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    Usa "replete" in una frase

    replete frasi di esempio


    1. replete with a swimming pool

    2. Perfect awareness—having passed the swell of time, I remain in history—looked at as an ass for assuming To communicate what I might—repressing some saving Grace from myself, not knowing if I deserve it—“I would Have it as it is, rather than not have it at all?”—Should A saving grace be given to thieves, tress-passers, Law-breakers—a solution is pain reduction, and life sustenance, Not pride games and social repression—the endorphins Replete of all respect find endurance through pompous Wanderings of the ego in control—the ego who would Take the blame and ends up being the only one to know Its great reward—to hide this scar, to pretend it did not 68

    3. This, combined with her wayward limbs, a bearing that was naturally off-centre and a shakiness arising from an afternoon spent making an inventory of her master's liquor cabinet, gave rise to grave doubts that the plate would ever arrive at the table replete with its original contents

    4. Replete with marble steps, gold-gilded trim, and ornate columns, the exclusive club had doubtlessly never invited an enforcer in without warrant-waving beforehand

    5. Each day should be looked upon as a final opportunity to renew one‘s life with dignity, replete with moral and spiritual purpose and meaning that present conditions may hopefully allow

    6. Early recorded history is replete with accounts of such happenings

    7. The world’s history was replete with the actions of empires, but his survey was enough for now

    8. History was also replete with examples of conquest, dislocation, even

    9. What your scarcity in my past, a river replete with grief became,

    10. would fold down into a soft doggie bed, replete with food and

    11. Each memory the mind accessed was built on fire and replete with agony

    12. The young woman approached up to the shelves replete with books piled up in a variety of forms and colors that the moisture had already begun to mutilate

    13. Upstairs you could often find a gymnasium, and at the rear, a Turkish bath replete with steam rooms, dry rooms with ‘Eastern’ style vaulted ceilings, plastic couches, massage room, cooling-off lounge and private cubicles

    14. “The Lykanthros have vanished but the Fens are yet replete with hostile anthromorphs and other creatures,” Thorgrym continued

    15. jealously was so replete, he felt helpless to deal with it

    16. The pressurized rock of this Plane is indeed replete with jewels,” offered Oxholm

    17. The air was replete with the smells of cooking food and curing leather

    18. The shelves of his office were replete with books and tomes of various shapes

    19. As such, its construct—duly shared—presented Us an inner space quite diff’rent from its outer shape, replete with one full see-through wall

    20. The ceiling was a masterpiece to put the rest of the artwork in the castle to shame: fashioned from jewels, diamonds, and bits of smooth glass was an expansive, inverted model of the open sea, replete with cruising fins and schools of fish, tropical islands and archipelagos, a tortoise with a scale forest on its back, and a replica of Coral Wing itself carved out of a sparkling prism, so faithfully rendered that Jai wondered whether there was an even tinier version of the fortress inside the first model

    21. Jarek was rapt to be in a walled garden replete with fruit trees, bushes, herb gardens, neat paths and a bountiful vegetable patch! It was the secret garden he’d dreamed of since reading Edith Nesbit stories as a child

    22. Standing on a deep blue carpet in the centre of the chamber was a heavily carved oval table, replete with candelabra, silver, crystal goblets and bowls of flowers, surrounded by thirteen padded chairs with elaborately carved backs, and two plain chairs devoid of either padding or decoration

    23. He was replete, then crossed the road

    24. This manoeuvre exposed a narrow altar jammed against the wall of the revealed alcove, replete with white cloth, two candles in cut-glass holders, and a large, shiny brass cross

    25. ” Chris sat back, replete

    26. He lives a full, representative, and replete life on Urantia

    27. Now his hobby shop is replete with power tools and his home shows

    28. Wei feeling replete and well-satisfied with his morning’s work telephoned Hu Lyang

    29. Sophodes' trilogy of plays is, in fact, replete with complex familydilemmas

    30. This is not the place for an elaborate critique of this study or the literature in this area, in general, except to note that it is replete with methodological problems and buried

    31. Pornographic publications and movies are replete with images of

    32. The book of Revelation is replete with the reality that it is God who permits satan to

    33. She however kept quiet as she followed the rest of the group in a tour of the XB-50, including a visit inside its futuristic cockpit, replete with radar screens and liquid crystal display screens

    34. It was a floating city replete with repair shops, hospitals, kitchens, laundries, arsenals of munitions, living quarters, and combat control centres

    35. Minoans constructed elaborate palaces replete with bathrooms

    36. I have held myself out as an astrologer able to give readings of astrological birth charts, yet my readings are replete with errors, as I haven"t the foggiest idea how to correctly calculate the movements of the heavenly bodies across the sky

    37. Pets could stay overnight while their families were away, or come for an afternoon of combing and grooming, replete with hair-ribbons and fingernail painting

    38. After an exquisite post-coital nap, replete with dreams of floating golden faeries and impossible C-shaped golden mountain peaks, David went to the bathroom to remove his condom

    39. Such charades are devoid of essence and proper function and are replete and concurrent with a personality cult or the adoration of the party in power

    40. Obama's early life was decidedly chaotic and replete with traumatic and mentally bruising dislocations

    41. It is considered pathological in the clinical sense only when it becomes a rigid personality structure replete with a series of primitive defence mechanisms (such as splitting, projection, projective identification, or intellectualization) – and when it leads to dysfunctions in one or more areas of the patient's life

    42. Replete, she went back to her room to plan her day

    43. Be that as it may, Chantal had just celebrated a Mass of the Resurrection, replete with “Alleluias” and white vestments

    44. Transfiguration Church was once replete with Italian Catholics and now it’s totally Chinese, except for the funerals of former members of the parish

    45. The circumstances around his death are replete with intrigue,

    46. Life is, no doubt, transient and is replete with a lot of ills

    47. Outhouses? Or the great outdoors without benefit of well-furnished terrace or balcony? Forget it! So—who could explain her decision to “go #1” outside to save water and holding tank space? Or explain her leaving a luxurious, 5-level, park-girded townhouse to her 18-year-old daughter, replete with lynx, mink, diamonds, sapphires, artwork, antiques, and even precious antiquities, to go off and live in a 9’x29’ road-abode in the middle of nowheres everywhere! Go figure

    48. the sermons were replete with threats about hellfire and everlasting damnation if you refused to

    49. formative years in a classically rugged Montana, replete with

    50. formative years in a classically rugged Montana, replete with the cowpunchers, lawmen and desperadoes who would later

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    Sinonimi per "replete"

    fill replete sate satiate instinct full abundant overflowing fraught brimming packed complete