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    Usa "religious service" in una frase

    religious service frasi di esempio

    religious service

    1. They do only their duty of keeping the religious service

    2. He felt men should always lead the religious services

    3. Lynn told me they host monthly debates here, for entertainment, and also hold religious services here once a week

    4. If you would like to attend religious services the city has many different denominations such as Catholic, Episcopalian, Baptist, Jewish, Greek Orthodox, and others

    5. Usually they left us to do everything, contenting themselves with the occasional appearance, chatting and playing bridge in the staffroom, attending the Sunday religious service with their class [while we infidels wandered down to the pub] and accepting credit for the success of their students’ efforts on parents’ visiting day

    6. They do not, unfortunately, perform a religious service involving dunking a polymer artificial domesticated fowl in water

    7. Love happens in foreign countries and in religious and educational-type settings – at university or religious services

    8. No longer can man presume to monopolize the ministry of religious service

    9. Religious services on the weekends were the only time the partners were not expected to stay together

    10. ‘Religious services were held on behalf of the Faith and secular side

    11. I left in haste and made my way past the knot gardens to the secluded area where the religious services would begin shortly

    12. Religious services were ongoing inside Reverend Kertabit's church across the street and he wished to speak with the minister when they were completed

    13. Religious services and organized institutions do not constitute a Christian Church, and these may flourish without the gift of Pentecostal fire

    14. but in Church? He was confident that he could not swallow his desire for her, even during the day's religious service

    15. religions have created absolutely new forms of religious services that

    16. on religious services at White House, 73–75, 221–25

    17. religious services at White House and, 73–74, 222–24

    18. They were thus prevented from working on Good Friday, but it is true that not more than one working man in fifty went to any religious service on that day or on any other day during the Easter festival

    19. He hounded the POWs with endless inspections, prohibited smoking, singing, and card playing, and outlawed religious services

    20. In no particular order of importance, her reasons were (1) funerals are important religious services, as the living say good-bye to the departed, who by then are already in heaven reaping rewards; (2) there is an old and unshakable tradition that proper and well-raised people pay their respects to the family; (3) country folks are usually bored and looking for something to do; (4) everyone wants a crowd at his or her funeral, so you’d better play the game while you can; (5) there is always plenty of food

    21. On the morning of Easter Monday, while the church bells were calling the inhabitants to religious services, and while every one else was about to enjoy a holiday, the unfortunate serfs started for the field to plough

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