their energy spent – but their spirits rejuvenated

    11. By the time the sun rose, its light glittered over the entirety of the rejuvenated

    12. ” Nuke’s father was rejuvenated during his visit, and Marishka’s behavior showed major improvement

    13. It was vastly restored in the 17 th century and later rejuvenated from a landslide in 1966

    14. The blood her body had received would have rejuvenated enough that she could start to move

    15. I was rejuvenated and life was continuing, as it usually did, to obey my wishes

    16. organs is a good way to keep those organs, especial y the heart, rejuvenated

    17. "People in the old days were convinced that when the eagle looked at the sun his spirit was rejuvenated by the warmth and the power of the light," she said

    18. Looking into the fresh southwest wind, the rejuvenated man quickly determined that they were alone Bloodtooth and his two captives had to be south and possibly west of him as he figured to be on the west edge of the punk tree grove, most likely the northwest corner

    19. The two families took the rest of the day to enjoy the country and the farm that Patsy had rejuvenated

    20. Animal Liberation rejuvenated the animal rights movement

    21. I felt rejuvenated, but forgot to drink the contents in the

    22. With a vitality that seemed impossible at her age, Úrsula had rejuvenated the house again

    23. He sat up, expecting to feel stinging pain from his ordeal with the lycan Morg, but to his surprise he felt quite fine and rejuvenated

    24. Amaranta did not show any upset or the slightest sign of grief, and she even looked a bit rejuvenated by a duty accomplished

    25. If anything he seemed rejuvenated

    26. and it can be rejuvenated over and over again

    27. Faye had indeed been correct when she mentioned something about this being a place where her troubles disappeared and she felt rejuvenated by the atmosphere and its healing powers; those qualities had become palpable to him today during his “revelation

    28. Having shaken the stigma of the horrific events that had held many here in fear over the last week and avoided any permanent damage to its reputation, the Ocean Forest was once again the warm, inviting resort that many had come to cherish as a diamond in the rough for its soothing, relaxing abilities that rejuvenated the mind and the body

    29. you will be rejuvenated and want more

    30. all eyes shall behold a rejuvenated earth

    31. into what appears to be rejuvenated resurrected invigorated life

    32. We will be however most happy to eventually reintroduce a rejuvenated KOSTROMA on our shipping lanes

    33. His memory brought him back to earth as the images of his dog’s demise rejuvenated themselves just then

    34. platform? And become rejuvenated? All too surreal

    35. Himself a man with a keen sense of observation, something he had built during his past career as a successful prosecutor, Dewey noticed at once Ingrid’s rejuvenated face and heightened beauty, which could now rightly be qualified as ‘angelic’

    36. Even a child needs a break, this will not waste his time rather after going out and having a kind of enjoyful time, he would be able to study well with good concentration and would feel rejuvenated

    37. For example, the newly rejuvenated body of Spock had also developed a new mind

    38. But as the ogier sang, the sad brown flowers rejuvenated, filling with a rich purple

    39. Next I walked over to the simple Asian chapel, feeling strangely rejuvenated

    40. previous happy disposition was beginning to be rejuvenated

    41. Their kapu, so as to sweeten their palates and fill their bellies, fetched a couple of ganga bondaalu, and a rejuvenated Sandhya then accompanied Raja Rao to pray at the nearby darga of the legendary Vali Baba, who, it was said, walked on the rivers and wasn’t wetted by rainwater

    42. Though the anxiety he felt all through the journey for Roopa wore him out, he felt rejuvenated upon landing with the thought that he was breathing the very air scented by her breath

    43. Well, having been rejuvenated after dinner, they indulged themselves, as if there would be no sex life left after that night for them

    44. Remember: you know you are inspired when you recapture the days of your youth, lifted up, rejuvenated, revitalized, recharged spiritually and miraculously healthy

    45. Rejuvenated by this new found purpose, the creatures poured out over every inch of the surface of the planet building and cleaning spotless surfaces that looked like varnished marble, shiny glass windows and freshly bleached tile floors

    46. Being so close to the energy of the core had rejuvenated her and now she was able to fly again

    47. The desperate man accepted the money gladly: the master’s gentle words were like water to a thirsty, wilted plant and he seemed rejuvenated as he grabbed the coins and rushed away from the house

    48. That night, when the generous, impeccable master came home, he was surprised to find the newly rejuvenated mother immersed in the household chores which she had almost finished… and she was as bright as a button and full of newly found energy

    49. “Off to a rejuvenated life among the Viirin? I don’t understand how you and the others can buy into that delusion, Nyreea

    50. I love it! I am rejuvenated when I leave

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